Will anyone be help accountable for the loss of so many talented people?

Go checkout the new and improved Olympus career search engine.
Now complete without date of job requisition, so that you can no longer tell how long the job req has been I filled and open, Anything to hide and lie. Pond scum!

Do not work for Olympus.
You are hilarious, “We have piles of resumes from Sales professionals trying to earn a spot with OCA.”
What a lie. You have a terrible reputation on the street. No one will work for you.
We are making sure of that one brother.

So that puts the date that Olympus is being watched like a hawk until 2/16/19,
That's another 14 months. Where are the new products?
Peter Crowley, what exactly are you doing all day? You surely aren't bringing new technology to OCA.
You should be fired ASAP.
Market Share continues to diminish.

Go checkout the new and improved Olympus career search engine.
Now complete without date of job requisition, so that you can no longer tell how long the job req has been I filled and open, Anything to hide and lie. Pond scum!

I saw the new search engine and I'm not impressed. I'm not in sales but a current employee. Didn't even receive a $50 VISA gift card a Christmas like past years. I think the company is broke.

Do not work for Olympus.
You are hilarious, “We have piles of resumes from Sales professionals trying to earn a spot with OCA.”
What a lie. You have a terrible reputation on the street. No one will work for you.
We are making sure of that one brother.

Anyone else get the feeling OCA is flat broke? Average pay across all divisions has been sharply reduced. Work environment is so bad (intentionally?) so reps quit rather than layoffs and forced to pay severance. It seems more planned to me.
This would be the only, somewhat (un)reasonable explanation of how bad it is here. If Nacho, Pierre, Todd, et al. are doing this to prove their worth to Japan, then there will be a special place in hell for you pricks. Way to throw a 1000 field-based reps and their families under the bus to save a buck or two. Karma is a motherfucker and it will hit you hard and out of nowhere.

IT MUST be broke. NO simple $50 VISA gift card like in the years past for Christmas.

If you would have spent half as much time on your sales strategy this year than you did on your post, you likely wouldn't be here complaining like a little b*tch about management. We have files full of resumes for sales professionals trying to earn an opportunity to work for us. Be thankful it's not my decision or you and the other whiners on this site would all be fired. And if you think you actually have a case, show some sack and file a complaint instead of crying like a p*ssy on CP.

This is the expected and typical type of response from a dumb-F, useless, incompetent, complicit manager at Olympus. Management, Marketing and Executives at this company are so Fng dumb. You all are despised you dumb Fng spineless useless Fs.

They have nothing for you except excuses and blame. They steal from you, take your generator commissions, steal at will, lie, disrespect the sales force, and then when budgets aren’t met they put sales on plans and fire them left and right. Fuck you OCA Management!!!
Useless fucking r*****s.
My RVP from Toledo can’t even assemble a Bipolar resectoscope. How does someone who knows so little about Urology lead 12 reps? This place stinks of corruption.

They have nothing for you except excuses and blame. They steal from you, take your generator commissions, steal at will, lie, disrespect the sales force, and then when budgets aren’t met they put sales on plans and fire them left and right. Fuck you OCA Management!!!
Useless fucking r*****s.
My RVP from Toledo can’t even assemble a Bipolar resectoscope. How does someone who knows so little about Urology lead 12 reps? This place stinks of corruption.

This is true and fact across the entire business. Not one manager that I have worked with, 5 in 4 years, has known anything in GI/Respiratory. Absolutely zero knowledge of product, business and relationships. The most useless and incompetent fucks are running this cess-pool of a place. It is truly sickening.

These fucking managers blame the sales people while they sit on their asses doing absolutely nothing but collecting their bloated pay-checks and treating sales like garbage. Fuck them all.

If you would have spent half as much time on your sales strategy this year than you did on your post, you likely wouldn't be here complaining like a little b*tch about management. We have files full of resumes for sales professionals trying to earn an opportunity to work for us. Be thankful it's not my decision or you and the other whiners on this site would all be fired. And if you think you actually have a case, show some sack and file a complaint instead of crying like a p*ssy on CP.

