I work for Abbvie. They don't care about the safety of their sales reps. The virus is out of control in my area and they are asking me to do more calls per day than before the virus hit. There is no concern for safety. In the beginning they gave us a few masks. Now we have to provide our own PPE. They have classified us as essential workers so we have to go out each day. There is no type of tracking put in place for exposure to the virus. If we test positive they don't want to know or contact health care workers we may have exposed. After this is over im getting out of this company as fast as I can. They have no regard for us or the Healthcare providers we call on.
This organization’s culture has been flipped upside down amidst the pandemic, when its people has needed a supportive leadership the most. New leadership has been non-communicative while they maneuver their own people into place, removing others who built the US sales ops on their shoulders. Since, we have gone from a “what do you need, how can we help,” supportive mentality to a “what are you doing, what have you done for us lately,” mentality with threatening language around people’s jobs and putting people on plan, with no dialogue around current challenges and how to circumnavigate them or mitigate them. This organization was once a place where people felt they could volunteer ideas and felt supported in their efforts to one where the people now are afraid to stick their necks out in fear of having their heads chopped off and are operating like ships with no ports, running out of steam with no help on the horizon. Where the direction has been bi-polar at best and changes almost daily, the clearest communication is “perform and meet these metrics or else,” where the focus in on the number, not the people and certainly not the patients. Half of this sales organization took pay cuts to come work here for the vision and the leadership, both of which have been replaced. The other half of the company were promised other incentives, but bonuses have been virtually non-existent before C19, and below industry standard for even current times. The most loyal, previously happiest sales people are now among the most fatigued and depressed, asking how the hell did we get here?
Fantastic product. The company as addressed the price issues very well. They are honest with their intentions. Privately held company from Switzerland. Small company, so you have a voice. Flexible with time off. Nice people to work with.