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You Heard It Here First...

I 'Third' the June date that was offered by two others. However this may be more specific to 'Global' and not US-specific. What i had heard was 'TET minus two' will not be settled until June.

Logically speaking June makes no sense. They are going to carry the overlap and extra costs for 5 months post close on an extremely expensive sale? Not to mention they are well aware that this is not the most productive time for the field. Then you have ramp up training time for whatever new products reps still be carrying? I just don’t see that happening. Possible for divisions that might fit their vision better but your stretching it a bit if you think they will wait until then for Neuro and primary care.

Logically speaking June makes no sense. They are going to carry the overlap and extra costs for 5 months post close on an extremely expensive sale? Not to mention they are well aware that this is not the most productive time for the field. Then you have ramp up training time for whatever new products reps still be carrying? I just don’t see that happening. Possible for divisions that might fit their vision better but your stretching it a bit if you think they will wait until then for Neuro and primary care.

'I Third' Here again. Your reply, while I don't necessarily disagree with your position, is very US-centric and specific to the field. I am simply validating the June date provided by others previously but I believe this applies more to 'TET minus 2' roles and ex-US employees. Labor laws in EU are very different for example.

'I Third' Here again. Your reply, while I don't necessarily disagree with your position, is very US-centric and specific to the field. I am simply validating the June date provided by others previously but I believe this applies more to 'TET minus 2' roles and ex-US employees. Labor laws in EU are very different for example.

IF YOU are going to make unfounded guesses; that aren’t even educated ...
At least learn how to SPELL VYVANSE. For goodness sake it’s a $2b medication that helps those with a disability ! Yes a recognized disability on the IDEA 504.

AND btw it’s also MYDAYIS

They were already working on combining both ADD drugs into a third combo product for the market. That puts the power of three products to carry in the bag.

IF YOU are going to make unfounded guesses; that aren’t even educated ...
At least learn how to SPELL VYVANSE. For goodness sake it’s a $2b medication that helps those with a disability ! Yes a recognized disability on the IDEA 504.

AND btw it’s also MYDAYIS
Shire Neuro will not be impacted by layoffs. Take Neuro is scheduled to be significantly impacted by layoffs. Takeda managment knows how good Shire Neuro is viewed by customers. Take it to the bank. Sorry Takeda Neuro, you are toast.

Shire Neuro will not be impacted by layoffs. Take Neuro is scheduled to be significantly impacted by layoffs. Takeda managment knows how good Shire Neuro is viewed by customers. Take it to the bank. Sorry Takeda Neuro, you are toast.

Shire rep here and although I initially didn’t agree when I think of it there might be something to this. We have an extremely tenured and entrenched sales force with these doctors. Many reps have been calling on the same docs for 10,15,20 years. They may not want too much disruption there. Shire is extremely in with these docs and I’m not saying they are better reps-but relationships give you access and that gives you scripts so....

The Takeda selling model isn’t about relationship building. It follows the Challenger model. So, your “Theory” won’t hold water when D day arrives.

Truthfully, many shire reps don’t even care. They are so tenured that they will get more than enough severance to carry them. Many I’ve talked to even are waiting it out hoping for a severance. So tease as much as you’d like Takeda reps, not many people on the Shire team are sweating too hard. Your severance on the other hand, I’ve heard it’s not too great

tenure on call point points does not = productive salesforce. Trin reps have been selling to same peeps for 5 yrs. don’t forget that. Until it happens everyone is just guessing.... .....unless you’re ‘the pearl’ and you are the keeper of secrets.......sort of.

I think there is no need for hateful comments. Everyone has families, children, and bills to pay. I would hope we could all be adults. No representative is better or above the rest. Be supportive we are all on the chopping block and are chomping at the bit to find out our fate.

I think there is no need for hateful comments. Everyone has families, children, and bills to pay. I would hope we could all be adults. No representative is better or above the rest. Be supportive we are all on the chopping block and are chomping at the bit to find out our fate.

Unfortunately this isn’t completely true. A rep who drops off samples and flips through approved marketing pieces is not as valuable as someone who did that 15 years ago and has been successful without vis-aids and samples. It’s the truth. I’m sorry but it is.
The same sample droppers now (the good ones)figure out how to really bring value. Not every patient should be on your product. Develop, grow, become a resource to your physicians and patients. It’s not all about scripts. It’s finding th4 right patient for your product. It sounds like Takeda doesn’t get that or evaluat4etheir reps that way.

Unfortunately this isn’t completely true. A rep who drops off samples and flips through approved marketing pieces is not as valuable as someone who did that 15 years ago and has been successful without vis-aids and samples. It’s the truth. I’m sorry but it is.
The same sample droppers now (the good ones)figure out how to really bring value. Not every patient should be on your product. Develop, grow, become a resource to your physicians and patients. It’s not all about scripts. It’s finding th4 right patient for your product. It sounds like Takeda doesn’t get that or evaluat4etheir reps that way.

Oh pleeeze get over your blown inflated self..Remember we bought YOU.