Zoll Lifecor

One bad apple trying to spoil a bunch. Not buying into it!
It's a salesmanship product that is a rewarding experience!!

Sounds like management is finding it hard to fill the once again open territories that are called "expansion". It''s quite easy to see that it's not a bad apple writing on this board, as there are a lot of people sharing their experience. Do you really think that you can have the amount of tremendous turnover that exists and it's because it's a "salesman's product" and ALL the people have left can't sell???? Keep believing that!

And that my friends is one example of why everyone leaves!

One bad apple trying to spoil a bunch. Not buying into it!
It's a salesmanship product that is a rewarding experience!!

First of all, welcome aboard! With a statement like this you are obviously brand new. Just wait, you'll see the HUGE mistake you made!

Secondly, you are the stupidest person in the world!!! YOU are the bad apple trying to fool people into coming to this shithole!

"Salesmanship"...hahahaha. If you mean like a snakel oil salesman, then I agree!

Rewarding experience...WTF?!?! What kind of reward can one derive from screwing senior citizens out of thousands of dollars a month for a device that is utilized ~1.3% of the time???

Sounds like management is finding it hard to fill the once again open territories that are called "expansion". It''s quite easy to see that it's not a bad apple writing on this board, as there are a lot of people sharing their experience. Do you really think that you can have the amount of tremendous turnover that exists and it's because it's a "salesman's product" and ALL the people have left can't sell???? Keep believing that!

And that my friends is one example of why everyone leaves!

Asshole engineers with no sole "run" this company (into the ground). They hate people and do not value them whatsoever!

Cafepharma is a bitch board, but it is extremely rare to find a company board with ONLY negative information which is ALL the same!

I have been here 6 months way too long. Outside of a few other good people I have met, nothing else I can see is redeemable about this toxic environment. Every company I have come from had resources that you either were required to learn, or could tap into for personal or team development. This place has nothing and I mean nothing. Nothing that you can say made you better at your job. Nothing to develop your skills,capabilities, people/project management skills. NOTHING.

Marshal Linder is a failure as a CEO. Jamie Prince is unpolished and maybe a regional leader at best. Jason is laughable as a marketer. What I see is this is their swan song and they will hold on to it until the dear end. Shame they hold themselves back by fear and lack of vision. I guess that is what you get when you have a lack of integrity.

I have been here 6 months way too long. Outside of a few other good people I have met, nothing else I can see is redeemable about this toxic environment. Every company I have come from had resources that you either were required to learn, or could tap into for personal or team development. This place has nothing and I mean nothing. Nothing that you can say made you better at your job. Nothing to develop your skills,capabilities, people/project management skills. NOTHING.

Marshal Linder is a failure as a CEO. Jamie Prince is unpolished and maybe a regional leader at best. Jason is laughable as a marketer. What I see is this is their swan song and they will hold on to it until the dear end. Shame they hold themselves back by fear and lack of vision. I guess that is what you get when you have a lack of integrity.

The rationale behind not being required to learn any resources is that there are none...ZERO, ZILCH, ZIP, NADA! Well, I guess one can learn studies that do not in any way pertain to LifeVest and then try to play connect the dots with their physicians!?!?

The people at the top here do not seek out ZOLL, they end up here because they are so shitty they cannot go elsewhere! Unfortunately, even IF (and that's a BIG if) the leadership here was innovative and had vision they still couldn't overcome the fact that there is little need for a WCD!

I have been here 6 months way too long. Outside of a few other good people I have met, nothing else I can see is redeemable about this toxic environment. Every company I have come from had resources that you either were required to learn, or could tap into for personal or team development. This place has nothing and I mean nothing. Nothing that you can say made you better at your job. Nothing to develop your skills,capabilities, people/project management skills. NOTHING.

Marshal Linder is a failure as a CEO. Jamie Prince is unpolished and maybe a regional leader at best. Jason is laughable as a marketer. What I see is this is their swan song and they will hold on to it until the dear end. Shame they hold themselves back by fear and lack of vision. I guess that is what you get when you have a lack of integrity.

