Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

Hey MORON, point to the area of the Constitution where it states corporations are people too. Where does it says you have a right to a 30 shot semi automatic?

Are you referring to Free-Speech of a corporation, Hmmm is that the 1st. Ammendment??
Right to bear arms, Hmmm is that the 2nd. Ammendment???
Any other quesions Karl???

Well. the USA has the highest per capita cost of healthcare in the entire world. And not just a little bit higher.. at least double. That double the cost is the entire reason for our national debt.... we could easily have a balanced budget if we paid as much per capita as England or France or Germany.

But we need to pay a lot to get good healthcare, right?

The USA also has poorer health care than most industrialized countries when looking at it from a population basis - overall, our health and healthcare outcomes are worse than most countries with the evil socialized systems.

The one thing that the USA does exceptionally well is find really really expensive solutions for small numbers of people... the innovation is overwhelmingly good for the people who can afford to pay.

This means awesome health care for the top 10% and horrendous healthcare for the bottom 40%, as opposed to most countries, where good healthcare is found for 100%.

So explain to me why socialism is failing in healthcare today?

In 2007, the U.S. spent $2.26 trillion on health care, or $7,439 per person, up from $2.1 trillion, or $7,026 per capita, the previous year.[33] Spending in 2006 represented 16% of GDP, an increase of 6.7% over 2004 spending. Growth in spending is projected to average 6.7% annually over the period 2007 through 2017.

Here is the BIG difference and you MUST PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION: In America, Americans CHOOSE to spend on healthcare. That is to say that they CHOOSE to buy insurance or NOT to buy insurance. They CHOOSE to seek medical attention or NOT to get medical attention. They CHOOSE more expensive brand-name medicines or NOT to. These choices COST money. I guess you can say that it is part of the COST OF FREEDOM in America. In other countries they don’t get that choice. They don’t get immediate medical attention ALL the time. They don’t have the CHOICE of state-of-the-art medical treatment. As a result, their GOVERNMENT is able to control costs. They also limit treatment possibilities. It is true that most developed countries have very comparable life-expectancies. That is to say that you will live a long life in a country with socialized-medicine, however, often times you will wish you were dead. You will have LONG wait-times, inferior drugs with poor side-effect profiles and will have very little ability to redress grievances. In America we have placed at least an equal emphasis on Quality-of-Life as Quantity-of-Life (this also costs money)…. The same can NOT be said of countries who have embraced socialized medicine.

What you want and what countries with socialized medicine have is similar to this analogy.
In America, many people have made the choice to buy HD TV. It’s available and it is FAR SUPERIOR to the old TV’s. However, some people in America can’t afford an HD TV or maybe not a TV at all. So the government steps in and forces everyone to have ONLY an OLD TV. So now what we have is NOT the BEST AVAILABLE, TV, but it’s pretty good. Plus NOW everyone can have a TV…. Even if it’s NOT the best. That's socialized medicine in a nutshell.

Are you referring to Free-Speech of a corporation, Hmmm is that the 1st. Ammendment??
Right to bear arms, Hmmm is that the 2nd. Ammendment???
Any other quesions Karl???

So my parrot has first ammendment rights too? He can petitition the govt for redress too? Why not?

You make no sense. But then again, you are a moron.

In 2007, the U.S. spent $2.26 trillion on health care, or $7,439 per person, up from $2.1 trillion, or $7,026 per capita, the previous year.[33] Spending in 2006 represented 16% of GDP, an increase of 6.7% over 2004 spending. Growth in spending is projected to average 6.7% annually over the period 2007 through 2017.

Here is the BIG difference and you MUST PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION: In America, Americans CHOOSE to spend on healthcare. That is to say that they CHOOSE to buy insurance or NOT to buy insurance. They CHOOSE to seek medical attention or NOT to get medical attention. They CHOOSE more expensive brand-name medicines or NOT to. These choices COST money. I guess you can say that it is part of the COST OF FREEDOM in America. In other countries they don’t get that choice. They don’t get immediate medical attention ALL the time. They don’t have the CHOICE of state-of-the-art medical treatment. As a result, their GOVERNMENT is able to control costs. They also limit treatment possibilities. It is true that most developed countries have very comparable life-expectancies. That is to say that you will live a long life in a country with socialized-medicine, however, often times you will wish you were dead. You will have LONG wait-times, inferior drugs with poor side-effect profiles and will have very little ability to redress grievances. In America we have placed at least an equal emphasis on Quality-of-Life as Quantity-of-Life (this also costs money)…. The same can NOT be said of countries who have embraced socialized medicine.

