60 Minutes

Go drink your artisan beer and wax your ironically tragic, or should I say tragically ironic mustache.
The adults are back in power and we have a HUGE MESS TO CLEAN UP.
We have left the libtard children unattended for far too long.

Just wait till his ignorance and dangerous bravado percolates up during a crisis.
Can't be long now...unfortunately.
Tick tock

Just wait till his ignorance and dangerous bravado percolates up during a crisis.
Can't be long now...unfortunately.
Tick tock

We've had 8 years of ignorance and cowardice and Obama leading with his behind. If we can survive that we can survive a little Trump Bravado.

You know if you idiots didn't cry wolf all the time and wet your panties constantly, you might have some credibility. First Reagsn was going to destroy everything, then W.

Run along now and wet yourself and leave the rest of us to helping save the nation.