$100 million class action suit

Review your copy of the Release...there could be a grace period where you can change your mind. Of course you won't receive any severance or extended benefits if you do.

I agree with an earlier post, and it was also mentioned in the lawsuit, senior sales management is all men and has been so for many, many years...that's tough to defend in this day and age.

"The Complaint alleges that Daiichi Sankyo pays female sales employees less than male employees for doing the same work; promotes or advances female sales employees at a slower rate than male sales employees; treats pregnant employees and working mothers of young children adversely compared to non-pregnant employees, male employees, or non-caregivers; and subjects women to other discriminatory terms and conditions of employment."

I know for a fact I was hired at a much lower salary and had twice the experience of some in my training class. Dig into your pockets, DSI. I'm coming after my share of the pie.

Hey Bucket Head, In this era of the "accountability" banner you have been waving around DSI these days, let me ask you a question. Who is responsible for this mess you have perpetuated under your (lack of) leadership? Put your golf clubs down, you cheater, put the good of the company ahead of your own selfishness & ego for once, and look in the mirror (if you have one big enough to fit your mug)...You dumb-ass good old boys and the irresponsible power you have wielded at our once great company is all coming crashing down on you. Your gross neglect to address diversity in Sales Leadership is blatantly obvious as you continued to take care of your own legacy network in your boys club through another company layoff this past week. I am confident the hot line at this law firm is ringing off the hook with an endless line of past & present DSI female litigants who have been subject to your systematic quest to completely rule this company by surrounding yourself with your fellow members of the "He-Man Women Haters Club"....Pile on Ladies!!! & Johnny G, Why don't you finally follow through with your "Words Into Action" campaign and hold someone "accountable" for this self inflicted and deserved debacle DSI is now & frankly, always has been subject to...

I wouldn't say that discrimination is towards women. I would say that discrimination is more towards family people, reps that have kids, and managers that understand that they won't get the same sacrifice of work hours from people that have to take care of children in the evening as they will from wraps that are fresh out of college and will do extra work. Just my opinion.

I wouldn't say that discrimination is towards women. I would say that discrimination is more towards family people, reps that have kids, and managers that understand that they won't get the same sacrifice of work hours from people that have to take care of children in the evening as they will from wraps that are fresh out of college and will do extra work. Just my opinion.

Thank you for your tremendous insight! Most intelligent post I have read in years...Geez?

One of the most outspoken critics of the discriminatory and unprofessional treatment of women in both the field and the home office by the "Boys Club" here at DSI, Linda Harrell, was an undeserved casualty of the home office layoffs this week. You may know Linda from her leadership roles in the Health Care Business Woman's Association & our own DSI Women's Forum. She had a breadth of industry experience & business savvy that was, quite frankly, much more extensive than any of the members of our male-dominated Executive Committee. I know first-hand, that these guys often found her intimidating and threatening to their comfortable empires with her challenging inquiries regarding the business and why there were so few women in attendance at leadership meetings. This is yet another glaring example of a woman with a strong personality and enough guts to speak up to the injustices and antiquated primary care approach to the business here at DSI who was silenced this week. I am sure she is placing a timely call into the Law Firm of Sanford-Heisler as I post this reply. Great timing Greggy B & Johnny G!

She was not the only female let go that didn't deserve to be. When you have males in the decision maker spots making the decisions they will do what they can to protect their pals.

"The Complaint alleges that Daiichi Sankyo pays female sales employees less than male employees for doing the same work; promotes or advances female sales employees at a slower rate than male sales employees; treats pregnant employees and working mothers of young children adversely compared to non-pregnant employees, male employees, or non-caregivers; and subjects women to other discriminatory terms and conditions of employment."

I know for a fact I was hired at a much lower salary and had twice the experience of some in my training class. Dig into your pockets, DSI. I'm coming after my share of the pie.

This is the same cookie cutter type of complaint that d-bag lawyers and angry women file against every company in America. No big deal.

Thanks Linda, that was a truly awesome post. How could DSI ever "sever ties" with such a valued employee and great communicator? Must be a conspiracy, or maybe it's your negative and disruptive behavior? Karma, best of luck playing the "female card" in your next job.

I am sure we can all list males that should be gone because they are guilty of the same stuff. ER South

Yes we can and I know that several of DMs (Senior Managers) and RDs have been added to the list with documented information. Please come forward if you have any information regarding this complaint. I have been with the company 8 years and am glad to see that something is being done about this. Thanks to the six brave women that have not just thought of themselves but have set the pavement for the future female employees!

I was displaced and signed a Release. Shucks! I will have to check with a Lawyer and see if I can contribute to this lawsuit even if I am not eligible for any payment.

I would call the lawfirm handling the case in San Fransisco. They will be able to tell you. I am sure they would like as many to come forward as possible. Who knows.....this may override a signature.