What you want and what countries with socialized medicine have is similar to this analogy.
In America, many people have made the choice to buy HD TV. It’s available and it is FAR SUPERIOR to the old TV’s. However, some people in America can’t afford an HD TV or maybe not a TV at all. So the government steps in and forces everyone to have ONLY an OLD TV. So now what we have is NOT the BEST AVAILABLE, TV, but it’s pretty good. Plus NOW everyone can have a TV…. Even if it’s NOT the best. That's socialized medicine in a nutshell.

Hey moron. No one dies for not having an HD Tv as they do for the lack of adequate healthcare. No one went bankrupt because they needed an HD Tv in an emergency. And using your analogy, HD tv prices are going down. Can you say the same about your healthcare?

Thats why you are the king of right wing ignorati.

Hey moron. No one dies for not having an HD Tv as they do for the lack of adequate healthcare. No one went bankrupt because they needed an HD Tv in an emergency. And using your analogy, HD tv prices are going down. Can you say the same about your healthcare?

Thats why you are the king of right wing ignorati.

Is there any problem that government can't solve? Maybe if we just give up enough of our freedom we can ALL live forever....

Hey moron. No one dies for not having an HD Tv as they do for the lack of adequate healthcare. No one went bankrupt because they needed an HD Tv in an emergency. And using your analogy, HD tv prices are going down. Can you say the same about your healthcare?

Thats why you are the king of right wing ignorati.

Socialism... equally spreading misery for the benefit of all.

If healthcare actually took part in the same market as TV's, which is to say a competitve market, healthcare prices would fall. Competition is the answer to all your woes my Marxist Friend.... unfortunately socialism does NOT allow for competition.

So governments job is to step-in whenever it deems necessary to protect us all from dying? Does personal responsibility or accountability even enter your thought-process? No, I guess not.... MORONS probably aren't real big on thought-process.

Sorry MORON. You were just obliterated and your attempt to spin and change the subject isnt working.

But your Patriot Act is the key to eternal life. Fox News told us.

You mean the VERY SAME Patriot Act that Obama promised to save us all from, but later realized that is was just another EMPTY PROMISE to pander to MORONS such as yourself.... Didn't he just authorize the extension of The Patriot Act... Yes, I am certain I heard that on MS-LSD

Well. the USA has the highest per capita cost of healthcare in the entire world. And not just a little bit higher.. at least double. That double the cost is the entire reason for our national debt.... we could easily have a balanced budget if we paid as much per capita as England or France or Germany.

But we need to pay a lot to get good healthcare, right?

The USA also has poorer health care than most industrialized countries when looking at it from a population basis - overall, our health and healthcare outcomes are worse than most countries with the evil socialized systems.

The one thing that the USA does exceptionally well is find really really expensive solutions for small numbers of people... the innovation is overwhelmingly good for the people who can afford to pay.

This means awesome health care for the top 10% and horrendous healthcare for the bottom 40%, as opposed to most countries, where good healthcare is found for 100%.

So explain to me why socialism is failing in healthcare today?

You are so right, and here is a study backing up your figures and how the UK has healthier citizens than the US- Mostly due to their healthcare/


In 2007, the U.S. spent $2.26 trillion on health care, or $7,439 per person, up from $2.1 trillion, or $7,026 per capita, the previous year.[33] Spending in 2006 represented 16% of GDP, an increase of 6.7% over 2004 spending. Growth in spending is projected to average 6.7% annually over the period 2007 through 2017.

Here is the BIG difference and you MUST PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION: In America, Americans CHOOSE to spend on healthcare. That is to say that they CHOOSE to buy insurance or NOT to buy insurance. They CHOOSE to seek medical attention or NOT to get medical attention. They CHOOSE more expensive brand-name medicines or NOT to. These choices COST money. I guess you can say that it is part of the COST OF FREEDOM in America. In other countries they don’t get that choice. They don’t get immediate medical attention ALL the time. They don’t have the CHOICE of state-of-the-art medical treatment. As a result, their GOVERNMENT is able to control costs. They also limit treatment possibilities. It is true that most developed countries have very comparable life-expectancies. That is to say that you will live a long life in a country with socialized-medicine, however, often times you will wish you were dead. You will have LONG wait-times, inferior drugs with poor side-effect profiles and will have very little ability to redress grievances. In America we have placed at least an equal emphasis on Quality-of-Life as Quantity-of-Life (this also costs money)…. The same can NOT be said of countries who have embraced socialized medicine.

