Zoll Lifecor

Zoll has a great product, the issue is the compensation plan. Your quota will grow out of reach and no matter what you do or try you most likely will never catch back up. A shame since they could simply tweak a few things and the alarming turnover rate would drop. Pay on MO's and let the company worry about collecting payment. If you get an MO, then you have done your job of getting your customer to buy into the risk of SCD 2%. How does it or should it become your burden to ensure payment when you do not have control over it? Insurance companies do, and Zoll has people that work to get coverage... Tie their comp to coverage, not the rep. Regardless of your number, revenue gets backed in and out continuously. All based on payment from insurance. Rep still does all the convincing and selling coupled with the "fit", but for potentially nothing... That is why everyone leaves.

2%? you must be one of the MANY new people here that still believe the lies from marketing of the TRUE risk. IT IS 1%, not 2%. AND even less than that actually when you subtract out the train wreck patients that pass away anyway within a few weeks if treated by the lifevest because most of our saves are end of life patients, end stage heart failure, and then the % is even less when you subtract out the shocks for VT that would have self terminated on their own before shock, but Zoll calls those "saves" too. SO, the "true save" rate for this huge lie of a device is somewhere between .2 and .3 %. why do you think it has been out for 12 years and it still is not in guidelines? why do you think we have a failing Clinical study ( VESTstudy) occurring as we speak? Why do you think there is no money being put into R & D? Upper leadership knows its coming to an end in next couple of years, that's why they don't care about us or anybody for that matter. Thats why they make no changes. wake up people. I have, and I am quitting very very soon.

This thread is disturbing to read. I'm suppose to start working with Zoll very soon. I am a Registered Nurse that was recruited by a Zoll rep that comes to my hospital. I'm going to their training class next month. I thought i would just be fitting and training patients on the vest. Maybe it's a lot more to it. Thanks for the info.

be prepared to be treated like a barnyard animal. In fact, you will experience a disdain of being an RN with patient experience already labels you as a trouble maker. The only service is "self-serving" 1.) who do you know that can write and will 2.) can you get documents, access and signatures 3.) as for patients just keep them in the vest for 2 months anything more than what we approve is on your dime.

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.
a few clueless reps??? So the churn and burn rate is around 750 and that is very conservative. So 750 were all clueless? These would include a cross-section of device, RX, B2B, clinical and let's not forget significant others of prescribers. The same could also be said for the PSR network. The truth is in the numbers!

Zoll has a great product, the issue is the compensation plan. Your quota will grow out of reach and no matter what you do or try you most likely will never catch back up. A shame since they could simply tweak a few things and the alarming turnover rate would drop. Pay on MO's and let the company worry about collecting payment. If you get an MO, then you have done your job of getting your customer to buy into the risk of SCD 2%. How does it or should it become your burden to ensure payment when you do not have control over it? Insurance companies do, and Zoll has people that work to get coverage... Tie their comp to coverage, not the rep. Regardless of your number, revenue gets backed in and out continuously. All based on payment from insurance. Rep still does all the convincing and selling coupled with the "fit", but for potentially nothing... That is why everyone leaves.

AMEN! Well that and the total hypocrisy. They can make all the mistakes in the world with no accountability. But we have to maintain the exact same compounding growth rate segment after segment, with shrinking territories, and less and less insurance coverage or we're fired. I would give anything for any one of them up there to come out here and be held to the standard TMs are held to.

AMEN! Well that and the total hypocrisy. They can make all the mistakes in the world with no accountability. But we have to maintain the exact same compounding growth rate segment after segment, with shrinking territories, and less and less insurance coverage or we're fired. I would give anything for any one of them up there to come out here and be held to the standard TMs are held to.

No joke. It all illustrates that lack of experience and education of those who are making decisions. This is an inbred organization. Outsiders are not welcome. And on the rare occasions they manage to get through Zoll's outsider-filter, they leave quickly. It doesn't take long for them to see how backwards this place is. I've honestly never seen anything like this place. It is a total and utter disaster.

a few clueless reps??? So the churn and burn rate is around 750 and that is very conservative. So 750 were all clueless? These would include a cross-section of device, RX, B2B, clinical and let's not forget significant others of prescribers. The same could also be said for the PSR network. The truth is in the numbers!

