Will be become Alcon reps???

Dump massive quantities so the new rep won’t be let in because no samples are needed and it will mess up their goals.

my docs have no clue who their alcon rep is. I’m going to tell them to brace themselves for a shit show and if the rep shows up and acts like a dick and the manager does too, throw them out of the office. And guess what? my docs will do it! FU Alcrap!

Alcon reps don’t work! Had a doc yesterday grab their office sign in sheet cause he/she couldn’t remember who their Alcon rep was. No where on their sign in list is this reps name. It’s common on many offices. They’ve only started to go out when this buyout was announced cause they knew they’d be caught. Let’s see truly how fair this”interview process” was?

and now that all the phase 1 interviews are over. Another weekend will pass by as we wait to find out whether Alcon wants to bless us with a job plus $8K pay cut.
Or we are gifted their most generous severance.

remember, you have 24 hrs to decide or they rescind the offers.


and now that all the phase 1 interviews are over. Another weekend will pass by as we wait to find out whether Alcon wants to bless us with a job plus $8K pay cut.
Or we are gifted their most generous severance.

remember, you have 24 hrs to decide or they rescind the offers.


My local department of labor office advised that I contact a labor attorney. Since we didn’t sign accepting their terms of employment, this whole process may be called into question. Make sure you have an attorney review anything before signing. That also goes for the 24hr notice. They MUST afford you the opportunity to have it reviewed by an attorney.

My local department of labor office advised that I contact a labor attorney. Since we didn’t sign accepting their terms of employment, this whole process may be called into question. Make sure you have an attorney review anything before signing. That also goes for the 24hr notice. They MUST afford you the opportunity to have it reviewed by an attorney.

it’s all gonna be done through docusign. They want it done asap so you don’t have time to have an attorney look it over and also, so they can close out the end of year financials.

they did not impose the $8k salary cut as a means to reduce costs, they did it to send a fuc you message to anyone who accepts an offer that they suck & won’t be valued if they stay on.

incredibly pathetic for a large company

My mom died from Leukemia 5 years ago, and I’ve been successfully providing a good life for me & my family for over 15 years, but you just keep on living in the alternate, delusional reality you’ve created in order to distract yourself from what a massive failure & complete embarrassment you are to your family.

Ohhh so sorry you faced reality. Idiot. People die. Face reality. Not sorry for your loss. Sorry for you sheepness.

My local department of labor office advised that I contact a labor attorney. Since we didn’t sign accepting their terms of employment, this whole process may be called into question. Make sure you have an attorney review anything before signing. That also goes for the 24hr notice. They MUST afford you the opportunity to have it reviewed by an attorney.

I contacted a corporate attorney too! Class action. F alcon