Zoll Lifecor

This is why you should stay here! And when your fired take a look at applied medical or KCI. AS A MANAGER these are the only companies outside of pharm that you are qualified for. In most cases here and I'm sure your one, management has no cardiac experience. And for you pharm managers no selling Lipitor and norvasc doesn't equate to cardiac experience. So ask yourself what value do you bring to your team? If your team consists of pharm reps like yourself than you can all stumble around and pretend your saving lives and bringing value. If your a manager who has a team of med device reps who are experienced you bring no value. It's not your fault your superiors have put you in a losing scenario. Your team will always know more than you so continue managing your strengths- administrative duties. You are not qualified to talk about concentric selling with Drs because outside of an opening question you do not understand what the Dr is saying. You cannot read documents therefore many of you have no idea if a patient is qualified for a vest or not. You do not know where patients originate in the sales process again not your fault because your superiors are pushing this product into the cardiology office. Ask your self this question where am I better able to find patients. Office? hospital? Other? You have nomidea. You listen to corporate who is chasing the flavor of the month "heart failure patients" because somebody in corporate read an article in field and stream stating there are x number of diagnosed heart failure patients each year. So ask your self when a patient is diagnosed with heart failure in a cardiology office after an echo. What is the next step? Lifevest? If you don't know the answer than you do not know where to find patients and you are not qualified to be a manager. Add in the fact that you do not get copies of CCR reports so you have no idea how the company is managing your sales reps patients. That's right if you haven't figured it out yet customer service has been removed from your control. And I forgot to mention that your inventory is also out of your hands. One half of the critical makeup of your sales reps success customer service has been delegated to a costco worker who doesn't care if your patient raps the vest around his dog when he goes to bed. And in fact most of you managers could care less about these issues because you don't see the CCR reports. Mention this fact to a manager and he gives you a look like a patient that has a 15 second pause in his EKG. He then ignores your cries for help because tech support has destroyed your relationship with your customer and tells you to bring on new patients because he doesn't know how to interpret a report that states your largest customer Dr X hasn't written a vest in over a year. Even though you sat in a lunch with dr x and your boss watched the dr say to his nurse put mr jones on a Lifevest. The NP signed the MO right in front of you but the report your tool of a manager is interpreting doesn't have Dr x actually putting his name on a mo so he is not a supporter! Does this sound like you Mr pharm manager??? Yeah your right I can see why you like saving life's and making money! You probably are reading your paycheck like the reports you are interpreting!

Aside from the spelling and grammatical errors, this is 100% accurate! Add this to the ever increasing, 100% true information on this website...

I really hope you are not in the cardiology field working with doctors or patients. To assume that a VT would break at 150 bpm is a ludicrous assumption. The parameters for shocking are programmable. These vests are not just placed on anyone. You obviously have surface knowledge. Enough to be a danger to a patient.

If I were a patient, and I was told that I was a high risk for a sudden cardiac arrest based on my ejection fraction and the fact that 90 days of medication/treatment has to elapse before insurance will pay for an implantable defibrillator, what would I do? I have a job, a family, a life to get back to. I would want some security that if I have a deadly arrhythmia, suddenly, (hence the term sudden cardiac arrest, in case you didn't put two and two together, you seem a little slow) that something could be done, or attempted. if it were 60% or 1% chance of saving my life. Your % is wrong by the way, but I feel as if I am educating you enough, I have a job to do. Save lives. (No, I do not work for this company)

I recommend that you pick up a book.

Funny I worked in a CCU for 7 years. Witnessed VT break many, many times. Also one more piece of info that may not be in the book your referring to, didn't notice many patients lose conscienceless at a rate of 150. I have though seen my share of shock saves at 150 as they are referred to by ZOLL- even though patient is conscience and rhythm broke before V-fib. Poster please tell me about the algorithm used to determ when device will committ to a shock. The sales force has been told it's on a need to know basis and we don't need to know. So if your book has the answer please explain so I can educate myself and be less dangerous. And if you had any clue about the ZOLL organization you would retract your comical comment that the vest isn't just put on anyone. How many patients have a MI and have a decompinsated EF upon arrival to the Hospital only to have a stent or cardiac surgery performed. The ZOLL rep is called in because the cath upon admittance reads below 35. Patient remains in Hospial for week and is discharged. Echo performed before discharge shows reperfusion and EF greater than 35 but the sales rep chooses to ignore the echo and use the cath report. Add your just as ludicrous comment about having to wait for an ICD. You may be working in fantasy land. With that said I suggest you buy a new book and come back when you understand the company and the real world. This is the big leagues poster and your reading the book published by ZOLL.