Kill yourself to make $30K less instead of $40K less than previous years? Plus all the Corp mgmt issues to work thru? That’s right, stop talking and work every second of your day/night. Did I say stop talking?

With the income I can guarantee it’s a huge challenge to get quality reps. With unemployment so low (& economy strong) it’s an employee’s Mkt. Just about impossible to find even quality B2B reps. Actually sounds like a great time to make a move to a company who allows you to enjoy the profit without any hefty DOJ “tax”. Not to mention the health issues from all the never ending abuse. Does anyone see a light at the end of the abuse or financial tunnel? Once the millions/billions are paid off, then what? You retire or wake up? Sounds like a revolving door for B2B reps. Mgmt knows this and hates when it’s brought out into the open. They must want ignorant sales ppl to a degree, many do.

They have lowered their standard to the bottom. With resumes from Enterprise Rent-a-Car, ADP, Uniform companies, and so on. Those who are aware realize they’ll take a pay cut and a beating for 2 yrs then run. Interviewing after their first year. Sounds productive. OCA accepts this as a new reality (“strategy”) as they are and will be using them to pay for all the ongoing major issues. A horrible model and system to be a part of. RVPs have their part in handing out the micromanagement and abuse. Their job is to get a $75-90K Rep to work like a $200-300K Rep.

Not going to happen. No rep will work like that for $115k. 50% of the reps have already turned over. Watch what happens in January. They are changing the company name to ADP/Enterprise Corp of America. Olympus will downsize and go from a solid B Market player to a C- Market player. They have terrible management in place and do not get positive results on contracts, and fail to bring new and exciting technologies to the marketplace. Why has Peter Crowley not been fired yet? He does NOTHING!
Nils, you are an imbecile! You do nothing to better Urology! NOTHING! We are calling for your resignations today.
Todd Usen should be thrown out on his ass!

How many thousands of articles proving collusion and corruption with OCA will it take for Management to admit responsibility for their negligence?
What a cess pool OCA is...

Sean Moore , You are the least respected individual in our company. You sir have no future , as you ruined the future of people that were here before you . KARMA WILL GET YOU . Hope you enjoy your kidney pills and continue to have good health

I encourage all reps to post articles now on the incompetence of their RVP’s or AVP’s, etc. At the very least they will be exposed for the frauds that they are. This will also make them insecure and very uncomfortable at company meetings, when they KNOW what company people think of their incompetence. There are shitloads of incompetent managers at Olympus. They need to be exposed!

VINNY !!!!! You are just like the rest of the RVP crew. You talk out of both sides of your mouth ! Mr Starr you too my friend have no spine. How do your #s look now . Going down , down, down . This is going to be fun watching all of you try to figure out why ! Oh and thanks for all your honesty , good way to build trust !!!

Sounds like a lot of pissed off mistreated sales reps to me?
Why don’t you pay sales people what you owe them?
Oh wait, you can’t pay them what they are worth, because you are too busy getting paid $250-$300k for doing NOTHING Mr RVP/AVP.

Terminate Mr Ed Chadwick now!!!

If you are considering a job in med device, you would be very wise to steer well clear of Olympus Corporation of the Americas. What a mess!!!
Terrible management!!! Just awful!

I encourage all reps to post articles now on the incompetence of their RVP’s or AVP’s, etc. At the very least they will be exposed for the frauds that they are. This will also make them insecure and very uncomfortable at company meetings, when they KNOW what company people think of their incompetence. There are shitloads of incompetent managers at Olympus. They need to be exposed!

For starters, someone needs to take a hard look at the Urology and GI management in place in Michigan.

Mick Malone
Michael Muscara
Ed Chadwick

All three of them are useless, lazy, and weak!
Muscara, have you gotten us on any contracts yet? I know you are very crafty at being very unprepared in meetings with you blank IDN spreadsheets. I know you know what I am referring to.
Why do we pay these people? seriously folks, wtf?

Energy YTD 83.5% WOW ! Guess you get what you pay for . What has happened here will be a case study of what not to do . But being a strong # 3 is ok with some people. Not one RVP ever pushes back , everyone walks with your head down !!!!