What you want and what countries with socialized medicine have is similar to this analogy.
In America, many people have made the choice to buy HD TV. It’s available and it is FAR SUPERIOR to the old TV’s. However, some people in America can’t afford an HD TV or maybe not a TV at all. So the government steps in and forces everyone to have ONLY an OLD TV. So now what we have is NOT the BEST AVAILABLE, TV, but it’s pretty good. Plus NOW everyone can have a TV…. Even if it’s NOT the best. That's socialized medicine in a nutshell.

Boy, are you


an uneducated idiot. We CHOOSE to spend on healthcare????? WHo the hell would CHOOSE to pay if it was given for free. I am sure EVERYONE WANTS to PAY for healthcare becuase we choose to. WTF? Your argument makes no sense. Did you know in most socialist countries the people there can ALSO CHOOSE to pay more for PREMIUM HEALTHPLANS-- look it up.

You are so right, and here is a study backing up your figures and how the UK has healthier citizens than the US- Mostly due to their healthcare/


WOW.... did you think I wasn't going to read your link. PLEASE allow me to pull some quotes from the article:

And although a larger share of Americans are uninsured or under insured compared to populations in England or other European countries, even groups with GOOD access to health insurance experienced WORSE health than people in England.

The researchers say: "Why health status differs so dramatically in these two countries, which share much in terms of history and culture, is an UNRESOLVED PUZZLE.

Across all ages, US residents tend to fare worse in terms of diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease markers, data on over 100,000 people show.

The reason remains a MYSTERY, says the US team, and challenges the idea that resources necessarily improve health.

It is also possible that differences in social or environmental conditions or LIFESTYLE play a role.


Do you still have a mullet? Shag carpet? Because evolving and improving on old ideas would not make sense to you now would it?

First you are a moron. Are you trying to make the analogy that our Constitution should change like hair-styles? If yes, then you REALLY ARE BEYOND STUPID. See, it is easy to look back and think that the Mullet is ridiculous, but the people of the time thought it was great. Just like you probably think that your hair-style right now is cool. Just like some morons think Healthcare reform is a good idea right now. I know this will be impossible for you to understand, but America has guiding principles. These principles were expressed and written by arguably the GREATEST POLITICAL PHILOSOPHERS of ALL-TIME. These principles don't change to fit modern-day morons, but rather serve as a guide for the intelleigent leaders of our time. The American Constitution is precisely the reason why America has been able to avoid the political-mullets of each generation.... It is what has allowed America to be GREAT and continue to be GREAT. It is what will keep Healthcare Reform from destroying America.

Socialism is never for the socialist. BTW, i heard an interesting discussion with Judge Napolotano on Fox. He mentioned that the Obama admin had really stepped in it when it came to healthcare reform and Obamacare. While he agrees the individual mandate is unconstitutional and will be found as such. If needed, the people opposing the law could then appeal under equal protections clause. You see Newscorp just won a lawsuit against the feds to release all the information on waivers that have been granted to various organizations over the past year+. Specifically, why was the UAW provided waivers but not the steamfitters, why Maine and not NY or FL, why McDonalds and not BurgerKing, Wendy's, ect....By the admin waiving the responsibilites of a few why holding others to a different standards is going to bring this thing to its knees. Now I know you libs are going to try and discredit the messenger or the network but how about debunking the argument first and then you can trash the network or the person.

First you are a moron. Are you trying to make the analogy that our Constitution should change like hair-styles? If yes, then you REALLY ARE BEYOND STUPID. See, it is easy to look back and think that the Mullet is ridiculous, but the people of the time thought it was great. Just like you probably think that your hair-style right now is cool. Just like some morons think Healthcare reform is a good idea right now. I know this will be impossible for you to understand, but America has guiding principles. These principles were expressed and written by arguably the GREATEST POLITICAL PHILOSOPHERS of ALL-TIME. These principles don't change to fit modern-day morons, but rather serve as a guide for the intelleigent leaders of our time. The American Constitution is precisely the reason why America has been able to avoid the political-mullets of each generation.... It is what has allowed America to be GREAT and continue to be GREAT. It is what will keep Healthcare Reform from destroying America.

Great? Hows that dollar doing? Economy? World relevance?

Things are always updated, changed and modified to reflect changing opinions. Yes, you can use the principles of the Constitution to guide you but to hang your hat on each. and. every. word is desperate to help justify your CURRENT views. You and your redneck brothers want automatic guns that can kill everything because I am sure that is what the authors meant.

