You Heard It Here First...

Close to same but larger districts. 0 overlap with bag mixes. There will be GI, specialty NSS and a small PC sales force.

PC sales force will have a lot of fat cut. You can pretty much cut out half of reps in urban areas.

I have never understood the logic of sitting at home and not doing anything because you might be downsized....what if you end up not being one of the ones to be downsized and then you haven't worked your territory in weeks/months??!!

I have never understood the logic of sitting at home and not doing anything because you might be downsized....what if you end up not being one of the ones to be downsized and then you haven't worked your territory in weeks/months??!!

I'm working but my passion is gone..BTW the likelihood of having the SAME territory is nil. IOW the lines will be redrawn.

I have never understood the logic of sitting at home and not doing anything because you might be downsized....what if you end up not being one of the ones to be downsized and then you haven't worked your territory in weeks/months??!!

To answer your question, then you just had yourself a nice break before going back to work, that's what. Besides, my numbers go up when I quit working, and they decline when I do work?? Pharma always cooks the numbers anyway, the trip winners are identical to those who came up 100 on the giant wheel @ price is right! LOL #PharmaNOTtrueSALES...Not even close!

Cool THX's this is all starting to make more sense.

Another idiot that is just doesn’t get strategy. There will be NSS and GI and PC. The primary care will have trintellix along with Dex and AMI. They will still not call on psych specialty only primary care.This is how it will be until Late 2020/ early 2021. Ami and Dex will go and then them PC reps will pick up Shires GI drug and take over growing it in primary care.

I have never understood the logic of sitting at home and not doing anything because you might be downsized....what if you end up not being one of the ones to be downsized and then you haven't worked your territory in weeks/months??!!

Reason why is you will lower your goals for when you are saved then you can blow them away and be the best sales rep ever!

Another idiot that is just doesn’t get strategy. There will be NSS and GI and PC. The primary care will have trintellix along with Dex and AMI. They will still not call on psych specialty only primary care.This is how it will be until Late 2020/ early 2021. Ami and Dex will go and then them PC reps will pick up Shires GI drug and take over growing it in primary care.

No one is an idiot - when there is NO INFORMATION EVER - and we are waiting on a random email telling us a call will come the next morning to see if you lose your job we speculate on our own. We should at least be told WHAT MONTH this will occur. To plan our LIVES - we have moths to feed and mortgages. Takeda should care about their employees as well as their “patients”

No one is an idiot - when there is NO INFORMATION EVER - and we are waiting on a random email telling us a call will come the next morning to see if you lose your job we speculate on our own. We should at least be told WHAT MONTH this will occur. To plan our LIVES - we have moths to feed and mortgages. Takeda should care about their employees as well as their “patients”

You do know this is why we’re legally given a WARN period right? It prevents them from having to tell you ahead of time so legally they have to do what is right for the employees and pay them for 2 months once told they are layer off. They do this for a sudden massive layoff without much “warning”. This allows you to at least have a 2 month paid vacation and look for something new while you get a severance.

You do know this is why we’re legally given a WARN period right? It prevents them from having to tell you ahead of time so legally they have to do what is right for the employees and pay them for 2 months once told they are layer off. They do this for a sudden massive layoff without much “warning”. This allows you to at least have a 2 month paid vacation and look for something new while you get a severance.

FYI: if you find another job during the warn period you don’t receive the severance
Good Selling Gang!

No one is an idiot - when there is NO INFORMATION EVER - and we are waiting on a random email telling us a call will come the next morning to see if you lose your job we speculate on our own. We should at least be told WHAT MONTH this will occur. To plan our LIVES - we have moths to feed and mortgages. Takeda should care about their employees as well as their “patients”
Moths don’t eat much. Seriously, how much money does it cost to feed a moth?