Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

Which elected Republican official supports National Healthcare?
Are there kids DYING on the streets right now because they can't get a heart operation? NO yu MORON, there is NOT. Programs already exist.... you want redundancies that are completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Not many. Why? Because their hands are in the pockets of Private Insurance Companies.

Not many. Why? Because their hands are in the pockets of Private Insurance Companies.

And there we have it. The conclusion. The REAL reason why America does not have UNIVERSAL Health Care. It has nothing to do with The Constitution, which is used as a Smoke Screen. It has everything to do with Corporatations that stand to benefit from the exhorbant profits of healthcare, paying off our wonderful Politicians.

Having more people with access to Preventive Care is cost effective. Having more people admitted to the ER is not.

And there we have it. The conclusion. The REAL reason why America does not have UNIVERSAL Health Care. It has nothing to do with The Constitution, which is used as a Smoke Screen. It has everything to do with Corporatations that stand to benefit from the exhorbant profits of healthcare, paying off our wonderful Politicians.

Having more people with access to Preventive Care is cost effective. Having more people admitted to the ER is not.

This has nothing to do with The Constitution, we should just throw it out and then give ALL the power to our federal government to control our health. Give ALL THE POWER to the very same politicians which YOU CLAIM are so easily paid-off. Now does that sound even remotely reasonable????

Easy. Pass a bill where any Healthcare lobby groups are not allowed to give or bundle campaign dollars to politicians or bribe Medical Directors. Level the playing field.

All policies are written by Medical Directors anyway.

Easy. Pass a bill where any Healthcare lobby groups are not allowed to give or bundle campaign dollars to politicians or bribe Medical Directors. Level the playing field.

All policies are written by Medical Directors anyway.

Wait.... are you suggesting there are not already laws regarding bribery? If you would get government out of the healthcare business, I guarantee you that NOBODY would be trying to bribe or lobby anyone in Washington.... problem solved.

HealthCare Reform is UnAMERICAN, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and it reflects the record of Socialisms FAILURE which is so blatant that ONLY liberal drones could ignore it.

Maybe because there are other services that are Socialistic in nature (post office, national defense, etc.). Healthcare should be available to everyone. If we are the most exceptional country in the world, we should not have people dying because they are not insured, or going bankrupt because they get sick. Where in the definition of capitalism does it include that a person loses everything if they get sick?

I know, because I was there. I was single and got sick. If I am sick, I can't work. If I can't work, I lose my health insurance (my company posted my job on the internet). I basically had to go back to work while still under treatment and down to $900 in my bank account (from $25,000) when I was 30 years old.

To me, if I would have not gone back to work, I probably would have ended up on disability or been in an entitlement program. Why not treat me to begin with so that I don't lose my job or my health insurance, and then I can come back and be a productive employee and citizen? Oh yeah, I forgot, Fox News thinks that is Socialism. They wouldn't know Socialism if it slapped them in the face.

By the way, after missing six months on short and long term disability (June - November), I came back and finished first and second in my district the next two years, so don't tell me that people who want National Healthcare are un-incentivized or looking for handouts.

Maybe because there are other services that are Socialistic in nature (post office, national defense, etc.). Healthcare should be available to everyone. If we are the most exceptional country in the world, we should not have people dying because they are not insured, or going bankrupt because they get sick. Where in the definition of capitalism does it include that a person loses everything if they get sick?

I know, because I was there. I was single and got sick. If I am sick, I can't work. If I can't work, I lose my health insurance (my company posted my job on the internet). I basically had to go back to work while still under treatment and down to $900 in my bank account (from $25,000) when I was 30 years old.

To me, if I would have not gone back to work, I probably would have ended up on disability or been in an entitlement program. Why not treat me to begin with so that I don't lose my job or my health insurance, and then I can come back and be a productive employee and citizen? Oh yeah, I forgot, Fox News thinks that is Socialism. They wouldn't know Socialism if it slapped them in the face.

By the way, after missing six months on short and long term disability (June - November), I came back and finished first and second in my district the next two years, so don't tell me that people who want National Healthcare are un-incentivized or looking for handouts.

