Worst Managers here?

Can i give a shout out from the medical side... TRAF, what a joke! The most conceded self-serving individual I have ever known.
Let's not forget that snot Lau. Ham. in the home office that has been one huge pain in the ass!

Can i give a shout out from the medical side... TRAF, what a joke! The most conceded self-serving individual I have ever known.
Let's not forget that snot Lau. Ham. in the home office that has been one huge pain in the ass!

TRAF created a monster that moved up the ranks too quickly, now she honestly believes she can do the job... pathetic

I have been here a long time and launched Novolog. The morale of this company along with the bully managers now is just a horrible work environment. I really thought that I would retire here. I don't enjoy this job anymore and this is the first time I have felt this way. The managers just make life miserable here now. The old culture was phenomenal. The new culture just sucks!

I have been here a long time and launched Novolog. The morale of this company along with the bully managers now is just a horrible work environment. I really thought that I would retire here. I don't enjoy this job anymore and this is the first time I have felt this way. The managers just make life miserable here now. The old culture was phenomenal. The new culture just sucks!

The culture in the TN Valley sucks! RBD has created a backstabbing environment throughout management and reps. It is a sad place to be. Everyone is hoping to be his "yes man" to keep their job. He is volatile and leads the group in backstabbing and meanness. He lies without thinking twice and lets that environment cause good people to leave. Definitely learned his tactics from Andy when he worked for him.