60 Minutes

You're a whack job pal. I am on record as saying I don't give a rat's ass who does who. Personally? My preference is menage a trois. My woman is good with that too and that's all you need to know. Go check out some 'lifestyle' sites before you further embarrass yourself. There are at least a half dozen other RPs who like the same things, they just ignore you. :p

What you're on record for is homosexuality, irrationality and immorality. You can try to parse it anyway you want but that will remain the bottom line!

What you're on record for is homosexuality, irrationality and immorality. You can try to parse it anyway you want but that will remain the bottom line!

You're wound so tight you call non marital sex immoral. If that's the case everyone here is immoral because everyone here has had sex when they weren't married - except of course, perfect you. Go fly a kite. :cool:

You're wound so tight you call non marital sex immoral. If that's the case everyone here is immoral because everyone here has had sex when they weren't married - except of course, perfect you. Go fly a kite. :cool:

That's what the Bible teaches and what obviously makes the most sense.

If you're really into love and romance then the Biblical concept is very attractive. I don't expect you to get it. You're not smart enough. And I wouldn't propose to speak for everybody.

You're wound so tight you call non marital sex immoral. If that's the case everyone here is immoral because everyone here has had sex when they weren't married - except of course, perfect you. Go fly a kite. :cool:

On abortion:
Marriage Equality ‘Settled’ but Abortion Isn’t: Trump Contradicts on ‘60 Minutes’

  • In reply to Stahl’s question about whether he will follow through on his campaign promise to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling by the Court that made abortion legal — and the right to abortion care access a constitutionally protected right — on a federal level, Trump replied that his appointees would, in fact, be “pro-life” and that “if [Roe] were overturned, it would go back to the states.”

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    marriage equality.


    The Trumps, from left: Tiffany, Donald Jr., Donald, Eric, Melania, and Ivanka. (Photo: CBS via Getty Images)
    The president-elect answered, “It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done,” thus setting up an odd logical paradigm by which some things previously addressed by the Supreme Court, like abortion access, are left open to challenge while other things, like marriage equality, are defined as resolved because of a previous Supreme Court ruling.

    “Obviously, Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for over forty years,” Brigitte Amiri, a senior staff attorney in the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) Reproductive Freedom Project. “In that case, the Supreme Court declared that the right to abortion is a fundamental constitutional right. Lower courts have chipped away at this right, but the Supreme Court has upheld that abortion is a core constitutional right in other landmark cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992 and Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstadt just this past June. It’s baffling, to say the least, that there’s any distinction between those rulings that establish the constitutional right to abortion and Obergefell v. Hodges, which upholds marriage equality.”
That's what the Bible teaches and what obviously makes the most sense.

If you're really into love and romance then the Biblical concept is very attractive. I don't expect you to get it. You're not smart enough. And I wouldn't propose to speak for everybody.

That's what the Bible teaches and what obviously makes the most sense.

If you're really into love and romance then the Biblical concept is very attractive. I don't expect you to get it. You're not smart enough. And I wouldn't propose to speak for everybody.

The bible has some good stuff. This part was OK 2000 years ago. Today it is totally irrelevant and followed by very few. I agree they have the right to believe it and follow it but calling anyone who has unmarried sex immoral? That's an antiquated idea. :cool:

The bible has some good stuff. This part was OK 2000 years ago. Today it is totally irrelevant and followed by very few. I agree they have the right to believe it and follow it but calling anyone who has unmarried sex immoral? That's an antiquated idea. :cool:

Dude, shut the fuck up. The bible is the bible. The lessons are the lessons, and they are timeless.
Morality is what it is.... You don't get to redefine morality because you happen to live in 2016.

We're all sinners.... But morons like you want to make every sin not a sin, then you can tell everyone how great you are.


You're a FOOL.

On abortion:
Marriage Equality ‘Settled’ but Abortion Isn’t: Trump Contradicts on ‘60 Minutes’

  • In reply to Stahl’s question about whether he will follow through on his campaign promise to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling by the Court that made abortion legal — and the right to abortion care access a constitutionally protected right — on a federal level, Trump replied that his appointees would, in fact, be “pro-life” and that “if [Roe] were overturned, it would go back to the states.”