Life throws you curve balls all the time. Shit happens. I mitigate life's crappiness with extra insurance through third party companies and have done it since I was in my 20s.

Life isn't fair. Even in America. Sorry to break it to you. You can't spend your way to invincibility. Man will never overcome survival of the fittest reality. And I say this as a man who lost my father as a young age from a horrible untreatable disease,a man who I loved deeply and think about daily.

So you go broke and pick yourself up again. My mom lost her house and all possessions after my father died paying bills and lost wages. She didn't complain. She forged ahead. And she is tougher than steel.

Maybe because there are other services that are Socialistic in nature (post office, national defense, etc.). Healthcare should be available to everyone. If we are the most exceptional country in the world, we should not have people dying because they are not insured, or going bankrupt because they get sick. Where in the definition of capitalism does it include that a person loses everything if they get sick?

I know, because I was there. I was single and got sick. If I am sick, I can't work. If I can't work, I lose my health insurance (my company posted my job on the internet). I basically had to go back to work while still under treatment and down to $900 in my bank account (from $25,000) when I was 30 years old.

To me, if I would have not gone back to work, I probably would have ended up on disability or been in an entitlement program. Why not treat me to begin with so that I don't lose my job or my health insurance, and then I can come back and be a productive employee and citizen? Oh yeah, I forgot, Fox News thinks that is Socialism. They wouldn't know Socialism if it slapped them in the face.

By the way, after missing six months on short and long term disability (June - November), I came back and finished first and second in my district the next two years, so don't tell me that people who want National Healthcare are un-incentivized or looking for handouts.

Interesting philosophy...

Since nothing is free, would you support national healthcare if it it meant, say, 500'dollars per paycheck additional deducted from you pay now? I personally would not.

I find those who believe in pie in the sky dreaming unwilling or unable to quantify how much money they would allow to be taken by the government.

Interesting philosophy...

Since nothing is free, would you support national healthcare if it it meant, say, 500'dollars per paycheck additional deducted from you pay now? I personally would not.

I find those who believe in pie in the sky dreaming unwilling or unable to quantify how much money they would allow to be taken by the government.

Yes, I would. Because $6,000 a year for healthcare costs is exceptional.

Life throws you curve balls all the time. Shit happens. I mitigate life's crappiness with extra insurance through third party companies and have done it since I was in my 20s.

Life isn't fair. Even in America. Sorry to break it to you. You can't spend your way to invincibility. Man will never overcome survival of the fittest reality. And I say this as a man who lost my father as a young age from a horrible untreatable disease,a man who I loved deeply and think about daily.

So you go broke and pick yourself up again. My mom lost her house and all possessions after my father died paying bills and lost wages. She didn't complain. She forged ahead. And she is tougher than steel.

Wow, life isn't fair. I never knew that. I honestly thought it was. What was I thinking? My point is that we can guard against what happened to your Mom, to myself, and to others. What is wrong with that? I am sorry about your father, but don't you honestly wish your Mom could have had it easier and had some help? You proved my point. Your Mom lost everything because someone got sick. You and your Mother should not have gone through that.

Wow, life isn't fair. I never knew that. I honestly thought it was. What was I thinking? My point is that we can guard against what happened to your Mom, to myself, and to others. What is wrong with that? I am sorry about your father, but don't you honestly wish your Mom could have had it easier and had some help? You proved my point. Your Mom lost everything because someone got sick. You and your Mother should not have gone through that.

You responded to my post and I appreciate the civility as that is rare here.

I have yet to see any plan that makes financial sense from any politician. It is mostly arguments like "we are America we deserve this." I think I deserve to be better looking but I am a very average guy.

If ther is a honest plan that makes financial sense from a national Healthcare perspective Imight support it...the problem is that this healthcare law is an abortion based on fuzzy math and then the,politicians (who are experts mind you in healthcare) come back and say "sorry we need to add another trillion dollars to make this worth, we need an exemption here, we need to add another trillion again, we need to raise taxes, the plan should cover a abortions, Viagra, mental health programs, blah,"

This country is broke. The dollar is a joke. The best days of this country are behind us because of reckless spending on wars, social programs, the dramatic ascent of China. My newborn son will inherit a worse country than I did. And that is sad.

