"government is the only source for real power and corruption"
Is that a credible statement I wonder? A phrase Mitwit would have been proud of!
Does anybody have any examples of industrial power and corruption. Lets make it tough and restrict to ten only...........hmmmmmm...........over the last ten years.
Industry, corporations, business and whatever have what power compared to government? Can they force individuals to buy their product or service? Can they make laws? Can they confiscate a large percent of your hard-earned money in the form of taxes? Do they have the power to limit your freedom? All the bad that you believe corporations are guilty of, government is just as guilty. However, only government has the power to force it's corruption on to society. I don't expect you to understand or accept this, but it is true. Government is your religion and you blindly follow it like a good little disciple. You had better go back to and start cutting-n-pasting again... You are in over your head again.