Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

You make absolutely no sense with your organic food is unsafe argument. If you think organic food is unsafe, than you have to assume that GMO food is also unsafe since food is food and regulated the same way. Plus, how are you defining "better for you?" There is a huge cover-up and a reason why many nations will not allow U.S. grains to enter their countries. Have fun drinking milk with pus in it.

On the M/A front, poorly run companies like to buy what they think are companies that offer something they're lacking in goods or services. Often the other company has simply made themselves look good and they really have nothing to offer either. Stockholders and the executives benefit hugely when a poorly run large company buys what appears to be a more promising company. The stock price of the big company takes a leap up and they all sell and make a killing (at some point). Merger happens, employees on both sides are out of work and unemployed, executives make huge bones for such a great business move. There is your incentive.
Two years later the big company is always back where they started b/c they never did the hard work of being truly customer focused or innovative. Then they usually cut more jobs and start looking again to acquire another company that has done a better job of marketing or has one or two products that are appealing. It becomes a vicious cycle and not good business b/c it is lazy business that lines only the pockets of the greedy elite. There is the problem. The super wealthy do NOT create jobs. They spend their money on themselves. I realize you think I sound horrible but you cannot have a country where the middle class shrinks, there are NO frcking jobs, the poor expand and get more hopeless while only the very wealthy really make any money to live and yet they are the ones with all the power. Granted, the big company without the merger would probably be out of business anyway b/c they suck. The problem really is how very corrupt and greedy and ridiculous the pay at the top. I believe CEO/exec pay has gone up by a zillion percent in less than five years, while nothing has been done to make employees better off besides more layoffs.

Your blatant assault on success will be the downfall of America. Explain greed? Are you greedy? I'm guessing your answer will be "no". You couldn't possibly be greedy. Greedy is only the other guy, right? You must give a huge portion of your money to charity, right? Who will determine "greed"? Once greed has been determined, then what? Perhaps government should take the greedy-money and then spread it around for everyone to enjoy.
Ponder this, if those greedy guys buy stuff, you think that might create or maintain jobs? For example, if those greedy rich guys stopped buying their yachts, what do you think might happen to ALL those workers that make yachts, or whatever?
You actually seem like a halfway intelligent guy, which always blows me away. Because if you can be fooled, these mindless drones don't stand a chance and neither does our once great United States of America.

I am a woman and I am probably greedy but do not really want to be. I really do not have much money and, no, I do not give to too many charities - just Salvation Army, Goodwill and local animal shelters. Ok, so you have me on how to define greed. I really do not know anymore than I know how to enforce ethical behavior. We have laws already in place that should protect the people, but those laws are not enforced and evidence is ignored.

Corporate America gets a fail. . . maybe it was all the idiot MBAs hired with no real-world experience, but I think it is the ridiculously high salaries that are given regardless of how the company performs. Maybe it's because the definition of performance is about the bottom line and not giving back to humanity or creating jobs - pure profit and that's it. Unfortunatelyl, there is too much glad handing and friends scratching friends backs for my comfort level all through corporate America and government. I do not want bigger government anymore than I want to see corporate executives make millions per year while laying off more workers. Part of the problem is the tax shelters overseas from monies that belong here. People claim the war is necessary but I would beg to differ and think it is bankrupting the nation and sending more jobs overseas. The war makes only a handful a whole lot of money while our young men and women die and we piss off the rest of the world. Problem with bringing everyone home is we do not have jobs here either. I do know that with Obamacare, it will hurt the small companies from ever hiring anything but part-time or not at all. So expansion will grind to a halt in this sector. There were some articles noting that most jobs in the U.S. in the last few years that were created, were created by small business and not the major corporations. So, no answers from either side. I am, however, beginning to think it is "us" that is corrupt and not any system that needs to be rewritten. Maybe we are all Godless. Maybe consumerism has become such a pervasive addiction that it has destroyed our ability to think and see clearly. Sorry, no answers which makes all this sort of a waste of time - sadly, which I have plenty of right now.

I am a woman and I am probably greedy but do not really want to be. I really do not have much money and, no, I do not give to too many charities - just Salvation Army, Goodwill and local animal shelters. Ok, so you have me on how to define greed. I really do not know anymore than I know how to enforce ethical behavior. We have laws already in place that should protect the people, but those laws are not enforced and evidence is ignored.

Corporate America gets a fail. . . maybe it was all the idiot MBAs hired with no real-world experience, but I think it is the ridiculously high salaries that are given regardless of how the company performs. Maybe it's because the definition of performance is about the bottom line and not giving back to humanity or creating jobs - pure profit and that's it. Unfortunatelyl, there is too much glad handing and friends scratching friends backs for my comfort level all through corporate America and government. I do not want bigger government anymore than I want to see corporate executives make millions per year while laying off more workers. Part of the problem is the tax shelters overseas from monies that belong here. People claim the war is necessary but I would beg to differ and think it is bankrupting the nation and sending more jobs overseas. The war makes only a handful a whole lot of money while our young men and women die and we piss off the rest of the world. Problem with bringing everyone home is we do not have jobs here either. I do know that with Obamacare, it will hurt the small companies from ever hiring anything but part-time or not at all. So expansion will grind to a halt in this sector. There were some articles noting that most jobs in the U.S. in the last few years that were created, were created by small business and not the major corporations. So, no answers from either side. I am, however, beginning to think it is "us" that is corrupt and not any system that needs to be rewritten. Maybe we are all Godless. Maybe consumerism has become such a pervasive addiction that it has destroyed our ability to think and see clearly. Sorry, no answers which makes all this sort of a waste of time - sadly, which I have plenty of right now.

