Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

Like Mitt would have been a better choice? Come on. You are dreaming. They are both part of a corrupt system that will do the bare minimum to keep anarchy from ensuing. All smoke and mirrors to preserve the pseudo capitalistic society we have created. The government can absolutely enact laws or deactived poor ones to help the ailing middle class, grow jobs and stimulate the economy. They have done zero but move paper and create more debt. As soon as the dollar is devalued, America will turn into a third world country literally overnight. A state of national emergency will be declared. The government will sieze the internet (our last venue for free speech), our bank accounts and control all food and fuel sources. If you cannot see it coming, you're the fool.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Jesus! You pig humping confederates still whinging? Until the GOP get rid of you weirdos they are gonna have to get used to life in the wings.

Jesus! You pig humping confederates still whinging? Until the GOP get rid of you weirdos they are gonna have to get used to life in the wings.

Here's another radical statement from the extreme right-winger Abraham Lincoln...
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

$16 trillion debt
40 million in poverty and on foodstamps
8% unemployment

Here's another radical statement from the extreme right-winger Abraham Lincoln...
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

$16 trillion debt
40 million in poverty and on foodstamps
8% unemployment

Living in the now I see. What on earth are you warbling on about man? Thicko reactionary.

I bet you love this one "If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory" Jefferson Davis

Which is what will happen to you

Jesus! You pig humping confederates still whinging? Until the GOP get rid of you weirdos they are gonna have to get used to life in the wings.

And by the way moron, it is Democrats who were primarily "pig humping confederates". It was Lincoln and the Republicans who ended slavery, you uneducated and uninformed moron. Did Bill Maher and Michael Moore forget to tell you about that?

Living in the now I see. What on earth are you warbling on about man? Thicko reactionary.

I bet you love this one "If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory" Jefferson Davis

Which is what will happen to you

I love quotes that reveal the history of the Democratic Party and Jefferson Davis is yet another in a long list of "pig humping" confederate Democrats.

Thank You Bill Maher

And by the way moron, it is Democrats who were primarily "pig humping confederates". It was Lincoln and the Republicans who ended slavery, you uneducated and uninformed moron. Did Bill Maher and Michael Moore forget to tell you about that?

Read some more. Lincoln was responsible for the civil war. Slavery could have been ended diplomatically but it wasn't. Instead it cost this nation over 600,000 lives. Under Clinton we had no debt, no war and we had jobs. Makes me start to believe the 9/11 attack was something other than random terrorists so the Bushs could come to power. While they were in power, the economy tanked, we've been in a costly war that has made security worse, the government got bigger, more contractors overseas than soldiers, we lost jobs, outsourcing grew, the dollar fell. . . yeah, the Repulicans are great. Personally, I do not think Obama can solve our problems now either. The only solution is to become a working socialist government of some type - perhaps to copy Denmark since few cultures have ever succeeded at it. Our country is a mess and run by a handful of elite who have no intention of sharing any of the wealth until they are driven out of power.

Lincoln the movie shows an extremely flawed point of view. I guess someone went to the show this weekend. LOL

Read some more. Lincoln was responsible for the civil war. Slavery could have been ended diplomatically but it wasn't. Instead it cost this nation over 600,000 lives. Under Clinton we had no debt, no war and we had jobs. Makes me start to believe the 9/11 attack was something other than random terrorists so the Bushs could come to power. While they were in power, the economy tanked, we've been in a costly war that has made security worse, the government got bigger, more contractors overseas than soldiers, we lost jobs, outsourcing grew, the dollar fell. . . yeah, the Repulicans are great. Personally, I do not think Obama can solve our problems now either. The only solution is to become a working socialist government of some type - perhaps to copy Denmark since few cultures have ever succeeded at it. Our country is a mess and run by a handful of elite who have no intention of sharing any of the wealth until they are driven out of power.

Lincoln the movie shows an extremely flawed point of view. I guess someone went to the show this weekend. LOL

Your perspective on Lincoln says it all. Thanks for sharing your colossal wealth of ignorance. You don't understand history, so it is completely unreasonable for anyone to think that you could possibly understand current events.

You are another brainwashed media clone.

Yup. He's an idiot, like Mitwit and Dumbo Dubya before him.

