You make absolutely no sense with your organic food is unsafe argument. If you think organic food is unsafe, than you have to assume that GMO food is also unsafe since food is food and regulated the same way. Plus, how are you defining "better for you?" There is a huge cover-up and a reason why many nations will not allow U.S. grains to enter their countries. Have fun drinking milk with pus in it.
On the M/A front, poorly run companies like to buy what they think are companies that offer something they're lacking in goods or services. Often the other company has simply made themselves look good and they really have nothing to offer either. Stockholders and the executives benefit hugely when a poorly run large company buys what appears to be a more promising company. The stock price of the big company takes a leap up and they all sell and make a killing (at some point). Merger happens, employees on both sides are out of work and unemployed, executives make huge bones for such a great business move. There is your incentive.
Two years later the big company is always back where they started b/c they never did the hard work of being truly customer focused or innovative. Then they usually cut more jobs and start looking again to acquire another company that has done a better job of marketing or has one or two products that are appealing. It becomes a vicious cycle and not good business b/c it is lazy business that lines only the pockets of the greedy elite. There is the problem. The super wealthy do NOT create jobs. They spend their money on themselves. I realize you think I sound horrible but you cannot have a country where the middle class shrinks, there are NO frcking jobs, the poor expand and get more hopeless while only the very wealthy really make any money to live and yet they are the ones with all the power. Granted, the big company without the merger would probably be out of business anyway b/c they suck. The problem really is how very corrupt and greedy and ridiculous the pay at the top. I believe CEO/exec pay has gone up by a zillion percent in less than five years, while nothing has been done to make employees better off besides more layoffs.
Your blatant assault on success will be the downfall of America. Explain greed? Are you greedy? I'm guessing your answer will be "no". You couldn't possibly be greedy. Greedy is only the other guy, right? You must give a huge portion of your money to charity, right? Who will determine "greed"? Once greed has been determined, then what? Perhaps government should take the greedy-money and then spread it around for everyone to enjoy.
Ponder this, if those greedy guys buy stuff, you think that might create or maintain jobs? For example, if those greedy rich guys stopped buying their yachts, what do you think might happen to ALL those workers that make yachts, or whatever?
You actually seem like a halfway intelligent guy, which always blows me away. Because if you can be fooled, these mindless drones don't stand a chance and neither does our once great United States of America.