Tell me my friend, name me one time you have ever come to our defense. You subsidize nothing regarding us. But thanks for more of your typical ignorance.
And I can easily debate the 'facts' with Fraser when I can link more than one counter report showing that our sytem is MORE than sustainable. Not to mention our spending on healthcare, although somewhat higher, as remained pretty stable for the past 20 years.
And I love how you give your 'opinion' that they 'disproved the legitimacy'. What a crock. Thanks for the laugh on that one.
Debate facts? What facts? That we live longer, have better access to healthcare for all, never pay a copay, never pay a deductible, never have to worry about be dropped by our insurance carrier and never go bankrupt due to a hospital bill. Those facts? Or the fact that our system costs us about 11% of our GDP and covers EVERYONE, and yours 17% and doesn't it? Those facts?
And I always love it when yahoos like you also provide the 'liberal tactic' talking point when all you have is biased bullshit info from a biased right wing think tank. Good for you. Again, I vote conservative. Why? Because as a fiscal conservative, I want a system that costs less, but serves everyone, while at the same time providing the same health outcomes. That's our system, NOT yours.
So do yourself a favour, look in the mirror on your own system that NO COUNTRY wants to copy, and spare me your hypocritical ignorance.
Speaking of shutting up. You've just been silenced.
Look man, I am sorry this has come down to a U.S. versus Canada discussion, but here we are. Personally, I think Canada has a lot of positive things it contributes to the world, but be realistic, Canada can not compare to the U.S. in anyway… unless of course you’re counting hockey.
In terms of the U.S. subsidizing Canada’s security…. Of course we have never come to your defense, we have never had to. It is a true testament of our military power and the security that it provides. Look at it this way… in terms of security, Canada is like a little kid, who nobody messes with, because he has a big brother who can kick any kid’s ass on the block.
If you have sources to refute the Fraser Institute, by all means, share them. It’s nice that you talk about them, but it is quite different to actually put them on display for all to see.
And I am sorry that your study undermines itself, but it does. It openly admits to “underestimating” the amount of people who come to the U.S. from Canada for medical purposes.
As far as debating facts regarding healthcare…. it is acknowledged by most experts that life-expectancy is a poor method for measuring the quality of a healthcare system. But since you mentioned it, Canada has an 80 year life expectancy and the U.S. is at 78. And how exactly do you have better access to healthcare? Everyone in the U.S. - including those illegally in the U.S. -- is guaranteed access to basic health care. Under a 1968 federal law, all patients seeking care in hospital emergency rooms must be given a minimum level of treatment, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status. The law applies to all hospitals that participate in Medicare -- which most do - and requires the hospitals to provide initial patient screening, life-saving and "stabilizing" emergency care and transfers to advanced trauma centers, if needed. Those services must be provided without asking about the patient's ability to pay. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that over the course of every year millions of Americans lose their health insurance, but only temporarily. Most people become uninsured because they lose or leave their jobs and regain insurance coverage when they return to work. In 2007, the Census Bureau reported that 253.4 million people -- about 85 percent of the total population -- did have health insurance.
Lastly, you’re right….. few governments around the world want to copy the U.S. system. Most countries are not interested in personal freedom and individual liberty for its people. They would prefer to control people. It is the history of government throughout the world to oppress its people and deprive them of their God-Given Unalienable Rights. So you either, believe in and embrace freedom and free-market principles, or you don’t. It is America’s continued belief in freedom that has created the idea of American Exceptionalism. It is why we continue to be the lone SuperPower of the world. It is why we have an immigration problem… everyone wants to come here. It is why I would never trade our way of life for anything.
So keep your socialized medicine and I will keep my freedom…. Thank you.