60 Minutes

Oh the cup of liberal desperation runneth over.

Liberaal, shmiberal. I wish the Trumps the best of luck. The fact is - they will now be scrutinized like every other 1st family. It isn't Liberal anything - it just goes with the territory. Ivanka? Did you know her entire clothing line is manufactured in China? Any possibility the Donald is 'working a deal for her line'? Hmmmmmmmm....

He railed against lobbyists yet all his transition team are lobbyists. Like I said, I wish him well but like Libs said, he will be evaluated on his ability to deliver his promises.

Good luck Mr President.......

Liberaal, shmiberal. I wish the Trumps the best of luck. The fact is - they will now be scrutinized like every other 1st family. It isn't Liberal anything - it just goes with the territory. Ivanka? Did you know her entire clothing line is manufactured in China? Any possibility the Donald is 'working a deal for her line'? Hmmmmmmmm....

He railed against lobbyists yet all his transition team are lobbyists. Like I said, I wish him well but like Libs said, he will be evaluated on his ability to deliver his promises.

Good luck Mr President.......

I agree to some extent...just for the good of the country.
I can feel the cool fresh breeze of all those high paying jobs rushing back into the "rust belt" and the coal digging communities now.
See...voting works!!!!

There are others here besides Vag who enjoy responsible sex with others both inside and outside of marriage. There are all kinds of arrangements that offer the opportunity to responsibly enjoy a contemporary sex life without your religious restrictions.

There are no restrictions MoRon... Do what the fuck you want.
But, it's clearly defined in the bible, and you don't get to redefine it.
Now fuck off!

Transition Team auditions are open now :-(
Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens & Red Hook
Crime & Mayhem

Woman Punched Over Trump Comments at Bar Tabac, Witnesses Say

By Nikhita Venugopal | November 14, 2016 2:14pm
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A man punched a woman in the face in what witnesses said was an argument over President-elect Donald Trump at Smith Street's Bar Tabac.
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DNAinfo/Nikhita Venugopal
BOERUM HILL — A man punched a woman in the face at Smith Street's Bar Tabac on Saturday night after she voiced criticism of President-elect Donald Trump's victory, witnesses said.

The woman, in her 40s, whose identity was not immediately known, was seated with friend at the French bistro, at 128 Smith St., at about 6:30 p.m. The man and another woman were seated at a neighboring table.

A verbal dispute broke out between the two tables, and the man asked management to kick the two woman out of the restaurant, according to general manager Jonas Leon. Though he declined to eject the two women, Leon moved the male and female couple to a different table, he said.

"It was really hard because the restaurant was packed, packed, packed," he said.

However the man remained belligerent and eventually left the restaurant still complaining in a "really aggressive way," Leon said.

But two minutes later, the man rushed back into Bar Tabac, "almost running," and pushed his way to the woman whom he had been arguing with and "just punched her," Leon said.

"It was because of politics," he said. "The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure."

Boerum Hill resident Katie Nave Freeman was dining at the restaurant with a friend and their young daughters when she saw people shoving and yelling, "call 911!" In the next instant, "everyone was frozen and the woman in the back corner of the restaurant had her hands over her face," she said via email to DNAinfo.

"The woman was extremely (and understandably) shaken," Freeman said. "She grabbed me, sobbed and held the left side of her face in her hand."

Freeman spoke to the victim after the incident and learned that "the two women were discussing Trump and their disappointment in the election results and the man got angry," she said.

The man was escorted out of the restaurant and the staff alerted authorities. But when police arrived, the man had already left.

Bar Tabac posted a statement on Facebook Monday morning.

A police spokeswoman confirmed that an unknown perpetrator had punched a woman on the left side of her face at Bar Tabac on Saturday at about 6:50 p.m., but could not confirm the subject of the dispute. No arrests have been made in the case.

This is not the first incident of violence that Trump's win has sparked in the city. A 23-year-old woman shoved a 74-year-old man last week in a fight over the bitter 2016 election.

"Day after day, this will happen more and more," Leon said. "I hope not, but you know now every American is really sensitive about the subject."

Here you go Stupid Fuck.... We can go tit-for-tat all day with this subject.

Police continue to investigate after a Chicago man was viciously beaten as bystanders filmed the assault and screamed “he voted Trump,” according to local reports.

David Wilcox, 49, said a minor car accident escalated into violence on Wednesday morning, the Chicago Tribune reported.

According to Wilcox, a black sedan scraped the side of his car, so he pulled over and asked if the driver had insurance.

"I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s*** out of me," Wilcox told the Tribune.

Video of the incident shows several people gather around Wilcox and repeatedly hit and kick him, as people on the sidewalk scream “Beat his a**,” and “he voted Trump.”

Here you go Stupid Fuck.... We can go tit-for-tat all day with this subject.

Police continue to investigate after a Chicago man was viciously beaten as bystanders filmed the assault and screamed “he voted Trump,” according to local reports.

David Wilcox, 49, said a minor car accident escalated into violence on Wednesday morning, the Chicago Tribune reported.

According to Wilcox, a black sedan scraped the side of his car, so he pulled over and asked if the driver had insurance.

"I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s*** out of me," Wilcox told the Tribune.

Video of the incident shows several people gather around Wilcox and repeatedly hit and kick him, as people on the sidewalk scream “Beat his a**,” and “he voted Trump.”
The shithole that IS The Fascist Rahmmy Emmanuel. I despise that town now.


