I call bull to VT probably not going to break because patient EF under 35. Worked in CCU for several years previous life. Breaks all the time and can be seen everyday in the CCU. Any of our patients that had sustained VT regardless of rate would get ICD. Yes some medical exceptions. Not sustained with lesser co morbidities we would write a vest. And we did not write many vests. Drs didn't see need for most patients. Either do I. Company is over selling this device.
So you would bet your license on VT "breaking all the time" with EF less than 35%?
When we want to decrease the risk of hypotension, cardiac arrest or neurological deficits related to a prolonged ventricular arrhythmia, it's absolutely essential to minimize the time between the onset of the ventricular arrhythmia and the defibrillation shock. The LV does this very well for the patients who need a bridge to an ICD during their waiting period.