Having the HIGHEST corporate tax-rate in the world is the biggest contributor to job loss in America, NOT high paid execs. Obama-care will only add to that. Over-regulation is also a HUGE contributor, not wars.
How do you think a small business is defined? Why do you think a small business is a small business? Do you think if a small business could grow into a large business or God forbid a corporation, it would? Does that growth from small to big make it somehow inherently evil? I don't Understand... Get government out of the way and let this economy grow. Let competition flourish again instead of this foreign idea that we should all somehow be made equal through the tax system. Of course we should all have equal rights and equal protection under the law, but no guarantees of equal outcomes.

Having the highest corporate tax rate AND being allowed to go overseas to conduct business and not be taxed!!! No wonder we have no jobs here. I think you've hit one there. . . but I still think that executive pay is ridiculous when half the time the business goes belly-up and the execs still get a HUGE payout. Not right. Just keep in mind WE paid tax dollars for bailouts where the execs got even hire bonuses with the bailout money and the companies want MORE or are still unable to make ends meet!! WTF?

So, cut taxes and then what? You cannot expect my mother to cut her living expenses anymore than she already has. She barely keeps her home and that goes for all of her senior friends as well. I have to buy her food and cannot write that one off. You cannot tax the middle-class more or the poor less either. Of course, our government needs to spend less and the waste is crazy. The pensions are pretty obscene as well. Heck, so are our military pensions. Most of the vets are coming home so fucked up that many cannot find any work, which once again burdens the system. Come their pension time, what will they have contributed? (Yes, I know they went to war, but they volunteered for it.)

Having the highest corporate tax rate AND being allowed to go overseas to conduct business and not be taxed!!! No wonder we have no jobs here. I think you've hit one there. . . but I still think that executive pay is ridiculous when half the time the business goes belly-up and the execs still get a HUGE payout. Not right. Just keep in mind WE paid tax dollars for bailouts where the execs got even hire bonuses with the bailout money and the companies want MORE or are still unable to make ends meet!! WTF?

So, cut taxes and then what? You cannot expect my mother to cut her living expenses anymore than she already has. She barely keeps her home and that goes for all of her senior friends as well. I have to buy her food and cannot write that one off. You cannot tax the middle-class more or the poor less either. Of course, our government needs to spend less and the waste is crazy. The pensions are pretty obscene as well. Heck, so are our military pensions. Most of the vets are coming home so fucked up that many cannot find any work, which once again burdens the system. Come their pension time, what will they have contributed? (Yes, I know they went to war, but they volunteered for it.)

It is not that businesses are "allowed" to go over seas, they are damn-near run out of this country with its oppressive tax burden. Are you suggesting that government force businesses to stay here behind the ol familiar iron curtain? If businesses stay here, be prepared to see the price of everything skyrocket. Government needs to scale-back to its original, legitimate functions. And whether or not you believe in war, our military is at the top of the list in terms of legitimate functions of government. I am sorry about your Mom, but there are already a multitude of redundant government programs for people like your Mom. It is unreasonable to expect the American people to spend one more dollar on yet another worthless government program.
When government bailed-out businesses, they did not buy those businesses. They did not become CEO. Those businesses still function as a private business with the added burden of having to pay back the government loans... Many of which are paid back. I did not like the bailouts, but that is what our government decided to do. They didn't purchase the ability to deny executives of their bonuses or pay structure.

Sorry for all the spelling errors. I am heavily medicated and not quite all there yet. Oh, well. Debating with you is at least getting the old brain working again. Carry on. . .

Expecting government to scale back is an illusion. No one will ever do it. If they do anything, it will be cuts to people like my mom rather than shift that to the wealthiest Americans. I watched the news this morning on polls taken on the wealthy. They are NOT opposed to being taxed more to help. I just would hate to see that happen while they spend even more. Sorry, we are going to 100 percent disagree on the war. We were fine until we went to war. Clinton had a surplus, we all had jobs, and felt fairly optimistic until 9/11. Bin Laden's goal was to bankrupt us. I sort feel like that SOB is getting the last laugh and he's dead. All that has to happen is for the world currency to shift and we are going to screwed overnight.

Expecting government to scale back is an illusion. No one will ever do it. If they do anything, it will be cuts to people like my mom rather than shift that to the wealthiest Americans. I watched the news this morning on polls taken on the wealthy. They are NOT opposed to being taxed more to help. I just would hate to see that happen while they spend even more. Sorry, we are going to 100 percent disagree on the war. We were fine until we went to war. Clinton had a surplus, we all had jobs, and felt fairly optimistic until 9/11. Bin Laden's goal was to bankrupt us. I sort feel like that SOB is getting the last laugh and he's dead. All that has to happen is for the world currency to shift and we are going to screwed overnight.