There are not any resources to help you just like there is NO DATA to support the use of this product!

I have been here 6 months way too long. Outside of a few other good people I have met, nothing else I can see is redeemable about this toxic environment. Every company I have come from had resources that you either were required to learn, or could tap into for personal or team development. This place has nothing and I mean nothing. Nothing that you can say made you better at your job. Nothing to develop your skills,capabilities, people/project management skills. NOTHING.

Marshal Linder is a failure as a CEO. Jamie Prince is unpolished and maybe a regional leader at best. Jason is laughable as a marketer. What I see is this is their swan song and they will hold on to it until the dear end. Shame they hold themselves back by fear and lack of vision. I guess that is what you get when you have a lack of integrity.

You can't polish a turd!

so we have 43 current open TM positions, roughly 18 on 30-day PIP and a bunch (?) resigning. Organization still at a 25-30% in the field/quarter!! I should look into recruiting for this company talk about an annuity!! McDonalds has a lower turn rate.

Why would anyone work here? Seriously, why did you take the job? Was it due to necessity of a paycheck or because you wanted to work here? Thank you for your reply.

Being 100% honest, this board (ZOLL specific) did not exist when I joined ~16 months ago. I called 2 TM's, which ironically and sadly for me, were 2 of the handful that have been here for 5+ years. They told me how "great" ZOLL was (f**king liars). I talked to one EP I knew, whom I have since discovered is not respected by his peers, and he said the LV is a good device and I should take the position (f**king liar).

so we have 43 current open TM positions, roughly 18 on 30-day PIP and a bunch (?) resigning. Organization still at a 25-30% in the field/quarter!! I should look into recruiting for this company talk about an annuity!! McDonalds has a lower turn rate.

I know ZOLL LifeVest is a piece of shit company, but SERIOUSLY what kind of company has 15%+ vacancies??? UNHEARD OF!

so we have 43 current open TM positions, roughly 18 on 30-day PIP and a bunch (?) resigning. Organization still at a 25-30% in the field/quarter!! I should look into recruiting for this company talk about an annuity!! McDonalds has a lower turn rate.

The only ones making money are the recruiters. They get a fee for placing you at LV, a fee to place you in your next job less than a year later when you figure out Zoll lied to you and another fews to replace you at Zoll. Recruiters should all be millionaires by now!

Recruiter just contacted me about TM position. made it sound so good it is worth looking into.
Going to ask good questions during interview and make an educated decision not based on the idiots on here. Wish me luck, and hopefully we will be working together in the future. Thanks.

Recruiter just contacted me about TM position. made it sound so good it is worth looking into.
Going to ask good questions during interview and make an educated decision not based on the idiots on here. Wish me luck, and hopefully we will be working together in the future. Thanks.

It sounds like you would be perfect! Every single rep that has been here and left or is now on a PIP had a recruiter that made the roll sounds good and a manager and director that lied their a** off and they came on board. If you're going to make an educated decision please read and take in all of the comments left from every other rep that came on board and believed all the lies. You'll fit right in and will realize in about 9-12 months that you're only making your 75K salary despite all your hard work and then be on a PIP in abut 14 months and be looking for a job.

Recruiter just contacted me about TM position. made it sound so good it is worth looking into.
Going to ask good questions during interview and make an educated decision not based on the idiots on here. Wish me luck, and hopefully we will be working together in the future. Thanks.

It sounds like you would be perfect! Every single rep that has been here and left or is now on a PIP had a recruiter that made the role sounds good and a manager and director that lied their a** off and they came on board. If you're going to make an educated decision please read and take in all of the comments left from every other rep that came on board and believed all the lies. You'll fit right in and will realize in about 9-12 months that you're only making your 75K salary despite all your hard work and then be on a PIP in abut 14 months and be looking for a job.

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