Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

Re: is it true health insurance costs have been going up in the last years?

Excellent link... Unfortunately these liberal drones are completely impervious to facts and logic.

The majority of which is a result of providers increasing prices and not increased demand for services. But don't worry, we'll get those vultures. When we nationalise this whole thing and get a healthcare system worthy of us, the job will be complete. I mean, it's not as if you stupid nitwits are going to become electable in the next four years now is it? Until you are, it looks like you'll just have to bleat on boards like this and through right wing media outlets whom nobody listens to other than red state white trash.

"government is the only source for real power and corruption"

Is that a credible statement I wonder? A phrase Mitwit would have been proud of!

Does anybody have any examples of industrial power and corruption. Lets make it tough and restrict to Pharmaceuticals......hmmmm........top ten only...........hmmmmmm...........over the last ten years.

Because you see, it helps Obama's image and legacy and it goes against the narrative if he fails...

you see, the black man can't fail in America...that is why Obozo was re-elected...

you can't go against the liberal media's narrative and social engineering tactics...

Because you see, it helps Obama's image and legacy and it goes against the narrative if he fails...

you see, the black man can't fail in America...that is why Obozo was re-elected...

you can't go against the liberal media's narrative and social engineering tactics...

That's right, it's all a liberal conspiracy. You watch out now as we will be listening in......watching you.

No. I mean it. We are monitoring red state white trash like you.

Spoken like a true freedom-hating, Marxist, Nazi pig... Always looking for reasons and finding methods to label those with whom you disagree. First, you mark them. Then, you track them. Finally, you eliminate them for opposing what you do and stand for. Thanks for exposing yourself.

Spoken like a true freedom-hating, Marxist, Nazi pig... Always looking for reasons and finding methods to label those with whom you disagree. First, you mark them. Then, you track them. Finally, you eliminate them for opposing what you do and stand for. Thanks for exposing yourself.

Calm down. Now focus. You need to buy weapons. Build a bunker of some description. Get several wives of your own choosing.

Us multicultural, liberal leaning, progressive types are coming for you!

Calm down. Now focus. You need to buy weapons. Build a bunker of some description. Get several wives of your own choosing.

Us multicultural, liberal leaning, progressive types are coming for you!

I think it is you who needs to calm down and get busy labeling groups of people and de-humanize them like a good little Nazi.

As a center right voter, you both are the reason why this country is going to hell. Until we can learn to get along, I will continue to split my vote voting for blue dog dems and RINOs.

Rome is burning and Dems and Reps. can't get along to do what is right with sensible and rational solutions. Compromise means getting a little of what you want and giving up some of what you wanted.

Instead, both sides do this scorched earth crap.

Very sad.

As a center right voter, you both are the reason why this country is going to hell. Until we can learn to get along, I will continue to split my vote voting for blue dog dems and RINOs.

Rome is burning and Dems and Reps. can't get along to do what is right with sensible and rational solutions. Compromise means getting a little of what you want and giving up some of what you wanted.

Instead, both sides do this scorched earth crap.

Very sad.

What is sad is that Rome is buning, your Messiah is President and you have no idea where to lay appropriate blame. How do you compromise with a Marxist that has a stated goal of fundamentally transforming America? You sound like a complete ill-informed drone. Wake up!

What is sad is that Rome is buning, your Messiah is President and you have no idea where to lay appropriate blame. How do you compromise with a Marxist that has a stated goal of fundamentally transforming America? You sound like a complete ill-informed drone. Wake up!

I voted for Romney.

My do you assume a lot.

Yes, I am ill informed. With a BA in political science froma tier 1 school, a regular consumer of left and right news sources, friends of both parties, gay, straight, white, black, Asian and Latino friends, a considerable amount of money invested in a diversified portfolio, and I go to the inner city to volunteer my time at my wife's inner city school she teaches at...yes, I am I'll informed. I would suggest you stop the name calling and understand the human condition more. The reason I am very successful, and no I am not in pharma. I am a investor, is because I see an issue and think about it apart from party politics. This is why I am a what you call a Rino...pro choice, legalize drugs, cut back in military spending, lower taxes, compromise on illegal immigration.

Obama is what he is. You counter him by having an r house, which we do.

You also counter him by delivering a better message. Republicans in general are shit deliverers of messages. They have a message and don't relate it to people who otherwise wouldn't get it.

The neocon right and the religious right is why I stopped voting party line years ago. Get your party to wake up that they will continue to lose election after election until they deliver a message of consistency that is relatable to the general populace with a candidate that has some flash and pizazz.

I voted for Romney.

My do you assume a lot.

Yes, I am ill informed. With a BA in political science froma tier 1 school, a regular consumer of left and right news sources, friends of both parties, gay, straight, white, black, Asian and Latino friends, a considerable amount of money invested in a diversified portfolio, and I go to the inner city to volunteer my time at my wife's inner city school she teaches at...yes, I am I'll informed. I would suggest you stop the name calling and understand the human condition more. The reason I am very successful, and no I am not in pharma. I am a investor, is because I see an issue and think about it apart from party politics. This is why I am a what you call a Rino...pro choice, legalize drugs, cut back in military spending, lower taxes, compromise on illegal immigration.