Let's keep him going though shall we. It's good sport and only takes a few seconds

And another

“We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance.” – Mitwit Romney October 11, 2012

And by the way moron, it is Democrats who were primarily "pig humping confederates". It was Lincoln and the Republicans who ended slavery, you uneducated and uninformed moron. Did Bill Maher and Michael Moore forget to tell you about that?

But I thought all the pig humping southern conservative lunatics left the democratic party when Lyndon Johnson championed civil rights. They joined the Republican party and what was red turned blue and vice versa.

You sir, are merely an ignorant racist bigot living in a world of hatred and spite.

But I thought all the pig humping southern conservative lunatics left the democratic party when Lyndon Johnson championed civil rights. They joined the Republican party and what was red turned blue and vice versa.

You sir, are merely an ignorant racist bigot living in a world of hatred and spite.

Nice try moron.... Explain Democratic Senator Robert Byrd, KKK member and Senator until his death in 2010.

But I thought all the pig humping southern conservative lunatics left the democratic party when Lyndon Johnson championed civil rights. They joined the Republican party and what was red turned blue and vice versa.

You sir, are merely an ignorant racist bigot living in a world of hatred and spite.

The civil rights act would never have been passed without Republican support you clueless jackass. It was Democrats and Senator Byrd himself that lead one of the longest filibusters in history to oppose the civil rights movement.

The civil rights act would never have been passed without Republican support you clueless jackass. It was Democrats and Senator Byrd himself that lead one of the longest filibusters in history to oppose the civil rights movement.

And that's true as well. So, why are we so divided. I think people just polarize b/c they really believe one party or another has all the answers, which is just not the case. Either will bleed the middle class dry.

And that's true as well. So, why are we so divided. I think people just polarize b/c they really believe one party or another has all the answers, which is just not the case. Either will bleed the middle class dry.

How do both sides "bleed the middle class"? One side believes in a smaller government, with lower taxes, keeping more of your own hard-earned money and more personal responsibility, while the other side believes in quite the opposite... Please explain.

How do both sides "bleed the middle class"? One side believes in a smaller government, with lower taxes, keeping more of your own hard-earned money and more personal responsibility, while the other side believes in quite the opposite... Please explain.

Easy. Neither side solves the real problem of greed and corporate corruption. It is avoided completely in politics b/c of the lobbyists. Laws are not inforced. The one party just adds to our overburdened social systems and tries to please the middle class and wants to tax the wealthy. This just adds to the debt while not creating any jobs or solving problems at their core. The other side totally favors the wealthy and supports a culture of the elite while still doing nothing for the middle class and making the dependent class seem like lazy handout losers. Neither are correct or will fix the problem. If you are very wealthy (over 200k annually), you tend to be republican, especially if you believe that the wealthy will solve our problems and hate seeing your tax dollars go to help some idiot who has no job and 10 kids. If you are middle class or struggling, you tend to favor the other, hopeful that you will still have SS and disability or MC to fall back on if you get sick or cannot work. Both believe 100 percent that people are lazy and will sponge off the system. I am not convinced that is true. I think that when people feel helpless and hopeless that is the case. So, there are more of those today than ever before. Bring back hope and you do not need to worry that people will just give up and look to sponge. The wealthy will just treat themselves to their third vacation home. Hope comes with job creation. Period. The wealthy do NOT create any jobs. That comes from the middle class, which is in a crisis right now.

Easy. Neither side solves the real problem of greed and corporate corruption. It is avoided completely in politics b/c of the lobbyists. Laws are not inforced. The one party just adds to our overburdened social systems and tries to please the middle class and wants to tax the wealthy. This just adds to the debt while not creating any jobs or solving problems at their core. The other side totally favors the wealthy and supports a culture of the elite while still doing nothing for the middle class and making the dependent class seem like lazy handout losers. Neither are correct or will fix the problem. If you are very wealthy (over 200k annually), you tend to be republican, especially if you believe that the wealthy will solve our problems and hate seeing your tax dollars go to help some idiot who has no job and 10 kids. If you are middle class or struggling, you tend to favor the other, hopeful that you will still have SS and disability or MC to fall back on if you get sick or cannot work. Both believe 100 percent that people are lazy and will sponge off the system. I am not convinced that is true. I think that when people feel helpless and hopeless that is the case. So, there are more of those today than ever before. Bring back hope and you do not need to worry that people will just give up and look to sponge. The wealthy will just treat themselves to their third vacation home. Hope comes with job creation. Period. The wealthy do NOT create any jobs. That comes from the middle class, which is in a crisis right now.

