
You must be a weak, home office employee. Sales works every holiday, weekends, whatever it takes. We have to offset the lack of support from colleagues like you. How many times have you used the word bandwidth this week?
Not a home office person! It’s part of the package offered when you join. If I’m told the company give you off between Christmas and new years then we should be off. We shouldn’t be told, well if you want to work you can. Uhm no! How many times have you bitched your number are down because of home office people. You probably call yourself a rockstar as well. #loser.

hello, I am looking for someone to help me understand why I have to talk to so many reps from Galderma. Can you please send one point of contact for all businesses. I am in San Francisco.

there is no doubt in my mind that this asshole will divide businesses and sell. He told a lie to the market about Integrated Derm Strat, jacked the valuation, now will sell based on that valuation and then some and fire most. hope this qualifies for telling lies to jack up the price and deceiving the public

Hey panzi guy in plaid pants from San Francisco. Mind your own business. If we wanted a customer opinion, we’d ask for it. Buzz off. We hire hotties and send em out to flirt with docs and that’s home this sales game works.

there is no doubt in my mind that this asshole will divide businesses and sell. He told a lie to the market about Integrated Derm Strat, jacked the valuation, now will sell based on that valuation and then some and fire most. hope this qualifies for telling lies to jack up the price and deceiving the public
This. 100%.

there is no doubt in my mind that this asshole will divide businesses and sell. He told a lie to the market about Integrated Derm Strat, jacked the valuation, now will sell based on that valuation and then some and fire most. hope this qualifies for telling lies to jack up the price and deceiving the public
It’s my take too on what is going to happen. With the AD indication for Nemo our Rx business has become more attractive and it will be easier to sell the business in 3 pieces.

And thanks for posting a smart comment.

fuck this place. just got told that whatver we have worked on for the past 8 months doesnt mean shit. All ebcause the leadership team lacks foresite to actually see where the market is going and how we wants to own our balls and do whats good for business. We are always fearmongering and oh shit we gotta make EQT happy. WTF kinda job is this. Fuck this plac.e . (Leaving all the typos in so some genius at my present employer can comment about correcting it.. thats our caliber. fucking sucks)

fuck this place. just got told that whatver we have worked on for the past 8 months doesnt mean shit. All ebcause the leadership team lacks foresite to actually see where the market is going and how we wants to own our balls and do whats good for business. We are always fearmongering and oh shit we gotta make EQT happy. WTF kinda job is this. Fuck this plac.e . (Leaving all the typos in so some genius at my present employer can comment about correcting it.. thats our caliber. fucking sucks)
Whatever you do, it’s never good enough. It’s only about generating more cash for shareholders /EQT/Flemming. Leave!