Yes, the truth is in the numbers. A 50% turnover rate is indicative of serious problems inside. The face that the leaders don't recognize this, points to an even more serious problems inside. I can't wait for a competitor to show this place how real businesses are run.

Yes, the truth is in the numbers. A 50% turnover rate is indicative of serious problems inside. The face that the leaders don't recognize this, points to an even more serious problems inside. I can't wait for a competitor to show this place how real businesses are run.

Hate to break it to you skippy but there will not be any competitors. The scientific data isn't there to support insurance companies to pay. As you know a lot of insurance companies are not paying at all or not paying enough for there to be a ROI. Don't you think that if this was a really good product with a real business need that Medtronic, St. Jude or Boston Sci wouldn't have came out with their own product or just outright bought Zoll? Think about it.

Thanks for the information provided here. While I don't put all my eggs in the basket based off anonymous internet posts. There's enough here combined with the fact I can't find a rep that's been here for more than 10 months on LinkedIn to know I won't be pursuing this opportunity for an "expansion territory" next round of interviews.

Thanks for the information provided here. While I don't put all my eggs in the basket based off anonymous internet posts. There's enough here combined with the fact I can't find a rep that's been here for more than 10 months on LinkedIn to know I won't be pursuing this opportunity for an "expansion territory" next round of interviews.

Finally, my faith is restored in humanity. Someone smart enough to think about what they're doing

Why is cafe Pharma the forum for people to trash everything and everybody? I've read cafe Pharma posts from reps at Stryker Zimmer Biomet Olympus Medtronic Boston Scientific Smith & Nephew Zoll etc. and virtually no one mentions achievement and success and God forbid is anyone ever accountable. It's all about how the system is stacked against them and you have no opportunity to succeed. It's a shame that this and all social media has become just that....a race to the bottom and a place to bitch and place blame. Did it ever don on anyone that the company pays you a wage and more to perform? The entitlement blows me away. I hope people reconsider each day what they're paid to do and why. All cafe Pharma is doing is perpetuating blame, ineptitude, and creating a lot of doubt for people who want to do good and can do good. Wake up America.

Why is cafe Pharma the forum for people to trash everything and everybody? I've read cafe Pharma posts from reps at Stryker Zimmer Biomet Olympus Medtronic Boston Scientific Smith & Nephew Zoll etc. and virtually no one mentions achievement and success and God forbid is anyone ever accountable. It's all about how the system is stacked against them and you have no opportunity to succeed. It's a shame that this and all social media has become just that....a race to the bottom and a place to bitch and place blame. Did it ever don on anyone that the company pays you a wage and more to perform? The entitlement blows me away. I hope people reconsider each day what they're paid to do and why. All cafe Pharma is doing is perpetuating blame, ineptitude, and creating a lot of doubt for people who want to do good and can do good. Wake up America.

And ironically (or sadly) 99% of the negativity about ZOLL is true and warranted. People just arent happy here because it's a lousy place to work. Believe me, it's not just cafe Pharma making it look that way

Why is cafe Pharma the forum for people to trash everything and everybody? I've read cafe Pharma posts from reps at Stryker Zimmer Biomet Olympus Medtronic Boston Scientific Smith & Nephew Zoll etc. and virtually no one mentions achievement and success and God forbid is anyone ever accountable. It's all about how the system is stacked against them and you have no opportunity to succeed. It's a shame that this and all social media has become just that....a race to the bottom and a place to bitch and place blame. Did it ever don on anyone that the company pays you a wage and more to perform? The entitlement blows me away. I hope people reconsider each day what they're paid to do and why. All cafe Pharma is doing is perpetuating blame, ineptitude, and creating a lot of doubt for people who want to do good and can do good. Wake up America.

