Anyone have an interview scheduled w/q mgr. in east? I aced phone interview & have heard nothing. Not looking good for me.
Anyone have an interview scheduled w/q mgr. in east? I aced phone interview & have heard nothing. Not looking good for me.
Sorry Ace!
finished with the final process.....first person i interviewed with was very serious...went thru entire resume from the time i got out of college...also asked about my salaries at each position...
i walked out after an hour not getting the best vibe...second interview much better...very personable and laid back with some specific star quesitons. there appeared to be a list that they could choose from to ask you. that was also an hour and the third interview went well as well as far as click factor and questions i was asked.
i closed all of them for the job and the last two said that i had done a good job but would need to reconnect with quintilles for final go ahead. The first person said that they still needed to interview another few individuals after me---not a good sign----ugh.
Anyhow, overall a long process but not entirely brutal.
Everyone was there together waiting to be interviewed (first time i experienced that..interesting)
i was told there would be answers by the end of the week but was not clear on if they would contact everyone back or only the candidate that was moving ahead.
good luck!
I have never interviewed with a contract force before....did everyone get a w9 to fill out...i was not asked to leave it but it was in the packet of instructions when i was asked to move on to final?
You will get a call from the Q manager the next morning letting you know if you made it or not.
You will get a call from the Q manager the next morning letting you know if you made it or not.
I interviewed on monday but have not heard. my question is: with three different managers interviewing and asking star questions how do they come to a consensus as to who the right and final candidte will be? Is there a scoring system that is in place with star type questions?
And which manager has the most influence; would it be the manager you would work for?