Out of your cold, dead hands? Okay, if that's what it takes.

Great? Hows that dollar doing? Economy? World relevance?

Things are always updated, changed and modified to reflect changing opinions. Yes, you can use the principles of the Constitution to guide you but to hang your hat on each. and. every. word is desperate to help justify your CURRENT views. You and your redneck brothers want automatic guns that can kill everything because I am sure that is what the authors meant.

Out of your cold, dead hands? Okay, if that's what it takes.

First off you example of guns is for a different thread, this one is about healthcare and the messiahs dumping on the constitution to pass it. You yourself don't argue this but say the constitution is irrellevant. First, if this is unconstitutional, which you pretty much admit, then amend the constitution to allow for this. What, it wouldn't pass the requirements you say (when over half of the states are filing suit with the US gov to block it I think this is a safe assumption) than I guess it still goes by the way of UNCONSTITUTIONAL. You see the brilliance of our founders was that yes the constitution can be changed THROUGH THE AMENDMENT PROCESS. It is not to be INTERPRETED by the supreme court, you, or any dipshit with a law degree. The constitution does not need to be interpreted it is pretty black and white.

In regards to the gun argument, I can't ever remember I gun killing someone without the operation of a dipshit holding it. In other words you argument is laughable.

Great? Hows that dollar doing? Economy? World relevance?

Things are always updated, changed and modified to reflect changing opinions. Yes, you can use the principles of the Constitution to guide you but to hang your hat on each. and. every. word is desperate to help justify your CURRENT views. You and your redneck brothers want automatic guns that can kill everything because I am sure that is what the authors meant.

Out of your cold, dead hands? Okay, if that's what it takes.

So you are clearly against The Second Amendment, anything else you feel needs updating? Perhaps you are also against free-speech.... I mean this Constituton thing is old, it has no relevance in today's society. Really, only the greatest political philosophers of all-time wrote it... what they hell do they know compared to the great minds of today like Michael Moore and Al Gore. So now that we have rid ourselves of The Constitution, now what? Where do you suggest that we draw the line.... Maybe there is no line, lets just throw-out over 200 years of logic and reason for the whims of today's society. Lets just make up shit as we go along.... Wow, this is fun.... I have become a blissfully stupid liberal without a care in the world. Big government will take care of my every need now without any restraints..... THIS IS SO GREAT!!! Now do you understand WHAT A BIG MORON YOU ARE??? Probably NOT because you're a MORON.

First off you example of guns is for a different thread, this one is about healthcare and the messiahs dumping on the constitution to pass it. You yourself don't argue this but say the constitution is irrellevant. First, if this is unconstitutional, which you pretty much admit, then amend the constitution to allow for this. What, it wouldn't pass the requirements you say (when over half of the states are filing suit with the US gov to block it I think this is a safe assumption) than I guess it still goes by the way of UNCONSTITUTIONAL. You see the brilliance of our founders was that yes the constitution can be changed THROUGH THE AMENDMENT PROCESS. It is not to be INTERPRETED by the supreme court, you, or any dipshit with a law degree. The constitution does not need to be interpreted it is pretty black and white.

In regards to the gun argument, I can't ever remember I gun killing someone without the operation of a dipshit holding it. In other words you argument is laughable.

You are right. Dipshits do love their guns.

Now, any of those suits that have been filed - they have been decided in court right. The final answer is they are correct in claiming the law unconstitutional because their has been a verdict. right?

So you are clearly against The Second Amendment, anything else you feel needs updating? Perhaps you are also against free-speech.... I mean this Constituton thing is old, it has no relevance in today's society. Really, only the greatest political philosophers of all-time wrote it... what they hell do they know compared to the great minds of today like Michael Moore and Al Gore. So now that we have rid ourselves of The Constitution, now what? Where do you suggest that we draw the line.... Maybe there is no line, lets just throw-out over 200 years of logic and reason for the whims of today's society. Lets just make up shit as we go along.... Wow, this is fun.... I have become a blissfully stupid liberal without a care in the world. Big government will take care of my every need now without any restraints..... THIS IS SO GREAT!!! Now do you understand WHAT A BIG MORON YOU ARE??? Probably NOT because you're a MORON.

Ease up big boy. I know its going to be hard to come out to your folks, being a staunch republican and all...

Great minds of today like, maybe...yours? Yeah, you there on an anonymous message board, yes you. You are so much smarter than Al Gore and Michael. You were not VP, you were POTUS!. Your several movies have won more awards than Moore right? You betcha, your the smartest person around.