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    marriage equality.


    The Trumps, from left: Tiffany, Donald Jr., Donald, Eric, Melania, and Ivanka. (Photo: CBS via Getty Images)
    The president-elect answered, “It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done,” thus setting up an odd logical paradigm by which some things previously addressed by the Supreme Court, like abortion access, are left open to challenge while other things, like marriage equality, are defined as resolved because of a previous Supreme Court ruling.

    “Obviously, Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for over forty years,” Brigitte Amiri, a senior staff attorney in the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) Reproductive Freedom Project. “In that case, the Supreme Court declared that the right to abortion is a fundamental constitutional right. Lower courts have chipped away at this right, but the Supreme Court has upheld that abortion is a core constitutional right in other landmark cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992 and Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstadt just this past June. It’s baffling, to say the least, that there’s any distinction between those rulings that establish the constitutional right to abortion and Obergefell v. Hodges, which upholds marriage equality.”

You are seriously a LONELY, LOSER that CLEARLY has too much time on his hands.

I am basking in the free time I've earned fair & square - unlike you. :)

It's really confusing why you are so concerned with the immorality of pre-marital sex.
It is obvious to all that you have not, will not, and currently are not, having pre-marital sex or any other type of sex.
You are a lonely and pathetic loser.
Now beat it... Because that's the only immoral action you're gonna get.

It's really confusing why you are so concerned with the immorality of pre-marital sex.
It is obvious to all that you have not, will not, and currently are not, having pre-marital sex or any other type of sex.
You are a lonely and pathetic loser.
Now beat it... Because that's the only immoral action you're gonna get.

You're a funny guy and that (actually) was a funny post. Good luck with the bible version of reality. :rolleyes:

The bible has some good stuff. This part was OK 2000 years ago. Today it is totally irrelevant and followed by very few. I agree they have the right to believe it and follow it but calling anyone who has unmarried sex immoral? That's an antiquated idea. :cool:

No the Bible is never antiquated. It is timeless and its wisdom in sexual ethics is proven yet again by the epidemic rates of STDs we are currently seeing. See that's one of those key facts that you like to ignore but I won't allow you to. It's not my opinion that your approach to sex is problematic. It is a fact. And just because you personally don't have an STD that you're aware of does not mean much. The fact is that we have a huge health problem in this nation by people following the path that you advocate.

What's antiquated is your silly notion that the sexual revolution and its do it if it feels good ethos wasn't going to have major negative consequences. It has.

Everybody likes sex, but there are moral and responsible and life affirming ways to enjoy sex and then there is your way which pretty much is blindly following your lusts regardless of the consequences.

Dude, shut the fuck up. The bible is the bible. The lessons are the lessons, and they are timeless.
Morality is what it is.... You don't get to redefine morality because you happen to live in 2016.

We're all sinners.... But morons like you want to make every sin not a sin, then you can tell everyone how great you are.


You're a FOOL.

More candidates for the Team?? :

Official in West Virginia on leave after racist Obama post

Associated Press 1 hour 50 minutes ago

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- A local West Virginia official said she has been placed on leave after she made a racist post on Facebook about first lady Michelle Obama.

Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor made the post following Republican Donald Trump's election as president, saying: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded: "Just made my day Pam."

Taylor told WCHS-TV on Monday night that she was put on leave.

Clay's town council planned to discuss the issue at a previously scheduled meeting Tuesday evening.

The post, first reported by WSAZ-TV, has caused a backlash and prompted calls for Taylor and Mayor Whaling to be fired. The post was shared hundreds of times on social media before it was deleted. The Facebook pages of Taylor and Whaling couldn't be found Monday.

The nonprofit Clay County Development Corp. provides services to elderly and low-income residents in Clay County. It is funded through state and federal grants and local fees. It is not affiliated with the town of Clay, which is about 50 miles east of Charleston.

Owens Brown, director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's West Virginia chapter, is among those calling for the removal of both women.

"I feel so it's unfortunate that people still have these racist undertones," Brown said. "Unfortunately, this is a reality that we are dealing with in America today. There's no place for these types of attitudes in our state."

African-Americans make up about 4 percent of West Virginia's 1.8 million residents, according to the U.S. Census.

