Thanks for the feedback. I do have cardio experience (three years). Have you gone to the final interview with the janssen dm/and rd?
you indicated two people would move forward/so can i anticipate this is the showdown for the final spot?
There are two positions open in my hometown.
How soon after this interview do they let you know about the final interview?
Any feedback on interview process or comments will be helpful.
Thank You.

I have not heard anything since my interview last Thursday. I have a pharma job so not even sure I will move forward mainly because I have a car but my company is talking about more cuts so I went on the interview.

I have not heard anything since my interview last Thursday. I have a pharma job so not even sure I will move forward mainly because I have a car but my company is talking about more cuts so I went on the interview.

So with all the uncertainty in US and world financial markets, all the uncertainty in medicine, and all the uncertainty in pharma (including your current company) you would actually make a decision about your future based on whether or not you're provided a company car? Please please please be my competition in the final!

So with all the uncertainty in US and world financial markets, all the uncertainty in medicine, and all the uncertainty in pharma (including your current company) you would actually make a decision about your future based on whether or not you're provided a company car? Please please please be my competition in the final!

Dude, trust me you would have NO shot at beating me out for this job but a position with a car vs having to go out and buy a car, get insurance, pay for gas and pay for the care of a vehicle. A car is worth about 7k a year vs a mileage reimbursement with small territories, you are the idiot.

A nice rack or an oversized member always helps. Be sure to expose those assets that will get you noticed. One of my friends who has a hairy beav recently got a job with Innovex. Keep trying to expose valuable assets and you will eventually land a pizza delivery job here at Innovex.

first f2f this week with quintiles dm...hoping to make it past this process to the next and what appears to be the final stage.
Does anyone know when final decisions will be made?

The information i have is that training begins sept 19th-four weeks home study and one week centrally located (away)
55.5 cents per mile/small territories/ two year contract

base:high sixties

Was told to bring a brag book and a resme to f2f.

any ideas on what to expect during this first f2f--is it just another weeding out process

My first f2f iv was wk of July 18th with a recruiter from Quintiles not a DM. I was called a wk later stating I was one of two going to final interviews with Quintiles DM , Janssen DM and RM. Must be different process in diff areas.

A nice rack or an oversized member always helps. Be sure to expose those assets that will get you noticed. One of my friends who has a hairy beav recently got a job with Innovex. Keep trying to expose valuable assets and you will eventually land a pizza delivery job here at Innovex.

AWESOME! you switched from "wank" and "wanger" to "rack" and "beav" and you're still hilarious! You are a genius!

Can anyone provide feedback on the final interview with the janssen dm and rd?
Thank you.

I interviewed last Tues. w/ Q DM (actually they will be called Field Sales Mangers) and haven't heard back yet.. Anyone been contacted on moving on to next step? When are the iv scheduled for with Janssen Mgrs?

I interviewed last Tues. w/ Q DM (actually they will be called Field Sales Mangers) and haven't heard back yet.. Anyone been contacted on moving on to next step? When are the iv scheduled for with Janssen Mgrs?

Heard from a friend that was interviewing that the project was temporarily put on hold before any interviews with Janssen.

I also heard today for the three person interview....one hour interview with each person.
not sure if they are interviewing for two days or just getting in all done in one? does anyone know?
i was told to bring copies of brag book and resume.
My interview is next week.

good luck