I never hated going into work on Mondays but I certainly do with this company.
I never hated going into work on Mondays but I certainly do with this company.
I am looking. I learned my lesson the hard way and need to ensure I don’t go from the frying pan into the fire.
Nobody cares. Please just go.
Translation: I can’t stand to hear all the bad things my company is doing.
You clearly live in your own bubble or choose to ignore it. Thank you for demonstrating that the mentality like yours contributes to what is wrong with our company culture. The selfish “It’s not happening to me right now so I don’t know what your talking about.”
I never hated going into work on Mondays but I certainly do with this company.
Be honest. You hated going to work on Monday through Friday at every company you worked for. People like you always find the worst in the company that pays them. No matter where they land. Then unfortunately the rest of us have to put up with your lousy attitude until you find another host to feed on. Is Intracellular perfect? No. But for many of us it is a great company with a bright future. Nobody forced you to sign up. All of us chose to come here.
If you hate working here so much, go somewhere else. Please.
Wow… diagnosis is spot on. It’s like you’re walking around in my head. LOL. Get real, this place is far from perfect but when the organization has hired a variety of people of shit character - what do you expect? While it’s great that you have a good manager and your team may be thriving; ask yourself if perhaps other parts of the county aren’t swimming in bullshit. Can you vouch for every RBM and ABD at ITCI? Can you, in all honesty, tell us that there is absolutely no issues with company culture? Because if your speak for the whole nation… then maybe we should all take heed. Somehow, I doubt you do… keep on chugging that Kool-Aid. The rest of us will stay on our side of the playground - calling it how it is
Not everyone has a good manager and yes that has made this place hell for some of us. Not to mention those above the managers aren’t the greatest as well. You can’t shine a turd regardless of how positive your attitude is. I keep quit, have a good ranking, and help others. I initially thought this would be the company where I could further my career but not now. There isn’t anyone I would even want to learn from. The only thing they would teach is awful habits, short cuts, and pushing the line of decency.
Friend, I think you may have had a Freudian slip and said quit when you meant quiet. Haha
I can understand your frustration, my region and district is a mess. No one knows which end is up. My manager is a joke. Our regional seems to let everything slide or no longer cares.
Wow… diagnosis is spot on. It’s like you’re walking around in my head. LOL. Get real, this place is far from perfect but when the organization has hired a variety of people of shit character - what do you expect? While it’s great that you have a good manager and your team may be thriving; ask yourself if perhaps other parts of the county aren’t swimming in bullshit. Can you vouch for every RBM and ABD at ITCI? Can you, in all honesty, tell us that there is absolutely no issues with company culture? Because if your speak for the whole nation… then maybe we should all take heed. Somehow, I doubt you do… keep on chugging that Kool-Aid. The rest of us will stay on our side of the playground - calling it how it is
Congratulations hero. You keep calling it how it is. Whatever that means.
Look at you… holding strong for the company! You know you don’t win club just by slobbing the corporate knob, right? Lol