ALL did not have a job during the Clinton years, unemployment rates were comparable to the Bush years. Clinton's surplus would never have happened without the Republican take over of Congress which forced Clinton to curb his big government tendencies. Also, Clinton gutted the military which lead to the rise of Bin Laden. Clinton had the opportunity to take-out Bin Laden but refused. Look at government spending, it is not reasonable to think that gutting our military will lead to any significant debt reduction. Bin Laden is not bankrupting us, Obama and the Democrats are.

As a percent of federal spending, our military spending is below the average of the last 60 years.


Ok, that was interesting. It just does not seem like the truth. I wonder who sponsored the poll? So, if it is so easy to fix our debt burden, why is no one doing it? They just sit up there and push more paper and nothing changes. It will take a decade to bring back well-paying jobs to America. I would highly recomment that people quit having kids until we know we can support them. On the side, without a growth in a population with good jobs, "us," meaning the babyboomers will not have the support structure to foot the retired generation. I guess this means raising the age of retirement, which I'm sure is coming.

Here is another fact that will blow your liberal mind. You want to tax the rich because I assume you feel like you are entitled to their money or that they are obligated to give their money to government to spend on worthless, unconstitutional programs, right? The irony of it all, is that as tax rates increase, total tax revenue going to the government either stays the same or often times decreases. And conversely, as tax rates fall, government revenue actually increases. History has proven this fact over and over. So when Obama wants to tax the rich, it is safe to assume that he has no interest in raising government revenue, but would rather make a political statement by punishing the successful in America. I don't understand this class-envy crap... It will be our downfall.

Ok, that was interesting. It just does not seem like the truth. I wonder who sponsored the poll? So, if it is so easy to fix our debt burden, why is no one doing it? They just sit up there and push more paper and nothing changes. It will take a decade to bring back well-paying jobs to America. I would highly recomment that people quit having kids until we know we can support them. On the side, without a growth in a population with good jobs, "us," meaning the babyboomers will not have the support structure to foot the retired generation. I guess this means raising the age of retirement, which I'm sure is coming.

That was not a POLL, it is cold, hard facts.
Population growth in America has hit an ALL-TIME LOW.


It is mostly due to this awful economy that Obama has created... It will have long-lasting ill effects on America. Nobody fixes this problem because Obama doesn't want it fixed. You can't fundamentally transform America without first destroying it.

No, I would like to see the taxes go to pay down the debt. I would also like to see taxes raised on smokers and the obese who cannot prove some genetic issue. I would like to see welfare receipients have mandatory drug testing and have to sign a note saying they promise to either abstain from sex or practice safe sex to limit the number of welfare babies. Also, MJ should be legal and anyone involved grandfathered in so they can be released from prison as long as they did nothing violent. MJ should be sold and taxed just like alcohol. So, I am part liberal and part conservative or maybe worse.

No, I would like to see the taxes go to pay down the debt. I would also like to see taxes raised on smokers and the obese who cannot prove some genetic issue. I would like to see welfare receipients have mandatory drug testing and have to sign a note saying they promise to either abstain from sex or practice safe sex to limit the number of welfare babies. Also, MJ should be legal and anyone involved grandfathered in so they can be released from prison as long as they did nothing violent. MJ should be sold and taxed just like alcohol. So, I am part liberal and part conservative or maybe worse.

If you want taxes to pay down the debt, you first need to stop creating new debt. You then cut tax rates and more tax revenue will be created for the government to pay down the debt.

If you want taxes to pay down the debt, you first need to stop creating new debt. You then cut tax rates and more tax revenue will be created for the government to pay down the debt.

Makes some sense. I would also like to see a flat tax or simplified tax. They are way too complicated right now with too many loopholes. OK, signing off for the night. Enjoy.

That was not a POLL, it is cold, hard facts.
Population growth in America has hit an ALL-TIME LOW.


It is mostly due to this awful economy that Obama has created... It will have long-lasting ill effects on America. Nobody fixes this problem because Obama doesn't want it fixed. You can't fundamentally transform America without first destroying it.

Is this red state white trash still bleating like a stuck pig

Bitch... You haven't shown one bit of knowledge, facts, thoughtfulness, reason, wisdom or anything that would represent a thinking human. So go back to cutting and pasting irrelevant shit, you mindless drone.

Quit yelling at me, I did not write it. . . been a litte preoccupied today. I have not cut anything with the exception of my GMO post and there you will not find much real scientific data except that sponsored by the Monsanto itself. What is your problem? You have a troll on the board; deal with it.

Quit yelling at me, I did not write it. . . been a litte preoccupied today. I have not cut anything with the exception of my GMO post and there you will not find much real scientific data except that sponsored by the Monsanto itself. What is your problem? You have a troll on the board; deal with it.

I was not talking to you.... I was responding to the complete moron who cuts and pastes shit.