Middle-class as defined by you (under $200 thousand) will create what jobs exactly? And what exactly is greedy? You seem overly obsessed with class envy. Give me some examples of corporate corruption that goes unpunished or laws that are not enforced. America has always been the land of opportunity, but it is becoming the land of handouts. Neither corporations or government are inherently greedy or bad.... People are. People in corporations and people in government. The question is how to limit greed. I submit that giving government more power is clearly not the answer. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and nowhere is power more absolute than in government.

Middle-class as defined by you (under $200 thousand) will create what jobs exactly? And what exactly is greedy? You seem overly obsessed with class envy. Give me some examples of corporate corruption that goes unpunished or laws that are not enforced. America has always been the land of opportunity, but it is becoming the land of handouts. Neither corporations or government are inherently greedy or bad.... People are. People in corporations and people in government. The question is how to limit greed. I submit that giving government more power is clearly not the answer. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and nowhere is power more absolute than in government.

I did not define the middle class and there were several recent articles that most jobs have been created by the middle class and by small companies. I am not obsessed with class envy but rather sickened by rulership of the elite for the elite and only the elite. Yes, I agree it is bad people but they are the majority now and not just a handful of bad apples. Again, when 90 percent of all the wealth is controlled by only 5 percent of the population that is not a good thing. (Power does corrupt.) I realize this is tough but capitalism has gone horribly wrong and gets a FAIL. People only command handouts when they are hopeless. Hopelessness breeds helplessness. You cannot instill hope and have zero jobs that can support a household. For most, the American dream (even a modest one) is dead. When dreams die, so do people. I do not know how to limit greed but it certainly is NOT giving more breaks to the very wealthy and allowing them to shelter their wealth. It is not paying executives obscene salaries and bonuses regardless of how their companies perform. It is also not cutting off SS/MC/MA to the very people that need it most. Create jobs and an economy that can support its people and you create hope. This alone will limit the handouts required. I am not even going to get into corruption. Go look at Lawless America. Watch some of it and let me know you really think we live in a country that remotely respects our legal system anymore. Watch what Chris Hedges has to say even if you do not believe in socialism. Everyone just plays to the fiddler that helps their own interests rather than obey their oaths or behave ethically. I could go on and on but won't.

I did not define the middle class and there were several recent articles that most jobs have been created by the middle class and by small companies. I am not obsessed with class envy but rather sickened by rulership of the elite for the elite and only the elite. Yes, I agree it is bad people but they are the majority now and not just a handful of bad apples. Again, when 90 percent of all the wealth is controlled by only 5 percent of the population that is not a good thing. (Power does corrupt.) I realize this is tough but capitalism has gone horribly wrong and gets a FAIL. People only command handouts when they are hopeless. Hopelessness breeds helplessness. You cannot instill hope and have zero jobs that can support a household. For most, the American dream (even a modest one) is dead. When dreams die, so do people. I do not know how to limit greed but it certainly is NOT giving more breaks to the very wealthy and allowing them to shelter their wealth. It is not paying executives obscene salaries and bonuses regardless of how their companies perform. It is also not cutting off SS/MC/MA to the very people that need it most. Create jobs and an economy that can support its people and you create hope. This alone will limit the handouts required. I am not even going to get into corruption. Go look at Lawless America. Watch some of it and let me know you really think we live in a country that remotely respects our legal system anymore. Watch what Chris Hedges has to say even if you do not believe in socialism. Everyone just plays to the fiddler that helps their own interests rather than obey their oaths or behave ethically. I could go on and on but won't.

Even if anything you said was remotely true, what is the solution? For you, it is to give politicians more power to control everything. We agree that people can be corrupt, but the only way to limit corruption is to limit the power and scope of government because government is the only source for real power and corruption.

"government is the only source for real power and corruption"

Is that a credible statement I wonder? A phrase Mitwit would have been proud of!

Does anybody have any examples of industrial power and corruption. Lets make it tough and restrict to Pharmaceuticals......hmmmm........top ten only...........hmmmmmm...........over the last ten years.