Maybe because there are other services that are Socialistic in nature (post office, national defense, etc.). Healthcare should be available to everyone. If we are the most exceptional country in the world, we should not have people dying because they are not insured, or going bankrupt because they get sick. Where in the definition of capitalism does it include that a person loses everything if they get sick?
I know, because I was there. I was single and got sick. If I am sick, I can't work. If I can't work, I lose my health insurance (my company posted my job on the internet). I basically had to go back to work while still under treatment and down to $900 in my bank account (from $25,000) when I was 30 years old.
To me, if I would have not gone back to work, I probably would have ended up on disability or been in an entitlement program. Why not treat me to begin with so that I don't lose my job or my health insurance, and then I can come back and be a productive employee and citizen? Oh yeah, I forgot, Fox News thinks that is Socialism. They wouldn't know Socialism if it slapped them in the face.
By the way, after missing six months on short and long term disability (June - November), I came back and finished first and second in my district the next two years, so don't tell me that people who want National Healthcare are un-incentivized or looking for handouts.