Funny I worked in a CCU for 7 years. Witnessed VT break many, many times. Also one more piece of info that may not be in the book your referring to, didn't notice many patients lose conscienceless at a rate of 150. I have though seen my share of shock saves at 150 as they are referred to by ZOLL- even though patient is conscience and rhythm broke before V-fib. Poster please tell me about the algorithm used to determ when device will committ to a shock. The sales force has been told it's on a need to know basis and we don't need to know. So if your book has the answer please explain so I can educate myself and be less dangerous. And if you had any clue about the ZOLL organization you would retract your comical comment that the vest isn't just put on anyone. How many patients have a MI and have a decompinsated EF upon arrival to the Hospital only to have a stent or cardiac surgery performed. The ZOLL rep is called in because the cath upon admittance reads below 35. Patient remains in Hospial for week and is discharged. Echo performed before discharge shows reperfusion and EF greater than 35 but the sales rep chooses to ignore the echo and use the cath report. Add your just as ludicrous comment about having to wait for an ICD. You may be working in fantasy land. With that said I suggest you buy a new book and come back when you understand the company and the real world. This is the big leagues poster and your reading the book published by ZOLL.

Zoll is famous for ignoring the echo report that is above 35 and using the one that the patient came in with that is less than 35. Zoll wants to ignore that later echo report and play "ignorance" that the echo even happened. Wouldn't any organization worth it's salut insure that the latest echo is submitted? Here is how things really work. Paperwork is submitted with patient's admittance EF being 35 and order is approved in house. There is NO formalized process in place to insure that updated paperwork is submitted post approval, so all of those echoes that are done post procedure where the EF is greater than 35 are not submitted and nobody is requesting to see the paperwork to check and see if the patient still qualifies. I guess it's the if you don't ask or don't want to know don't ask policy. Either way it's fraud.

I really hope you are not in the cardiology field working with doctors or patients. To assume that a VT would break at 150 bpm is a ludicrous assumption. The parameters for shocking are programmable. These vests are not just placed on anyone. You obviously have surface knowledge. Enough to be a danger to a patient.

If I were a patient, and I was told that I was a high risk for a sudden cardiac arrest based on my ejection fraction and the fact that 90 days of medication/treatment has to elapse before insurance will pay for an implantable defibrillator, what would I do? I have a job, a family, a life to get back to. I would want some security that if I have a deadly arrhythmia, suddenly, (hence the term sudden cardiac arrest, in case you didn't put two and two together, you seem a little slow) that something could be done, or attempted. if it were 60% or 1% chance of saving my life. Your % is wrong by the way, but I feel as if I am educating you enough, I have a job to do. Save lives. (No, I do not work for this company)

I recommend that you pick up a book.

Here we go folks same argument over and over and over by Zoll team monitoring cafe pharma. The message always seems to revert back to fear!! What if, could happen, and why take a chance! If you were a patient poster, and your Dr told you you needed a life vest because you had a low EF you should find a new Dr! First of all there is some co morbidity that caused your low EF so read your book your referring to. Second go into a hospital and hang out for a few days. You will see VT and other arrhythmia's every day. Non sustained VT, sustained VT, aFib, SVT , 3 beat, 5 beat 10 beat get it yet? Why do you think it's only 10 beat VT? For Christ sake you can go into the cath lab and see catheter induced VT. You can go into cardiac surgery and see VT. The picture getting any clearer yet? Your condescending tone with nothing to back up your words verifies that your a ZOLL employee. Secondly are you really calling out the poster because he said the Zoll save rate is 1%? Ok we will concede (with a smirk on our faces) and say the save rate is 1.3%. Lol it's amazing how corporate is so sensitive and fights for every tenth of a point. Has anyone read Epstein? Did you notice after some fancy accounting that the save rate was increased after further information was collected? And thirdly if a person is in the hospital or Drs office and VT is defined and recorded you can bet your wife and children that you consulted before you decided to wear the Lifevest, that you will be getting an ICD! That's right mr ZOLL employee an ICD. You wait around for your guidelines the rest of us have work to do. Get a grip and learn your business.