What are you from punk?

Why is cafe Pharma the forum for people to trash everything and everybody? I've read cafe Pharma posts from reps at Stryker Zimmer Biomet Olympus Medtronic Boston Scientific Smith & Nephew Zoll etc. and virtually no one mentions achievement and success and God forbid is anyone ever accountable. It's all about how the system is stacked against them and you have no opportunity to succeed. It's a shame that this and all social media has become just that....a race to the bottom and a place to bitch and place blame. Did it ever don on anyone that the company pays you a wage and more to perform? The entitlement blows me away. I hope people reconsider each day what they're paid to do and why. All cafe Pharma is doing is perpetuating blame, ineptitude, and creating a lot of doubt for people who want to do good and can do good. Wake up America.
Not every company has a page as active as ZOLL's. There are organizations with 5000 sales people and there is very little dialogue. ZOLL is a mess. Own it ZOLL

Why is cafe Pharma the forum for people to trash everything and everybody? I've read cafe Pharma posts from reps at Stryker Zimmer Biomet Olympus Medtronic Boston Scientific Smith & Nephew Zoll etc. and virtually no one mentions achievement and success and God forbid is anyone ever accountable. It's all about how the system is stacked against them and you have no opportunity to succeed. It's a shame that this and all social media has become just that....a race to the bottom and a place to bitch and place blame. Did it ever don on anyone that the company pays you a wage and more to perform? The entitlement blows me away. I hope people reconsider each day what they're paid to do and why. All cafe Pharma is doing is perpetuating blame, ineptitude, and creating a lot of doubt for people who want to do good and can do good. Wake up America.

Did it don on you that the quota system is not a "fair wage". Why don't we pay you on a similar scale, let's say you lose money every time one of your sales team leave- assuming your in sales management. Let's see if you have a sense of entitlement. Let's see who you blame when you lose money because of a stupid standard that is impossible to quantify! Why do you think the vesting for our 401k is the way it is? See many people taking advantage of a match? How about learning the REASON people are leaving. You think people come here with the intent of leaving within a year! How about you wake up and admit you don't care about the sales force, employees in general or the patient you want to strap this bomb on!!

this sounds like someone from upper management. I've interviewed with other companies and they have hardly any posts on cafe pharma. I agree that sadly this is a forum for complaining but unfortunately a lot of it is true. I struggle when people ask my opinion when they want to come work here because once they are here, they had no clue the pressure of the comp plan and how hard it is to continue to make money. Most people are mislead and now managers are struggling to fill positions. I love my job and my customers but wish things would change where I could actually make money even though I continue to drive business. New reps bring in minuscule amounts of revenue and make way more money than I do. It's insane.

this sounds like someone from upper management. I've interviewed with other companies and they have hardly any posts on cafe pharma. I agree that sadly this is a forum for complaining but unfortunately a lot of it is true. I struggle when people ask my opinion when they want to come work here because once they are here, they had no clue the pressure of the comp plan and how hard it is to continue to make money. Most people are mislead and now managers are struggling to fill positions. I love my job and my customers but wish things would change where I could actually make money even though I continue to drive business. New reps bring in minuscule amounts of revenue and make way more money than I do. It's insane.

Give us a reason to stay...if you think the wage you pay is worth the bull shit we have to put up with than your seriously delirious. I don't want to hear be patient etc. your quota system is a total farce, designed by people with no experience in medical comp plans. Don't even try and say the comp plan is fair. Yes it is.... If the quota system allowed you to get to the comp plan. Another well thought out carrot on the stick with little chance to obtain. The system is set up for turnover. Company does not care. Just another warm body who is excited to do well starting a new job. Currently company can get away with this organizational plan. Eventually something will put pressure on company for performance ex competitor, change in Medicare reimbursement etc. Then company will be forced to change their thinking. Unfortunately it will be to late. Word is out. Poor place to work. Inexperienced managers cut from other companies managing pharmacy reps that can't find the blue sign with the H on it.