Has anyone in Kentucky been contacted yet?
If you have can you tell if it's phone screen, f2f etc...
Does anyone know the recruiter for the project?
I really like the potential of this project and the position in general plus the JnJ guy is a riot too.

Only because I'm not anywhere near Kentucky...There are 2 Kentucky positions posted, apply for the one closest to where you live and make some effort to find the recruiter like we all have.

ANything going on with this contract yet? Ive been moved to second iv's. Told the iv would consist of an iv with QUintiles DM, JNJ DM and JNJ RM.

I will hear Mon. regarding invite to 2nd iv. If all the DM's/RM will be at interview, will this be the final iv? Did they say how many will make it to round 2? Good Luck.

I will hear Mon. regarding invite to 2nd iv. If all the DM's/RM will be at interview, will this be the final iv? Did they say how many will make it to round 2? Good Luck.

I know that I am one of two going to the next interviews. I found out last week that I was moving forward. Dont know when the second iv's are. I would assume sometime soon as the JOB starts mid Sept. I would also assume since there are only 2 moving forward that this is the final stage.

If you and #45 really already interviewed yet you still seem to know or understand nothing what does that mean?

I posted #45. Not sure what you are asking either??? I am curious what other ppl in other parts of the US are hearing from this. Things are quite but I guess when hiring 400 ppl things move slow.

I posted #45. Not sure what you are asking either??? I am curious what other ppl in other parts of the US are hearing from this. Things are quite but I guess when hiring 400 ppl things move slow.

I'm not asking anything, it floors me that there are those this deep in the process who say they are moving forward yet have absolutely no idea what is going on. My recruiter and FSM have been extremely clear on qualifications, timelines, pay, everything and I listened to them so I would know, do you realize how competitive these spots are and how much pressure there is to appear competent in front of the Janssen people? If you don't know, haven't asked or haven't listened to what is going on with your candidacy how do you think you're being perceived?

I'm not asking anything, it floors me that there are those this deep in the process who say they are moving forward yet have absolutely no idea what is going on. My recruiter and FSM have been extremely clear on qualifications, timelines, pay, everything and I listened to them so I would know, do you realize how competitive these spots are and how much pressure there is to appear competent in front of the Janssen people? If you don't know, haven't asked or haven't listened to what is going on with your candidacy how do you think you're being perceived?

Well get up off the floor!!! The recruiter does know when or where the 2 f2f will b (he knows they will begin the week of the 15th.
Do you actually know when and where your f2f will be?

I'm not asking anything, it floors me that there are those this deep in the process who say they are moving forward yet have absolutely no idea what is going on. My recruiter and FSM have been extremely clear on qualifications, timelines, pay, everything and I listened to them so I would know, do you realize how competitive these spots are and how much pressure there is to appear competent in front of the Janssen people? If you don't know, haven't asked or haven't listened to what is going on with your candidacy how do you think you're being perceived?

Yeah dude! GET UP OFF THE FLOOR!!!!! My recruiter has been clear on all the things you listed. I just havent heard when and where interviews are. Asking questions doesnt make you incompetent of anything. I have listened, asked and heard loud and clear. I AM ONE OF TWO IN THE FINAL STAGE OF THE INTERVIEW PROCESS!!!!! How about you???????????????????????

Well get up off the floor!!! The recruiter does know when or where the 2 f2f will b (he knows they will begin the week of the 15th.
Do you actually know when and where your f2f will be?

Yes, the recruiter knows when and where. Yes, I know when and where. No, there are those who have posted here who don't know when, where, salary, bonus, car etc. who say they are going to the final. I hope I'm interviewing against you or them.

first f2f this week with quintiles dm...hoping to make it past this process to the next and what appears to be the final stage.
Does anyone know when final decisions will be made?

The information i have is that training begins sept 19th-four weeks home study and one week centrally located (away)
55.5 cents per mile/small territories/ two year contract

base:high sixties

Was told to bring a brag book and a resme to f2f.

any ideas on what to expect during this first f2f--is it just another weeding out process

first f2f this week with quintiles dm...hoping to make it past this process to the next and what appears to be the final stage.
Does anyone know when final decisions will be made?

The information i have is that training begins sept 19th-four weeks home study and one week centrally located (away)
55.5 cents per mile/small territories/ two year contract

base:high sixties

Was told to bring a brag book and a resme to f2f.

any ideas on what to expect during this first f2f--is it just another weeding out process

Had f2f last week. Very laid back, looking for good fit, cardio background will help. Quintiles DM will be selecting 2 candidates to move foward to interview with J&J DM, then regional J&J interview. Everything you stated above is correct.

Thanks for the feedback. I do have cardio experience (three years). Have you gone to the final interview with the janssen dm/and rd?
you indicated two people would move forward/so can i anticipate this is the showdown for the final spot?
There are two positions open in my hometown.
How soon after this interview do they let you know about the final interview?
Any feedback on interview process or comments will be helpful.
Thank You.