Will be become Alcon reps???

Please refrain from the alarmist posts. If you are a top performer, you will be OK.
Evan shut your nasal trap up! You have unethically been the face of the sales force for too long. You garner no respect and the way you’ve railroaded reps picking and choosing where and who succeed is not only crooked but should be embarrassing. Get your resume polished cause you will not be brought over.

Evan shut your nasal trap up! You have unethically been the face of the sales force for too long. You garner no respect and the way you’ve railroaded reps picking and choosing where and who succeed is not only crooked but should be embarrassing. Get your resume polished cause you will not be brought over.

Mid November! That’s when you will know. Oh and go f yourself Raj.

Just in time for the Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. You are fired with 1 month severance. Even people they fired got 3 months

And NO health insurance. Happy Thanksgiving so happy to have been part of this ponzy scheme. A holes. But wait, all of the managers and upper leadership get massive payouts. No reason to stay. Reps get out now. You won’t get anything. Stocks are underwater.

Many top performers (at least the smart ones) are probably doing their best to explore new opportunities which they’ll eventually secure. On the other hand MZ has been trying for a while. No one wants her.

Many top performers (at least the smart ones) are probably doing their best to explore new opportunities which they’ll eventually secure. On the other hand MZ has been trying for a while. No one wants her.

That’s not true. Just give it up. Stop with all of the SE hate. Everyone is going to lose their job. Upper leadership is lying. I love that Evan is saying “I would never say business as usual”, hey hocwoman everyone heard you say it 2 weeks prior. Cancel the POS POA. Save the money for severance or lack thereof.

Evan shut your nasal trap up! You have unethically been the face of the sales force for too long. You garner no respect and the way you’ve railroaded reps picking and choosing where and who succeed is not only crooked but should be embarrassing. Get your resume polished cause you will not be brought over.

Hey Evan: you had the nerve to tell the entire sales force to update their resumes but only look for jobs at nights and on weekends. Go fuc yourself!

You’ll not get a legit call out of me again. I’m done. You pos.

anyone not looking for a job full time at this point is a fool.

Nothing was answered! It was Evan trying to look important—it’s about time these people realize life isn’t about a title. He’s been so in over his head just like most of the management group and many home office executives. This place has been a joke for the 30 months I’ve been here.

Nothing was answered! It was Evan trying to look important—it’s about time these people realize life isn’t about a title. He’s been so in over his head just like most of the management group and many home office executives. This place has been a joke for the 30 months I’ve been here.

evan is a useless pos & he hates the sales force

They didn’t answer a single question. What a waste of time. I haven’t spoken to anyone who feels better after both of those calls. The managers that spoke up on the call are just as dishonest they have lost many peoples respect. Lying and deceit has become the “aerie” way and I certainly want no part of this place.

The only people who talk up during these useless calls are the ass kissers and boot lickers who want to keep their jobs and those who don't believe or want to believe that manage is screwing them over and don't give a fuc what happens to anyone in the sales force. Screw them. Take care of yourself and get out of here. It's a dead man walking.

They didn’t answer a single question. What a waste of time. I haven’t spoken to anyone who feels better after both of those calls. The managers that spoke up on the call are just as dishonest they have lost many peoples respect. Lying and deceit has become the “aerie” way and I certainly want no part of this place.
We are all in the same boat so don’t be so harsh! Best to show respect and class. Remember that Alcon is reading our posts.

Alcon plans on keeping any management…take a look at their history of turnover!! That’s from Evan down—most reps despise all of management. It’s a group of unproven, title seeking garbage!

Alcon plans on keeping any management…take a look at their history of turnover!! That’s from Evan down—most reps despise all of management. It’s a group of unproven, title seeking garbage!
The management that was hired in here were token ass kissers who failed to move the product as reps, but bought into the BS. I can think of 3 who weren't qualified to run a taco bell.

The management that was hired in here were token ass kissers who failed to move the product as reps, but bought into the BS. I can think of 3 who weren't qualified to run a taco bell.

the qualifications for management positions at Aerie were always:
- kiss ass
- lick boots
- always agree
- say yes & cheer every stupid & useless idea they came up with
- never say anything negative. Even if a train is barreling down the tracks and is gonna kill everyone