Will be become Alcon reps???

Ready for our 1st Alcon conference call? I feel like they sold my soul to the devil. If I get laid off, my family & I will be in horrible financial shape. I may lose my house. At least Raj will make millions. I truly hate that POS!

Good lord that Alcon woman was worse than Evan. Total contempt & lack of respect for the Aerie sales force.

She’s been with Alcon for 26 yrs? No one does that in pharma anymore. Not for decades.

she must have cut a deal with the devil.

Alcon reps saying they have been told that they will be kept over interviewing Aerie reps. This is all a show to appease acquired organization.

This is accurate. Just to put in perspective they kept 2 rangers. But the reps have to interview? They aren’t taking the aerie reps. They think all we do is drop off samples and give zero value. Wait just wait.

This is accurate. Just to put in perspective they kept 2 rangers. But the reps have to interview? They aren’t taking the aerie reps. They think all we do is drop off samples and give zero value. Wait just wait.

Alcon will be checking every call and every signature since 8/31 onwards. Any hint of discrepancies will result in no job for you & no severance.

Seems Evan let his chosen reps that have always been protected and given favorable territories and numbers in on this interview process a while ago. Shame on you Evan! Tip-don’t think those you like won’t share with their friends what a punk you are!