On abortion:
Marriage Equality ‘Settled’ but Abortion Isn’t: Trump Contradicts on ‘60 Minutes’

  • In reply to Stahl’s question about whether he will follow through on his campaign promise to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling by the Court that made abortion legal — and the right to abortion care access a constitutionally protected right — on a federal level, Trump replied that his appointees would, in fact, be “pro-life” and that “if [Roe] were overturned, it would go back to the states.”

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    marriage equality.


    The Trumps, from left: Tiffany, Donald Jr., Donald, Eric, Melania, and Ivanka. (Photo: CBS via Getty Images)
    The president-elect answered, “It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done,” thus setting up an odd logical paradigm by which some things previously addressed by the Supreme Court, like abortion access, are left open to challenge while other things, like marriage equality, are defined as resolved because of a previous Supreme Court ruling.

    “Obviously, Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for over forty years,” Brigitte Amiri, a senior staff attorney in the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) Reproductive Freedom Project. “In that case, the Supreme Court declared that the right to abortion is a fundamental constitutional right. Lower courts have chipped away at this right, but the Supreme Court has upheld that abortion is a core constitutional right in other landmark cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992 and Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstadt just this past June. It’s baffling, to say the least, that there’s any distinction between those rulings that establish the constitutional right to abortion and Obergefell v. Hodges, which upholds marriage equality.”

Not even enough sense to understand how to properly curate the cut/paste!

Dude, shut the fuck up. The bible is the bible. The lessons are the lessons, and they are timeless.
Morality is what it is.... You don't get to redefine morality because you happen to live in 2016.

We're all sinners.... But morons like you want to make every sin not a sin, then you can tell everyone how great you are.


You're a FOOL.

Transition Team auditions are open now :-(
Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens & Red Hook
Crime & Mayhem

Woman Punched Over Trump Comments at Bar Tabac, Witnesses Say

By Nikhita Venugopal | November 14, 2016 2:14pm
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A man punched a woman in the face in what witnesses said was an argument over President-elect Donald Trump at Smith Street's Bar Tabac.
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DNAinfo/Nikhita Venugopal
BOERUM HILL — A man punched a woman in the face at Smith Street's Bar Tabac on Saturday night after she voiced criticism of President-elect Donald Trump's victory, witnesses said.

The woman, in her 40s, whose identity was not immediately known, was seated with friend at the French bistro, at 128 Smith St., at about 6:30 p.m. The man and another woman were seated at a neighboring table.

A verbal dispute broke out between the two tables, and the man asked management to kick the two woman out of the restaurant, according to general manager Jonas Leon. Though he declined to eject the two women, Leon moved the male and female couple to a different table, he said.

"It was really hard because the restaurant was packed, packed, packed," he said.

However the man remained belligerent and eventually left the restaurant still complaining in a "really aggressive way," Leon said.

But two minutes later, the man rushed back into Bar Tabac, "almost running," and pushed his way to the woman whom he had been arguing with and "just punched her," Leon said.

"It was because of politics," he said. "The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure."

Boerum Hill resident Katie Nave Freeman was dining at the restaurant with a friend and their young daughters when she saw people shoving and yelling, "call 911!" In the next instant, "everyone was frozen and the woman in the back corner of the restaurant had her hands over her face," she said via email to DNAinfo.

"The woman was extremely (and understandably) shaken," Freeman said. "She grabbed me, sobbed and held the left side of her face in her hand."

Freeman spoke to the victim after the incident and learned that "the two women were discussing Trump and their disappointment in the election results and the man got angry," she said.

The man was escorted out of the restaurant and the staff alerted authorities. But when police arrived, the man had already left.

Bar Tabac posted a statement on Facebook Monday morning.

A police spokeswoman confirmed that an unknown perpetrator had punched a woman on the left side of her face at Bar Tabac on Saturday at about 6:50 p.m., but could not confirm the subject of the dispute. No arrests have been made in the case.

This is not the first incident of violence that Trump's win has sparked in the city. A 23-year-old woman shoved a 74-year-old man last week in a fight over the bitter 2016 election.

"Day after day, this will happen more and more," Leon said. "I hope not, but you know now every American is really sensitive about the subject."