Here we go folks same argument over and over and over by Zoll team monitoring cafe pharma. The message always seems to revert back to fear!! What if, could happen, and why take a chance! If you were a patient poster, and your Dr told you you needed a life vest because you had a low EF you should find a new Dr! First of all there is some co morbidity that caused your low EF so read your book your referring to. Second go into a hospital and hang out for a few days. You will see VT and other arrhythmia's every day. Non sustained VT, sustained VT, aFib, SVT , 3 beat, 5 beat 10 beat get it yet? Why do you think it's only 10 beat VT? For Christ sake you can go into the cath lab and see catheter induced VT. You can go into cardiac surgery and see VT. The picture getting any clearer yet? Your condescending tone with nothing to back up your words verifies that your a ZOLL employee. Secondly are you really calling out the poster because he said the Zoll save rate is 1%? Ok we will concede (with a smirk on our faces) and say the save rate is 1.3%. Lol it's amazing how corporate is so sensitive and fights for every tenth of a point. Has anyone read Epstein? Did you notice after some fancy accounting that the save rate was increased after further information was collected? And thirdly if a person is in the hospital or Drs office and VT is defined and recorded you can bet your wife and children that you consulted before you decided to wear the Lifevest, that you will be getting an ICD! That's right mr ZOLL employee an ICD. You wait around for your guidelines the rest of us have work to do. Get a grip and learn your business.

Thank you, well said!

Here we go folks same argument over and over and over by Zoll team monitoring cafe pharma. The message always seems to revert back to fear!! What if, could happen, and why take a chance! If you were a patient poster, and your Dr told you you needed a life vest because you had a low EF you should find a new Dr! First of all there is some co morbidity that caused your low EF so read your book your referring to. Second go into a hospital and hang out for a few days. You will see VT and other arrhythmia's every day. Non sustained VT, sustained VT, aFib, SVT , 3 beat, 5 beat 10 beat get it yet? Why do you think it's only 10 beat VT? For Christ sake you can go into the cath lab and see catheter induced VT. You can go into cardiac surgery and see VT. The picture getting any clearer yet? Your condescending tone with nothing to back up your words verifies that your a ZOLL employee. Secondly are you really calling out the poster because he said the Zoll save rate is 1%? Ok we will concede (with a smirk on our faces) and say the save rate is 1.3%. Lol it's amazing how corporate is so sensitive and fights for every tenth of a point. Has anyone read Epstein? Did you notice after some fancy accounting that the save rate was increased after further information was collected? And thirdly if a person is in the hospital or Drs office and VT is defined and recorded you can bet your wife and children that you consulted before you decided to wear the Lifevest, that you will be getting an ICD! That's right mr ZOLL employee an ICD. You wait around for your guidelines the rest of us have work to do. Get a grip and learn your business.

Well said! I will, once again, add the comment a physician said to me:

"You mean 99% of the time I will be right doing nothing at all?"

Here we go folks same argument over and over and over by Zoll team monitoring cafe pharma. The message always seems to revert back to fear!! What if, could happen, and why take a chance! If you were a patient poster, and your Dr told you you needed a life vest because you had a low EF you should find a new Dr! First of all there is some co morbidity that caused your low EF so read your book your referring to. Second go into a hospital and hang out for a few days. You will see VT and other arrhythmia's every day. Non sustained VT, sustained VT, aFib, SVT , 3 beat, 5 beat 10 beat get it yet? Why do you think it's only 10 beat VT? For Christ sake you can go into the cath lab and see catheter induced VT. You can go into cardiac surgery and see VT. The picture getting any clearer yet? Your condescending tone with nothing to back up your words verifies that your a ZOLL employee. Secondly are you really calling out the poster because he said the Zoll save rate is 1%? Ok we will concede (with a smirk on our faces) and say the save rate is 1.3%. Lol it's amazing how corporate is so sensitive and fights for every tenth of a point. Has anyone read Epstein? Did you notice after some fancy accounting that the save rate was increased after further information was collected? And thirdly if a person is in the hospital or Drs office and VT is defined and recorded you can bet your wife and children that you consulted before you decided to wear the Lifevest, that you will be getting an ICD! That's right mr ZOLL employee an ICD. You wait around for your guidelines the rest of us have work to do. Get a grip and learn your business.

Game ,set and match!!!

Here we go folks same argument over and over and over by Zoll team monitoring cafe pharma. The message always seems to revert back to fear!! What if, could happen, and why take a chance! If you were a patient poster, and your Dr told you you needed a life vest because you had a low EF you should find a new Dr! First of all there is some co morbidity that caused your low EF so read your book your referring to. Second go into a hospital and hang out for a few days. You will see VT and other arrhythmia's every day. Non sustained VT, sustained VT, aFib, SVT , 3 beat, 5 beat 10 beat get it yet? Why do you think it's only 10 beat VT? For Christ sake you can go into the cath lab and see catheter induced VT. You can go into cardiac surgery and see VT. The picture getting any clearer yet? Your condescending tone with nothing to back up your words verifies that your a ZOLL employee. Secondly are you really calling out the poster because he said the Zoll save rate is 1%? Ok we will concede (with a smirk on our faces) and say the save rate is 1.3%. Lol it's amazing how corporate is so sensitive and fights for every tenth of a point. Has anyone read Epstein? Did you notice after some fancy accounting that the save rate was increased after further information was collected? And thirdly if a person is in the hospital or Drs office and VT is defined and recorded you can bet your wife and children that you consulted before you decided to wear the Lifevest, that you will be getting an ICD! That's right mr ZOLL employee an ICD. You wait around for your guidelines the rest of us have work to do. Get a grip and learn your business.

