Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

When was school prayer even an issue... the 60's? Apparently you must be part of the Honey-boo-boo watching crowd when talking about Republicans need to "get out of your bedroom". To oppose gay-marriage isn't the equivalent of interfering with your bedroom activities. Face it... Democrats pander to idiots and they have a vested interest in keeping a permanent "stupid-class" of citizens. If you think the solution is that Republicans must improve their ability to speak to idiots than I have to question your intelligence. Pandering to idiots will not save this country. Pandering to idiots is what has gotten us to this point. I am surprised you don't understand that.

You misunderstand my point. I actually agree with some of what you say.

However, there are more idiots out there than folks like you. If the Republicans refuse to go after those idiot voters to get them to vote for them, they will continue to lose. Or at least make their points more relatable.

You are smart, I get that. Don't expect morons to rise to your level.

The million dollar question is this...how do you get republicans or conservatives elected then? How do you get an uniformed voter to think like you and vote like you?

You have good ideas but how will you sell it? You sound resigned to the fact that your ideology will never win. And if it won't, how do you change that? Do you give up?

haha just read this...how's that sting feel right about now since it's been a few weeks since his second inauguration?

He is doing a great job isn't be? That state of the union was inspiring because all that spending and free giveaways like universal preschool 1) we have extra money laying around and 2) surely those pie in sky plans will pass the house...

The next four years will be full of gridlock, which is a great thing for this country. Lame duck 2nd term has already started.

You misunderstand my point. I actually agree with some of what you say.

However, there are more idiots out there than folks like you. If the Republicans refuse to go after those idiot voters to get them to vote for them, they will continue to lose. Or at least make their points more relatable.

You are smart, I get that. Don't expect morons to rise to your level.

The million dollar question is this...how do you get republicans or conservatives elected then? How do you get an uniformed voter to think like you and vote like you?

You have good ideas but how will you sell it? You sound resigned to the fact that your ideology will never win. And if it won't, how do you change that? Do you give up?

I will not give up, but I fear we have reached a tipping point in America. A point which has been predicted: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.

I will not give up, but I fear we have reached a tipping point in America. A point which has been predicted: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.

What a cock!

So Romney had an Iq of 2?

So you have a jd and MBA from Harvard and are worth 250 million? Romney does.

Not a huge fan of a romney but your comment makes you look ignorant.

Obviously IQ doesn't matter to America, otherwise we wouldn't have a second term for the worst president of my lifetime. The only thing that matters to 50% of this country is what "Free" shit can you give me. So Democrats promise Amnesty to illegals, increased welfare benefits to the poor. (which they created), "free" healthcare to the masses, student loan forgiveness to the young, mortgage relief act for a housing crisis (which they also created)... Republicans, more precisely, conservatives are not going to play this self-destructive game. Perhaps they will never win an election, but at least there is a political party that is actually trying to save this potentially doomed country.

He is a Mitwit like you

Have you ever had an independent thought in your life? Or do you just cut-n-paste from The Democratic Underground and substitute critical thinking and serious debate with meaningless terms like "Mitwit". You aren't even clever enough to think of your own name for Romney but pawn-off stolen terms as your own. It's pathetic, but you represent the masses of idiots that voted for Obama.

Have you ever had an independent thought in your life? Or do you just cut-n-paste from The Democratic Underground and substitute critical thinking and serious debate with meaningless terms like "Mitwit". You aren't even clever enough to think of your own name for Romney but pawn-off stolen terms as your own. It's pathetic, but you represent the masses of idiots that voted for Obama.

Denial. You lost. You're just a bitter little bigot. if you think that this board represents a forum for serious debate then you are mistaken.

Now go and lobby for the NRA but keep away from the schools you nut job.

Denial. You lost. You're just a bitter little bigot. if you think that this board represents a forum for serious debate then you are mistaken.

Now go and lobby for the NRA but keep away from the schools you nut job.

Happy to see the pres. Is a lame duck. Without the house, nothing will get done, except certain things by executive order, which should have anybody who is afraid of too much power in the executive branch worried. And yes, Bush did the same thing too before you start with your blame Bush tirade. Executive power has been increasing steadily for decades.

Go ahead and mock he NRA. With hundreds of millions of dollars a year at their disposal, they are powerful as a lobby can get.

I won't call you names because that is intellectually lazy.

Happy to see the pres. Is a lame duck. Without the house, nothing will get done, except certain things by executive order, which should have anybody who is afraid of too much power in the executive branch worried. And yes, Bush did the same thing too before you start with your blame Bush tirade. Executive power has been increasing steadily for decades.

Go ahead and mock he NRA. With hundreds of millions of dollars a year at their disposal, they are powerful as a lobby can get.

I won't call you names because that is intellectually lazy.

Negative on the lame duck and Hilary (or the next president of our choosing) will continue the progressive reforms. We like executive power, so we can control extremists like you.

You can spend your time letting off rounds on the range and planning for secession.

Remember, we are watching your every move.

Negative on the lame duck and Hilary (or the next president of our choosing) will continue the progressive reforms. We like executive power, so we can control extremists like you.

You can spend your time letting off rounds on the range and planning for secession.

Remember, we are watching your every move.

You are funny. I am going to stop responding. Saying that you like executive power to control extremists is ironic. The very nature of abusing executive power and supporting it is an extremist position. Too much centralized power is as un American as you can get.

I am done.

You are funny. I am going to stop responding. Saying that you like executive power to control extremists is ironic. The very nature of abusing executive power and supporting it is an extremist position. Too much centralized power is as un American as you can get.

I am done.

'un American"

Idiot home boy

Nah. You're just bitter that you lost

Unless my name is Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan, explain to me how I lost? America lost.... Look at debt, look at the rise in food-stamp utilization, look at welfare and look at unemployment. It is pathetic when you think, you personally have won, while the country is losing by almost every measure.

Unless my name is Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan, explain to me how I lost? America lost.... Look at debt, look at the rise in food-stamp utilization, look at welfare and look at unemployment. It is pathetic when you think, you personally have won, while the country is losing by almost every measure.

America was the victor