60 Minutes

Actually, Faux pundit Bill O'Oily said the same thing to him. He has thin skin. The idea his hand is on the nuclear code is scarier than shit.

So O'Reily is the measure of all things? LOL!

Pay attention, idiot boy! I never said Trump didn't have thin skin. I said Obama was even more thin skinned!

I don't fear Trump with the nuclear codes nearly as much as I would fear the loss of my constitutional rights under Hillary.

I'm good with it. Now go wet your panties.

So O'Reily is the measure of all things? LOL!

Pay attention, idiot boy! I never said Trump didn't have thin skin. I said Obama was even more thin skinned!

I don't fear Trump with the nuclear codes nearly as much as I would fear the loss of my constitutional rights under Hillary.

I'm good with it. Now go wet your panties.

It's going toe a mighty interesting Cabinet group for the next 4 years.

You know what's scarier than shit? Our current, pussy President, who gave nukes to IRAN.

Everybody 'should have' nukes according to Donald. Pakistan already has them. Iran can buy nukes if they want to. If they use them it's suicide - doubt it'll happen schoolboy.

Everybody 'should have' nukes according to Donald. Pakistan already has them. Iran can buy nukes if they want to. If they use them it's suicide - doubt it'll happen schoolboy.

See, this is where you MORONS are incorrect again. Trump talked about are ALLIES having nukes, so they can begin to defend themselves.


Are you fucking libtards informed at all?!?

Squeal like a piggy boy! Trump whined that the election was rigged all the way. Isn't it interesting that the 'rigged system' awarded the presidency to the candidate who got the least votes and cried all the way about the Electoral College. What a whiny little bitch.

Squeal like a piggy boy! Trump whined that the election was rigged all the way. Isn't it interesting that the 'rigged system' awarded the presidency to the candidate who got the least votes and cried all the way about the Electoral College. What a whiny little bitch.

Yes, Obama is. Meanwhile, unlike you, Trump is a real man.

Yes, Obama is. Meanwhile, unlike you, Trump is a real man.
Trump is a dumb reality show caricature who looks like a mannequin selling car insurance.
Now we'll see how he fares in real issues that he can't escape from with bluster and lying.
Let's just hope he doesn't do too much lasting damage to the social fabric of this country.
He's an anomaly that will surely disappoint the poor dolts who voted for him..much out of confusion, anger, and desperation.
They are not deplorable...they are sad, and about to get sadder.
Enjoy the parade.

Trump is a dumb reality show caricature who looks like a mannequin selling car insurance.
Now we'll see how he fares in real issues that he can't escape from with bluster and lying.
Let's just hope he doesn't do too much lasting damage to the social fabric of this country.
He's an anomaly that will surely disappoint the poor dolts who voted for him..much out of confusion, anger, and desperation.
They are not deplorable...they are sad, and about to get sadder.
Enjoy the parade.

Face it... NOBODY is dumber Barrack Hussein Obama, with the exception of maybe the ENTIRE Democrat power structure. You are out of touch wannabe socialists, and America has had enough.
Your life is SAD and when all those Unconstitutional Executive Orders go Bye-Bye... you will be much sadder.
The FREEBIES are going away, and so should you... LOSER.