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Will Brilinta Be Approved Next Week or Not?

OK now I'm hysterical too.

Got you on the issues. You're two (maybe one) anti-capitalist pigs, and rather than learn something or debate a point you believe in, you must kill any messenger whose ideas threaten you.

You'll go a long way in this world -- you're a true follower, unable to think on your own, but you probably look OK in a suit and know how to use a tablet computer.

You really do sound frantic.

Go talk to you Mom for a while. That'll put you in a better frame of mind

When are you going to come off of the messenger and focus on the message? Maybe when you have a leg to stand on...

Buddy, I have an IQ of 79, I look good in a suit and I can tap on a computer. Doing so allows me to feed my family and pay taxes. Why is that a fucking problem for you?????

Would you die already.

Buddy, I have an IQ of 79, I look good in a suit and I can tap on a computer. Doing so allows me to feed my family and pay taxes. Why is that a fucking problem for you?????

Would you die already.

Don't worry, he has no job, no education, and thinks everything should be a right, dictated by Obama. Typical intitlement mentality. If he really cared about others he would just not use medications, doctors, etc. and dry up the medical establishment. (or he could go back on his meds :)

Let's just hope someone at the FDA reads Cafepharma. AZ is in the process of explaining away a trend towards a worse outcome in some of the patients -- something to do with aspirin. Anyway, AZ is so much in the habit of lying about important thing like:

Product safety (Seroquel)
Culpability in lawsuits
Employee's careers and false terminations
"Patient Health First"

That the AZ company officials have zero credibility. It's bucks for the executives first, middle, and last. Let the world have its generic Plavix. Approve a better product if one comes along, not a worse one so that the patient can sign a disclaimer and maybe if the AZ rep is sweet on the doctor, your Mom will end up dying younger than need be, and AZ can sell a little pill that costs less than a penny to manufacture in quantity for around $5.00 each.

Here's the post that started everybody attacking the poster -- no one so far has commented on the substance. I know it's an ugly message, but you're the equivalents of Jeffrey Skilling's henchmen, charging California residents $1,000 a month for electricity because you can get away with it. All of those people who had to pick between dinner and electricity came through it OK, right? The weather is nice in California, so nobody froze to death, c'mon! And all of those employee retirement plans that went to zero because the company wouldn't let the employees sell -- they should have known better.

Bash me personally all you want, but the system will not stand as is much longer. Either the US economy will collapse, as California's is about to, or there will be a gigantic redo of lots of things including pharma. Enjoy your lives in denial until the time comes, or get off of your asses, look in the mirror and have an honest conversation with yourselves. Is there a future in a corrupt organization, operating in a corrupted system? Are you for sale for 100 large a year plus car? Is that what your life is for? Just hope you don't get on someone's shitlist, though -- kiss up -- or you'll be run out under a trumped up charge like has happened to so many people you know.

Now run along and point and click, and send a message like Charles Charles on voicemail to your DSM.

Here's the post that started everybody attacking the poster -- no one so far has commented on the substance. I know it's an ugly message, but you're the equivalents of Jeffrey Skilling's henchmen, charging California residents $1,000 a month for electricity because you can get away with it. All of those people who had to pick between dinner and electricity came through it OK, right? The weather is nice in California, so nobody froze to death, c'mon! And all of those employee retirement plans that went to zero because the company wouldn't let the employees sell -- they should have known better.

Bash me personally all you want, but the system will not stand as is much longer. Either the US economy will collapse, as California's is about to, or there will be a gigantic redo of lots of things including pharma. Enjoy your lives in denial until the time comes, or get off of your asses, look in the mirror and have an honest conversation with yourselves. Is there a future in a corrupt organization, operating in a corrupted system? Are you for sale for 100 large a year plus car? Is that what your life is for? Just hope you don't get on someone's shitlist, though -- kiss up -- or you'll be run out under a trumped up charge like has happened to so many people you know.

Now run along and point and click, and send a message like Charles Charles on voicemail to your DSM.

No, what started it ws the person's complete lack of understanding of the pharma market.

If you feel there is no purpose in the iundustry - get out.