Obama is what he is. You counter him by having an r house, which we do.

You also counter him by delivering a better message. Republicans in general are shit deliverers of messages. They have a message and don't relate it to people who otherwise wouldn't get it.

The neocon right and the religious right is why I stopped voting party line years ago. Get your party to wake up that they will continue to lose election after election until they deliver a message of consistency that is relatable to the general populace with a candidate that has some flash and pizazz.

Please tell me more about yourself Stewart Smally. Are you good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it people like you? You have no understanding of why Republicans lost and might continue to lose. Approximately 50% of Americans pay no taxes. They are concerned with which party will give them the most "free" shit. Republicans will not play that game or more precisely, Conservatives won't play that game. So maybe they lose, but at least they standup for principles and ideals that might save this country. Republicans problem is they are trying to sell brocolli against a party that is selling Cotten candy. It is unfortunate that someone like you who proports to be so damn intelligent can't seem to understand this simple reality.

Please tell me more about yourself Stewart Smally. Are you good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it people like you? You have no understanding of why Republicans lost and might continue to lose. Approximately 50% of Americans pay no taxes. They are concerned with which party will give them the most "free" shit. Republicans will not play that game or more precisely, Conservatives won't play that game. So maybe they lose, but at least they standup for principles and ideals that might save this country. Republicans problem is they are trying to sell brocolli against a party that is selling Cotten candy. It is unfortunate that someone like you who proports to be so damn intelligent can't seem to understand this simple reality.

You responded to me. 50% pay no taxes due to decisions both parties made and deals both parties made years ago. They both tried to pander to the lowest common denominator.

Be honest with yourself. This country is controlled by the rich and powerful. It always will be. The politicians aren't going to do anything to piss off the rich because they need their campaign contributions to fill their coffers. Why do you think nobody went to jail after the 2008 collapse? It is kabuki theater with a wink wink to the poor and middle class that they are "fighting for us." They aren't.

Republicans are lost. They spent like drunken sailors when they were in power. Maybe not as bad as Dems., but damn close.

Republicans have NO authority to speak with authority on deficit spending. When you ask a Republican what programs they would cut and how they would deal with the fall-out, they, just like Dems...stumble like me after a few shots of Jaeger....Um um, well...we need a balanced approach.

Republicans and even conservatives have pandered to so many people looking for "free shit" as you say it is funny you try to seperate it from liberal ideology. Does the prescription drug benefit ring a bell? Does the fact that no party is seriously talking about revamping social security mean anything to you? Granted, old people paid into Social Security but it is a nother group with their hands out saying "where is my money" willing to pass the issue on to the next generation when they are rotting in a grave somewhere.

Or, then there is the military. God Forbid we make cuts in the military. Apparently we need several hundred thousand troops all over the world. Apparently Iraq was worth spending billions on so that Iran could rise up and be a bigger shithead than Iraq was...Asking a Republican to make cuts in the military is like asking a liberal to cut welfare programs. They can't. Both are their consituenticies.

I actually respect the likes of Ron Paul. But the Conservatives treat him as a joke because he isn't one of them.

Look, I used to be a dyed in the wool Republican. I listened to Rush and Hannity etc. But when I started thinking for myself, I became liberated.

You responded to me. 50% pay no taxes due to decisions both parties made and deals both parties made years ago. They both tried to pander to the lowest common denominator.

Be honest with yourself. This country is controlled by the rich and powerful. It always will be. The politicians aren't going to do anything to piss off the rich because they need their campaign contributions to fill their coffers. Why do you think nobody went to jail after the 2008 collapse? It is kabuki theater with a wink wink to the poor and middle class that they are "fighting for us." They aren't.

Republicans are lost. They spent like drunken sailors when they were in power. Maybe not as bad as Dems., but damn close.

Republicans have NO authority to speak with authority on deficit spending. When you ask a Republican what programs they would cut and how they would deal with the fall-out, they, just like Dems...stumble like me after a few shots of Jaeger....Um um, well...we need a balanced approach.

Republicans and even conservatives have pandered to so many people looking for "free shit" as you say it is funny you try to seperate it from liberal ideology. Does the prescription drug benefit ring a bell? Does the fact that no party is seriously talking about revamping social security mean anything to you? Granted, old people paid into Social Security but it is a nother group with their hands out saying "where is my money" willing to pass the issue on to the next generation when they are rotting in a grave somewhere.

Or, then there is the military. God Forbid we make cuts in the military. Apparently we need several hundred thousand troops all over the world. Apparently Iraq was worth spending billions on so that Iran could rise up and be a bigger shithead than Iraq was...Asking a Republican to make cuts in the military is like asking a liberal to cut welfare programs. They can't. Both are their consituenticies.

I actually respect the likes of Ron Paul. But the Conservatives treat him as a joke because he isn't one of them.