We just can't afford this kind of spending. The human condition is one of limited resources and we just can't afford this UNLESS someone can come forth with a credible plan vetted by actuaries, medical professionals, etc. I paid 40 grand in taxes last year, between state, federal, and all the other deductions, which includes 6 grand in property taxes. They can't tax me anymore if they expect me to buy anything.

Wow, life isn't fair. I never knew that. I honestly thought it was. What was I thinking? My point is that we can guard against what happened to your Mom, to myself, and to others. What is wrong with that? I am sorry about your father, but don't you honestly wish your Mom could have had it easier and had some help? You proved my point. Your Mom lost everything because someone got sick. You and your Mother should not have gone through that.

I forgot to add, sorry.

While I loved my father, I wouldn't have insured him either. He died of an unforeseen neurological illness that drained us financially for 6 months, but..

I wouldn't insured my father as a company. He was 75 lbs overweight, drank a lot, never exercised and ate poorly. And that is more typical of America today (again as I point to the declining state of America).

Had my father been able to qualify for life insurance, my mother and I wouldn't have been so bad off. But no life insurance company would touch him and I can't blame them. Perhaps we should have nationalized life insurance because of poor decisions like my father made? Do you see the problem? Do you see where the neverending social program spending never ends?

I think people like you mean well, I really do, and I appreciate the Pollyanna sort of thinking. But reality is reality:

America is getting fatter, exercising less, not eating properly, etc etc. No plan, public or private will ever compensate for all of the obese people I see at the supermarket. Healthcare costs will continue to rise because, among other things, most Americans are slovenly and refuse to take accountability for their health.

Which elected Republican official supports National Healthcare?
Are there kids DYING on the streets right now because they can't get a heart operation? NO yu MORON, there is NOT. Programs already exist.... you want redundancies that are completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

You are very ill informed if you think kids are not suffering.....let alone dying. I can tell you from personal experience that they are. Why is unconstitutional? I thought republicans didn't want to give free handouts? This law makes everybody pay there share instead of just showing up at an ER and getting treated for free? Why is that bad?

You are very ill informed if you think kids are not suffering.....let alone dying. I can tell you from personal experience that they are. Why is unconstitutional? I thought republicans didn't want to give free handouts? This law makes everybody pay there share instead of just showing up at an ER and getting treated for free? Why is that bad?

So the people who could not afford to pay for healthcare before this ruling will now be magically able to pay? Please explain????

You are very ill informed if you think kids are not suffering.....let alone dying. I can tell you from personal experience that they are. Why is unconstitutional? I thought republicans didn't want to give free handouts? This law makes everybody pay there share instead of just showing up at an ER and getting treated for free? Why is that bad?

Okay, so now this great bill will be law...I look forward to seeing how successful it will be. It was very well written you know. Who cares anyway, this country is on the downhill slop of decline and is never coming back.The greatest days of this country were 50 years ago.

It doesn't matter guys. This election is not about health care. It is about the economy. Unemployment numbers come out the end of this week...I am sure it will be more of the same crap sandwich.

....he is a horses ass!

Can't explain it either, can you? This idiot claims kids are suffering and dying... what the hell is medicaid for??? And he claims he wants everyone to contribute so that nobody gets a free-ride... how are these poor, suffering and dying children who pay NOTHING going to suddenly and magically be able to pay into this system where supposedly nobody gets a free-ride? Please Explain?????

Obamacare is about taxing young, healthy people who neither want nor need health insurance and TAX them to pay for old, unhealthy people. Wakeup.

Isn't it great how Obama has been going around the country talking about how his new Health Care bill will eliminate all the "fine print" which is contained in current health insurance policies, yet his bill is 2700 pages and HHS has already concocted 13000 pages of new health care regulations. Think there might be any "fine print" included in that?