No, they simply murder by the millions,

Specifically, the Nazis and the Italian Fascists espoused "Christian values"...of course extrapolated to an ugly extreme. In fact, sad to say that the Roman Catholic church in Rome was more than cordial to them both. Of course for very pragmatic and sometimes complex reasons, although that is certainly NOT a pass for them on a horrible past. The history of the "rat line", by which many Nazis etc. were enabled (via Vatican passports and travel documents) to escape Europe and some even live out their lives in relative comfort is obscene and well documented..
Of course, as one of the site philosophers here shared earlier: "that was a long time ago...I don't give a fuck" (sic).

Specifically, the Nazis and the Italian Fascists espoused "Christian values"...of course extrapolated to an ugly extreme. In fact, sad to say that the Roman Catholic church in Rome was more than cordial to them both. Of course for very pragmatic and sometimes complex reasons, although that is certainly NOT a pass for them on a horrible past. The history of the "rat line", by which many Nazis etc. were enabled (via Vatican passports and travel documents) to escape Europe and some even live out their lives in relative comfort is obscene and well documented..
Of course, as one of the site philosophers here shared earlier: "that was a long time ago...I don't give a fuck" (sic).

Um, that post was about atheists not Christians, not a religion. So how did atheists 'murder by the millions?'

Specifically, the Nazis and the Italian Fascists espoused "Christian values"...of course extrapolated to an ugly extreme. In fact, sad to say that the Roman Catholic church in Rome was more than cordial to them both. Of course for very pragmatic and sometimes complex reasons, although that is certainly NOT a pass for them on a horrible past. The history of the "rat line", by which many Nazis etc. were enabled (via Vatican passports and travel documents) to escape Europe and some even live out their lives in relative comfort is obscene and well documented..
Of course, as one of the site philosophers here shared earlier: "that was a long time ago...I don't give a fuck" (sic).

There was nothing at all Christian about the Nazis except as a ruse early on to gain power.

Ever heard of the USSR and Red China? Atheistic regimes have murdered by the millions. Something that Christian nations don't do.

There's a difference between 'atheists' an atheist regimes'. Several on our chatboard are 'atheist, yet would never condone a regime that 'murdered millions' - in fact I guarantee you I know at least 5 RPs who are Trump supporters. They don't need your nonsense so won't be bringing it up. But on that note, do you think Trump (who knows more about the bible than anyone, eats the crackers and drinks the wine) is a true Christian? After all, he knows all about ' Two Corinthians' :)

There's a difference between 'atheists' an atheist regimes'. Several on our chatboard are 'atheist, yet would never condone a regime that 'murdered millions' - in fact I guarantee you I know at least 5 RPs who are Trump supporters. They don't need your nonsense so won't be bringing it up. But on that note, do you think Trump (who knows more about the bible than anyone, eats the crackers and drinks the wine) is a true Christian? After all, he knows all about ' Two Corinthians' :)
We need a YUGE wall to keep out those Corinthians.
They're all rapists and big fat pigs.
I know, because I use them at my Properties all over the country.
I'm going to get rid of them all, and give those jobs back to Americans...cause that's the kind of guy I am!
Make Atlantic City great again....

There's a difference between 'atheists' an atheist regimes'. Several on our chatboard are 'atheist, yet would never condone a regime that 'murdered millions' - in fact I guarantee you I know at least 5 RPs who are Trump supporters. They don't need your nonsense so won't be bringing it up. But on that note, do you think Trump (who knows more about the bible than anyone, eats the crackers and drinks the wine) is a true Christian? After all, he knows all about ' Two Corinthians' :)

Who do you think runs atheistic regimes, idiot boy? ATHEISTS!

And your little micro poll means nothing. It was your dimwitted friend who brought all this up so sorry if you two have to choke on it.

Christianity- life affirming world view
Islam - murderous world view
Atheism - murderous world view

End of story. You might as well not whine. We already know you can't deal with the truth.

There is no solid evidence that Trump is a genuine Christian. From his own mouth he said that he has never sought God's forgiveness. That is an essential to become a Christian.

Who do you think runs atheistic regimes, idiot boy? ATHEISTS!

And your little micro poll means nothing. It was your dimwitted friend who brought all this up so sorry if you two have to choke on it.

Christianity- life affirming world view
Islam - murderous world view
Atheism - murderous world view

End of story. You might as well not whine. We already know you can't deal with the truth.

There is no solid evidence that Trump is a genuine Christian. From his own mouth he said that he has never sought God's forgiveness. That is an essential to become a Christian.

Who the fuck is god to forgive? Forgive what? JFC, you're a dense person.....:cool:

Who the fuck is god to forgive? Forgive what? JFC, you're a dense person.....:cool:

No you're dense! That's why you're the idiot boy?

You're the one who posed the question of whether Trump was a Christian. The only way to do that is to refer to Christian doctrine. For you to respond with who is God to forgive is idiotic!

Congrats, you've made a fool of yourself again and just chalked up another one for Hitler.

Ever heard of the USSR and Red China? Atheistic regimes have murdered by the millions. Something that Christian nations don't do.
Yes that is true but it has less to do with religion (in this case) and more to do with ideology. If you need true believers you cannot have a religious belief standing in the way. You know , like Trump. He has no religion other than a desire to manipulate and control for profits. As long as it suits his purpose he will place Christianity above other religions. But when it is convenient or necessary for his ideology he has no problem criticizing religion. HIs people have routinely attacked the Pope. Trump is devoid of religion because it is inconsistent with his main ideology which is hate and vitriol.

No you're dense! That's why you're the idiot boy?

You're the one who posed the question of whether Trump was a Christian. The only way to do that is to refer to Christian doctrine. For you to respond with who is God to forgive is idiotic!

Congrats, you've made a fool of yourself again and just chalked up another one for Hitler.

The god you imagine is a myth, therefore has no role in deciding upon the actions of humans. The Universe is the closest thing to god you will ever find. :rolleyes: