Fire Todd, Randy, and Nils
Management is doing the best it can. The sales force is the problem.
It needs to be restructured and the weak eliminated.
When will top management be fired for their actions? Their is zero accountability within OCA. Management steals, collides together, unfairly terminate sales reps, and generally fucks everyone over. When will someone be held responsible for this bullshit?
Management is not doing anything other than self preservation for their pensions, and pointing the finger at sales because sales are way down. Could it be that the market is responding to a dirty company who does evil things to its employees and its patients? We all know this to be true dickhead.
There is NOTHING wrong with the salespeople in this company. The culture has sucked since the beginning at Olympus. You corporate fags hid billions in losses in Japan for decades, and you got caught, you illegally bought Gyrus/ACMI in the Caymans for 40% commission to the investment banker, and got caught. Olympus sold its TJF-Q180V duodenoscope without FDA approval, and got caught. The scope is linked to 35+ superbug deaths in Europe and the USA, and infections at UCLA, and many patients have sued or are in the process of suing the company. Olympus was fined by the DOJ to the tune of $660 million and growing. Lawsuits continue to roll in daily. Please see this link in red below to review the legal document or DPA that Olympus entered into to avoid be delisted from the stock exchange and shut down for good. Do you honestly think anyone that reads this post board believes you Sales Ops Dickhead? You are a proven liar who colluded with known criminal associates within OCA.