
youre a real mother f**ker to think youre above it all. I am sure when your kids get shafted you tell them the same thing - stfu and take it or leave. your small brain cannot understand spreading honesty and sounding the alarm on this shithole names galderma. what a fucking vomit pad this place is. stinks to holy hell. Yes I will definitely leave as soon as I am able to make a move on Galdermas dime since they are the ones that got me to move based on their lies in the first place. Hope bad things come to people here.
Public schooler

Designating Tuesdays “Hamburger Tuesdays” in recognition of cowardly lead from behind bullshit leaders everywhere. Especially the ones who don’t do shit and love to eat hamburgers.

Tuesdays are now officially Hamburger Tuesdays!! Take a moment to not think or do shit.

Designating Tuesdays “Hamburger Tuesdays” in recognition of cowardly lead from behind bullshit leaders everywhere. Especially the ones who don’t do shit and love to eat hamburgers.

Tuesdays are now officially Hamburger Tuesdays!! Take a moment to not think or do shit.
Dedicate it to Christina Myers - useless b**ch

Who the f**k is this jao dude and what the f**k is up with his face? Seriously, that’s why you are leading the team… “in the words of the most amazing leader I have ever met, Galderma has bright future”…went with him in the field and he is this grimy fella, clearly already starting eating ass, and thinking that the one liner is a statement from a deep statement from pope? Him and his team don’t do shiet. What is this team anyway?

Who the f**k is this jao dude and what the f**k is up with his face? Seriously, that’s why you are leading the team… “in the words of the most amazing leader I have ever met, Galderma has bright future”…went with him in the field and he is this grimy fella, clearly already starting eating ass, and thinking that the one liner is a statement from a deep statement from pope? Him and his team don’t do shiet. What is this team anyway?
Spoke to him once as part of his onboarding. He is an asshole. You can see he is playing some agenda. Won’t be volunteering to help him out. And yes, not sure what’s up with his face

As the holidays begin, this is a good time to pause and reflect on our work this year. We must ask ourselves how many insecure, desperate, neurotic women did we push farther into debt this year so that they could look more plastic and unnatural. How many credit cards did we help max out. How many marriages destroyed from secret compulsive injections to meet neurosis needs. Anyone have good accurate stats.