No the Bible is never antiquated. It is timeless and its wisdom in sexual ethics is proven yet again by the epidemic rates of STDs we are currently seeing. See that's one of those key facts that you like to ignore but I won't allow you to. It's not my opinion that your approach to sex is problematic. It is a fact. And just because you personally don't have an STD that you're aware of does not mean much. The fact is that we have a huge health problem in this nation by people following the path that you advocate.

What's antiquated is your silly notion that the sexual revolution and its do it if it feels good ethos wasn't going to have major negative consequences. It has.

Everybody likes sex, but there are moral and responsible and life affirming ways to enjoy sex and then there is your way which pretty much is blindly following your lusts regardless of the consequences.

There are others here besides Vag who enjoy responsible sex with others both inside and outside of marriage. There are all kinds of arrangements that offer the opportunity to responsibly enjoy a contemporary sex life without your religious restrictions.

No the Bible is never antiquated. It is timeless and its wisdom in sexual ethics is proven yet again by the epidemic rates of STDs we are currently seeing. See that's one of those key facts that you like to ignore but I won't allow you to. It's not my opinion that your approach to sex is problematic. It is a fact. And just because you personally don't have an STD that you're aware of does not mean much. The fact is that we have a huge health problem in this nation by people following the path that you advocate.

What's antiquated is your silly notion that the sexual revolution and its do it if it feels good ethos wasn't going to have major negative consequences. It has.

Everybody likes sex, but there are moral and responsible and life affirming ways to enjoy sex and then there is your way which pretty much is blindly following your lusts regardless of the consequences.

More candidates for the Team?? :

Official in West Virginia on leave after racist Obama post

Associated Press 1 hour 50 minutes ago

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- A local West Virginia official said she has been placed on leave after she made a racist post on Facebook about first lady Michelle Obama.

Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor made the post following Republican Donald Trump's election as president, saying: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded: "Just made my day Pam."

Taylor told WCHS-TV on Monday night that she was put on leave.

Clay's town council planned to discuss the issue at a previously scheduled meeting Tuesday evening.

The post, first reported by WSAZ-TV, has caused a backlash and prompted calls for Taylor and Mayor Whaling to be fired. The post was shared hundreds of times on social media before it was deleted. The Facebook pages of Taylor and Whaling couldn't be found Monday.

The nonprofit Clay County Development Corp. provides services to elderly and low-income residents in Clay County. It is funded through state and federal grants and local fees. It is not affiliated with the town of Clay, which is about 50 miles east of Charleston.

Owens Brown, director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's West Virginia chapter, is among those calling for the removal of both women.

"I feel so it's unfortunate that people still have these racist undertones," Brown said. "Unfortunately, this is a reality that we are dealing with in America today. There's no place for these types of attitudes in our state."

African-Americans make up about 4 percent of West Virginia's 1.8 million residents, according to the U.S. Census.

Do you really want me to beat you into the dust with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton quotes that are far worse?

Shut up now while you're behind but not humiliated.

Not even enough sense to understand how to properly curate the cut/paste!

How's this work for you West Virginia?
Sell enough "clean coal" to get some of this stuff?

Ivanka Trump Wore a $10K Bracelet From Her Own Label on 60 Minutes — and Social Media Is Erupting
Hayley FitzPatrick 1 hour 41 minutes ago

Ivanka Trump wears the bracelet in the lobby of Trump Tower. (Photo: Getty Images)
Ivanka Trump recently appeared alongside her father, President-elect Donald J. Trump, and surrounding family members in their first postelection interview, in New York City. The 35-year-old businesswoman wore a nude short-sleeved dress and opted for gold accessories, including a $10,800, 18K yellow gold diamond bangle from her eponymous jewelry line.

Soon after the interview it was revealed that one of the fashion maven’s employees sent an email to journalists offering style details on the expensive bangle.


Photo: Twitter
Seeing as Trump’s eldest daughter is heavily scrutinized by the press and media alike, for the conflict of interest that lies in promoting her own business at high profile political appearances, it didn’t take long for social media users to take issue with Ivanka hawking her own expensive bangle on the segment. Many users felt that Ivanka was using this important interview as a marketing opportunity.