I have no dog in this fight. Just watch this company as they have reached out concerning employment in the past. To the post above, if you are truly in CRM, I worry for the patients that you work on. Such a poor grasp of punctuation and grammar is astounding. You’re not your an idiot.

I have no dog in this fight. Just watch this company as they have reached out concerning employment in the past. To the post above, if you are truly in CRM, I worry for the patients that you work on. Such a poor grasp of punctuation and grammar is astounding. You’re not your an idiot.

LOL!!! Thanks management troll.

holy ramblings of nonsense. DROP THE SCOTCH

QUOTE=Anonymous;5134732]I have no dog in this fight. Just watch this company as they have reached out concerning employment in the past. To the post above, if you are truly in CRM, I worry for the patients that you work on. Such a poor grasp of punctuation and grammar is astounding. You’re not your an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Another one bites the dust! Another one's gone and another one's gone and another one bites the dust!!! How many reps can one territory have that come and go? Seriously how many managers and how many reps can you circle through this state? Zoll has lost all credibility.

I have no dog in this fight. Just watch this company as they have reached out concerning employment in the past. To the post above, if you are truly in CRM, I worry for the patients that you work on. Such a poor grasp of punctuation and grammar is astounding. You’re not your an idiot.

Lol. "Your not your an idiot" is this a complete sentence that makes any sense? Does the poster mention anywhere in THIER post that they are in CRM? WTF are you drunk? You don't have a dog in this fight but you just happen to read posts on a ZOLL site?? I guess the prerequisite for patient care is grammar. I read the post. Most of what I see is auto correct. I agree with the poster you criticized. And trust me I am WAY OVER YOUR HEAD IN TERMS OF CARDIOLOGY KNOWLEDGE, experience, and corporate positions held. So go troll the SPCA website and get a dog in the fight.

Worst place I've ever worked. High yearly turnover at the base, while there is no turnover whatsoever at the top where it's needed since they blame others for their failures. Nice island of lack of accountability they've built for themselves there. Marketing is awful, Sales is doing Market development, and there is no strategy other than to reach imaginary patients and docs to grow our numbers.

Worst place I've ever worked. High yearly turnover at the base, while there is no turnover whatsoever at the top where it's needed since they blame others for their failures. Nice island of lack of accountability they've built for themselves there. Marketing is awful, Sales is doing Market development, and there is no strategy other than to reach imaginary patients and docs to grow our numbers.

Very accurate. They need several at the top to go before this company has a chance. Many have been discussed on this site already (ML, JW, JP). There are a few directors (BP, JR, JT) that need to go as they have been the largest part of the sales demise in their area.

Worst place I've ever worked. High yearly turnover at the base, while there is no turnover whatsoever at the top where it's needed since they blame others for their failures. Nice island of lack of accountability they've built for themselves there. Marketing is awful, Sales is doing Market development, and there is no strategy other than to reach imaginary patients and docs to grow our numbers.

Sick that I ever sold Life Vest. There is nothing, truly nothing, redeeming about this company. It's a second rate DME product with questionable data, no guideline support and tanking reimbursement. Lots of questionable things happen at Zoll. Posting this to warn others to save their time and reputations.

Sick that I ever sold Life Vest. There is nothing, truly nothing, redeeming about this company. It's a second rate DME product with questionable data, no guideline support and tanking reimbursement. Lots of questionable things happen at Zoll. Posting this to warn others to save their time and reputations.

Thanks. Me as well. I often consider whether I could have, under any circumstance, should have done anything differently. And the one conclusion I reached was that it was a mistake minute I joined this company.

Another one bites the dust! Another one's gone and another one's gone and another one bites the dust!!! How many reps can one territory have that come and go? Seriously how many managers and how many reps can you circle through this state? Zoll has lost all credibility.[/QUOTE

I don't think all the turnover counts when you call them "expansion territories", right?

Another one bites the dust! Another one's gone and another one's gone and another one bites the dust!!! How many reps can one territory have that come and go? Seriously how many managers and how many reps can you circle through this state? Zoll has lost all credibility.[/QUOTE

I don't think all the turnover counts when you call them "expansion territories", right?

Bahahaha! Zoll ALWAYS calls it expansion! If I had a nickel for every time Zoll called a territory "expansion" when they are really filling in where a rep left, I would be able to retire a very wealthy person!