Don't redefine it as integrity

Here's the post that started everybody attacking the poster -- no one so far has commented on the substance. I know it's an ugly message, but you're the equivalents of Jeffrey Skilling's henchmen, charging California residents $1,000 a month for electricity because you can get away with it. All of those people who had to pick between dinner and electricity came through it OK, right? The weather is nice in California, so nobody froze to death, c'mon! And all of those employee retirement plans that went to zero because the company wouldn't let the employees sell -- they should have known better.

Bash me personally all you want, but the system will not stand as is much longer. Either the US economy will collapse, as California's is about to, or there will be a gigantic redo of lots of things including pharma. Enjoy your lives in denial until the time comes, or get off of your asses, look in the mirror and have an honest conversation with yourselves. Is there a future in a corrupt organization, operating in a corrupted system? Are you for sale for 100 large a year plus car? Is that what your life is for? Just hope you don't get on someone's shitlist, though -- kiss up -- or you'll be run out under a trumped up charge like has happened to so many people you know.

Now run along and point and click, and send a message like Charles Charles on voicemail to your DSM.

AZ is not on cafepharma. It's youngsters and anonymous whiners.

There is no substance in the post. It's a list of stuff.

Stuff that is not that different to many companies in and out of pharma. If you want to look at hypocrisy, go to the tylenol stuff. It's still on the market.There's risk, benefit, and politics.

AZ is not on cafepharma. It's youngsters and anonymous whiners.

There is no substance in the post. It's a list of stuff.

Stuff that is not that different to many companies in and out of pharma. If you want to look at hypocrisy, go to the tylenol stuff. It's still on the market.There's risk, benefit, and politics.

And if it were Rx, it'd be at least 15 X more expensive.

AZ is not on cafepharma. It's youngsters and anonymous whiners.

There is no substance in the post. It's a list of stuff.

Stuff that is not that different to many companies in and out of pharma. If you want to look at hypocrisy, go to the tylenol stuff. It's still on the market. There's risk, benefit, and politics.

Yeah. The US Congress attempted to subpoena the records, but it's all just a bunch of children. We can see from what's written who the children are...

Those who don't want their candy taken from them, because the rest of the USA can't afford to pay for it, and the rest of the USA would like to see some innovation in medicine!

what are you? A communist?

See the liability they have. One or two pogroms will show you the free enterprise system.

Why don't you just jump off a bridge?

First , Learn how to spell. You will be more credible.
Second, Why do you have so much anger? Did someone try to push you off of a bridge?
Third, Communist? How old are you?

Please feel better.

First , Learn how to spell. You will be more credible.
Second, Why do you have so much anger? Did someone try to push you off of a bridge?
Third, Communist? How old are you?

Please feel better.

pogrom po·grom' v.

An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.

[Russian, outrage, havoc, from pogromit', to wreak havoc : po-, adverbial pref. (from po, next to) + gromit', to outrage, wreak havoc (from grom, thunder).]

I assume you can spell, but have no access to a thesaurus.

I can also give you directions to a bridge, if you don't have a road map.


I do feel great. And amused.

Funny how you're just focused on me personally, you jackass... guess in your mind you can't win any other way. Since I'm right and you're in disagreement and can't justify it there must be something wrong with me.

Who's the customer, dipshit?
Adding $2B to our already broken health system means that it must work in americans. There is a responsibilit to Medicare which has a trust projected to run out of money soon, Medicaid plans that are denying transplants to patients and plans like BS of CA which is asking for a 58% rate hike. We all pay for this and the US can no longer afford products with questionable benefit to come to market. We need a rock solid answer to the question of whether the drug works, not a statistical projection.

Adding $2B to our already broken health system means that it must work in americans. There is a responsibilit to Medicare which has a trust projected to run out of money soon, Medicaid plans that are denying transplants to patients and plans like BS of CA which is asking for a 58% rate hike. We all pay for this and the US can no longer afford products with questionable benefit to come to market. We need a rock solid answer to the question of whether the drug works, not a statistical projection.

That would be a start, but how about this? The doctor Rxes a class of product. Then the patient goes to the pharmacy and selects which one to take.

So if he Rxes a PPI, they can go and with their own money decide whether to take Protonix, Nexium, or Prilosec OTC, or any other in the class. You think that might drive prices down? Maybe then pharma companies would start acting like EVERY OTHER COMPANY in the USA and start "specials" on their products, buy one get one free, etc. etc.

Why the hell not?

