I just read the entire lawsuit and in my opinion it seems quite weak. A rep offered the mid 60s for a few years experience in 09 sounds pretty accurate to me. Funny how they listed salaries for a few of the people, but not others? My guess is that they made more and would dilute their attempt at swaying the opinion. I saw a complaint about not being able to switch territories becuause they filled it with an outside hire. That makes perfect business sense to me. Why take a rep who has already shown success in a territory and put them in a new territory to start over? That makes two territories with new people in them instead of the one? Sorry if that's not the best situation for the current employee but they've already proven they can work that territory and this was during a pretty serious economic time when success for company survival was to have all territories running at top speed.
I do find the maternity leave issue odd. However, if YOU read the lawsuit, you would see that they did not "mysteriously owe" the company money. They were in fact OVERpaid while on leave. It was money they should have never received in the first place. Curious that they were so clearly aware to know when they were being UNDERpaid, but oblivious to being OVERpaid? Don't you get a paystub every two weeks? Don't you receive paperwork when you go on leave?
Aside from a couple of dumb comments from some DMs and RDs, some of which weren't even heard by the people in the lawsuit and only informed after the fact second hand, I just don't see a smoking gun here. Sorry. maybe it wil end up like the AZsettlement where a bunch of reps got about $1,500 each. I don't knowif that would be worth it to me to attach my name to a suit that essentially will ban me from ever getting hired by another pharma.
But this is all just my opinion.