60 Minutes

Face it... NOBODY is dumber Barrack Hussein Obama, with the exception of maybe the ENTIRE Democrat power structure. You are out of touch wannabe socialists, and America has had enough.
Your life is SAD and when all those Unconstitutional Executive Orders go Bye-Bye... you will be much sadder.
The FREEBIES are going away, and so should you... LOSER.

Sieg Heil

Trump is a dumb reality show caricature who looks like a mannequin selling car insurance.
Now we'll see how he fares in real issues that he can't escape from with bluster and lying.
Let's just hope he doesn't do too much lasting damage to the social fabric of this country.
He's an anomaly that will surely disappoint the poor dolts who voted for him..much out of confusion, anger, and desperation.
They are not deplorable...they are sad, and about to get sadder.
Enjoy the parade.

Oh I will enjoy the parade and watching libtards like yourself wet your panties and wring your little hands.

Trump is a dumb reality show caricature who looks like a mannequin selling car insurance.
Now we'll see how he fares in real issues that he can't escape from with bluster and lying.
Let's just hope he doesn't do too much lasting damage to the social fabric of this country.
He's an anomaly that will surely disappoint the poor dolts who voted for him..much out of confusion, anger, and desperation.
They are not deplorable...they are sad, and about to get sadder.
Enjoy the parade.
That is PRESIDENT ELECT TRUMP to you r*****.

Face it... NOBODY is dumber Barrack Hussein Obama, with the exception of maybe the ENTIRE Democrat power structure. You are out of touch wannabe socialists, and America has had enough.
Your life is SAD and when all those Unconstitutional Executive Orders go Bye-Bye... you will be much sadder.
The FREEBIES are going away, and so should you... LOSER.
Sieg Heil !

It was 90 years ago. Who gives a fuck?

True Libs and so was the Democrat anonopussy keeps saying started the KKK only that was 150 years ago. Some cite 1865 as its start, others say it was 1867. Historians generally agree it was founded by a handful of Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn. as a social fraternity and it quickly changed into a violent group that terrorized newly empowered black and white Republicans in the South. It was 150 years ago, I agree, who gives a fuck?

Sad that so many AHoles and knuckle-draggers have come out of the wood work.
Let's see how they feel when the "free enterprise" system gets them by the throat!

Spoken like a true Marxist Pig.... Behind every argument against FREE ENTERPRISE, is an argument against FREEDOM ITSELF.

Thanks for exposing yourself, Knuckle-Dragger.

True Libs and so was the Democrat anonopussy keeps saying started the KKK only that was 150 years ago. Some cite 1865 as its start, others say it was 1867. Historians generally agree it was founded by a handful of Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn. as a social fraternity and it quickly changed into a violent group that terrorized newly empowered black and white Republicans in the South. It was 150 years ago, I agree, who gives a fuck?
Totally agree. The Republican Party, was born in 1846 in Jackson, Michigan, and Anti-Slavery was their key plank. What they once were and now are, would not be recognizable to those people, but the Republicans have a much richer history, of following the Constitution.
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Totally agree. The Republican Party, was born in 1846 in Jackson, Michigan, and Anti-Slavery was their key plank. What they once were and now are, would not be recognizable to those people, but the Republicans have a much richer history, of following the Constitution.

As AP hides in the tall grass.....:cool:

That's your department, I like girl on girl just like Melania does. Does your research if you need photographic proof. :p:p:p

That's not the way it works. You're on record as loving homosexual activity and I'm sure your buddy, Back Door Barney will be thrilled to know that you're ready to party with him!

You make this so incredibly easy!

That's not the way it works. You're on record as loving homosexual activity and I'm sure your buddy, Back Door Barney will be thrilled to know that you're ready to party with him!

You make this so incredibly easy!

You're a whack job pal. I am on record as saying I don't give a rat's ass who does who. Personally? My preference is menage a trois. My woman is good with that too and that's all you need to know. Go check out some 'lifestyle' sites before you further embarrass yourself. There are at least a half dozen other RPs who like the same things, they just ignore you. :p