That would be a start, but how about this? The doctor Rxes a class of product. Then the patient goes to the pharmacy and selects which one to take.

So if he Rxes a PPI, they can go and with their own money decide whether to take Protonix, Nexium, or Prilosec OTC, or any other in the class. You think that might drive prices down? Maybe then pharma companies would start acting like EVERY OTHER COMPANY in the USA and start "specials" on their products, buy one get one free, etc. etc.

Why the hell not?

I'm thinking too much risk for the prescriber for one. Patient picks drug Y instead of X, has a side effect and the ambulance chasers have a field day.

If I was a patient and I had a choice between say $160. for Crestor a month or a $4. generic, I'm pretty sure I'd go with a generic. Your point being here that the brand might drop in price, but doubt they could go low enough to compete with a generic, or even close. Gotta recoup those TV adverts, R&D, and the leather seats in the USBC auditorium.

Managed care wouldn't go for it, where is the tiering for the lower cost generic first? They can afford to wait a few years. Most classes of drugs have generics already.

I'm thinking too much risk for the prescriber for one. Patient picks drug Y instead of X, has a side effect and the ambulance chasers have a field day.

If I was a patient and I had a choice between say $160. for Crestor a month or a $4. generic, I'm pretty sure I'd go with a generic. Your point being here that the brand might drop in price, but doubt they could go low enough to compete with a generic, or even close. Gotta recoup those TV adverts, R&D, and the leather seats in the USBC auditorium.

Managed care wouldn't go for it, where is the tiering for the lower cost generic first? They can afford to wait a few years. Most classes of drugs have generics already.

1) The FDA approves the safety and efficacy already. Prescriber can discuss products and recommend, but what kind of trouble will the prescriber get into if he prescribes a PPI and the patients all select Prilosec OTC, or a statin and they all pick the generic one? He can monitor the LDL and if they're not at goal tell them they need a stronger one, etc. No additional risk for the prescriber -- likely LESS risk. He's directing them to the proper medical treatment for their condition, not a certain medical treatment.

2) So what if the branded co's need to recoup their leather seats in the auditorium and ads -- other companies do that in our free market. As for the R&D -- Pharma R&D only produces isomers, combinations, and XL versions in order to EXTEND THE PATENTS so the prices can remain astronomically high! It is one more way that big pharma has corrupted the system in order to maximize profit without producing anything new. The patent is protects the RX companies from free market competition, which in a way stifles innovation. The companies don't need to innovate, the only thing they need to do to survive -- extremely well, BTW -- is extend patents on existing products. The quote that comes to mind is, "necessity is the mother on invention."

3) You think Managed Care likes paying sky high prices to Rx pharma companies? They'd fall over themselves running to the ballot box to vote for this.

This is a good answer, but big pharma's lobby is far to powerful to ever allow it. The only way to enact the changes necessary is for the public -- the voters -- to become aware of the facts about the drug industry. Here's an interesting fact that isn't as well known as one would think should be:

In 2002, as the economic downturn continued, big pharma showed only a slight drop in profits—from 18.5 to 17.0 percent of sales. The most startling fact about 2002 is that the combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion). In 2003 profits of the Fortune 500 drug companies dropped to 14.3 percent of sales, still well above the median for all industries of 4.6 percent for that year. When I say this is a profitable industry, I mean really profitable. It is difficult to conceive of how awash in money big pharma is.

OK? And that's just the 10 Fortune 500 Drug cos. There are plenty more drug companies out there, all over the world. Ever hear of one of them going out of business? Ever seen a sale on Crestor? Drug companies are flocking to the USA to join the price gouging party at the expense of our sick and elderly, and 14 T in debt taxpayers.

These ENORMOUS profits will not last because pharma cannot innovate, but pharma will not go down without a fight. And the arena for the fight will be the government: The reason for these enormous profits is that the government protects the pharma industry from the forces of free market competition.

Damn right the enormous profits won't last - don't overlook the fact that continued "restructure" has contributed to reduced overheads that skew how the numbers are presented as bottom line profit. Pfizer just did it too, by canning an entire site in the UK, so AZ is not alone with that strategy. Anyone that's left should not rest easy. Whilst there are no new products being approved, the death of a thousand cuts (literally) will continue, to protect DB and his pals...

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