When was school prayer even an issue... the 60's? Apparently you must be part of the Honey-boo-boo watching crowd when talking about Republicans need to "get out of your bedroom". To oppose gay-marriage isn't the equivalent of interfering with your bedroom activities. Face it... Democrats pander to idiots and they have a vested interest in keeping a permanent "stupid-class" of citizens. If you think the solution is that Republicans must improve their ability to speak to idiots than I have to question your intelligence. Pandering to idiots will not save this country. Pandering to idiots is what has gotten us to this point. I am surprised you don't understand that.
You misunderstand my point. I actually agree with some of what you say.
However, there are more idiots out there than folks like you. If the Republicans refuse to go after those idiot voters to get them to vote for them, they will continue to lose. Or at least make their points more relatable.
You are smart, I get that. Don't expect morons to rise to your level.
The million dollar question is do you get republicans or conservatives elected then? How do you get an uniformed voter to think like you and vote like you?
You have good ideas but how will you sell it? You sound resigned to the fact that your ideology will never win. And if it won't, how do you change that? Do you give up?