Look, I used to be a dyed in the wool Republican. I listened to Rush and Hannity etc. But when I started thinking for myself, I became liberated.

Defense spending in the United States has fluctuated in the last century, rising from one percent of GDP, peaking at 42 percent in World War II, declining from 10 percent in the Cold War to five percent today.

Entitlement Spending, considered as government pensions, healthcare and welfare started out at the beginning of the 20th century at 0.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product. In the 2000s entitlement spending increased modestly, but increased sharply in the Great Recession, reaching nearly 47 percent of government spending in 2010. Entitlement spending has increased, reaching 19 percent of GDP in 2010. Pension spending has increased to six percent of GDP, and welfare spending has exploded to over five percent of GDP in the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2007-09. Healthcare spending has continued steady growth, reaching over seven percent of GDP in 2009.

Welfare spending started out at the beginning of the 20th century at 0.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2005 Medicaid exceeded 2 percent and is expected to reach 3 percent of GDP by 2015. Other state and local health care expenditures cost about one percent of GDP, so that in the recession year of 2010 total expenditures on welfare, including all health care expenditures, reached over 8 percent of GDP. In January 2009, there were 133.56 million Americans with jobs and 31.98 million on food stamps. Today, there are 133.76 million Americans with jobs and 46.68 million on food stamps. The employment rolls have thus grown by 0.15 percent and the food stamp rolls have grown by 46 percent, meaning that for every one American who found a job, 75 Americans signed up for food stamps. Meanwhile, during that time, our nation’s debt has risen $5.63 trillion. Total spending on food stamps is now more than $80 billion annually, a fourfold increase from 2001.

As you can clearly see, it is ONLY defense spending that is decreasing. Republicans record on spending ain't great, but it sure the hell is better than Democrats. Name ONE Democrat that is talking about cutting spending (other than the military which is at historic lows). NONE... Democrats answer to everything is larger, more intrusive government and MORE SPENDING. If you can't accept that reality then you are too far gone.

Defense spending in the United States has fluctuated in the last century, rising from one percent of GDP, peaking at 42 percent in World War II, declining from 10 percent in the Cold War to five percent today.

Entitlement Spending, considered as government pensions, healthcare and welfare started out at the beginning of the 20th century at 0.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product. In the 2000s entitlement spending increased modestly, but increased sharply in the Great Recession, reaching nearly 47 percent of government spending in 2010. Entitlement spending has increased, reaching 19 percent of GDP in 2010. Pension spending has increased to six percent of GDP, and welfare spending has exploded to over five percent of GDP in the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2007-09. Healthcare spending has continued steady growth, reaching over seven percent of GDP in 2009.

Welfare spending started out at the beginning of the 20th century at 0.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2005 Medicaid exceeded 2 percent and is expected to reach 3 percent of GDP by 2015. Other state and local health care expenditures cost about one percent of GDP, so that in the recession year of 2010 total expenditures on welfare, including all health care expenditures, reached over 8 percent of GDP. In January 2009, there were 133.56 million Americans with jobs and 31.98 million on food stamps. Today, there are 133.76 million Americans with jobs and 46.68 million on food stamps. The employment rolls have thus grown by 0.15 percent and the food stamp rolls have grown by 46 percent, meaning that for every one American who found a job, 75 Americans signed up for food stamps. Meanwhile, during that time, our nation’s debt has risen $5.63 trillion. Total spending on food stamps is now more than $80 billion annually, a fourfold increase from 2001.

As you can clearly see, it is ONLY defense spending that is decreasing. Republicans record on spending ain't great, but it sure the hell is better than Democrats. Name ONE Democrat that is talking about cutting spending (other than the military which is at historic lows). NONE... Democrats answer to everything is larger, more intrusive government and MORE SPENDING. If you can't accept that reality then you are too far gone.

You responded to me. Your points are well reasoned, but this is the line that gets me every time when Republicans try to deflect blame

"Republicans record on spending ain't great, but it sure the hell is better than Democrats."

To me that is like choosing which disease you'd rather have, pancreatic cancer or a brain tumor.

I am a social liberal (in that I don't care about gay marriage/prayer in school/etc...those are just issues to rile up the bible crowd) and fiscal conservative. If the Republicans would get out of my bedroom and the liberals woulds get otu of my wallet, this would be a much better place.

The bottomline is this, the Republicans need a better way to communicate their message. I agree it is a harder argument for the Honey-boo-boo watching crowd to swallow, but I noticed in the last election that the Republicans would say what their policy was and not relate it to people. I used to get very upset at Romney for not "going for it."

Face it, the American population is by and large, full of idiots. You need to dumb the message down to them so they "get it." Liberals are very good at that "Republicans want you to drink dirty water or the richa re evil" (obviously I don't agree with that). Republicans will respond back with your long diatribe above about facts...and I agree they are compelling, but most joe-six packs on the assembly line can't reason like that. If the Republicans learn to break down arguments into emotional talking points with mono-syllabic words, they have a better chance of winning. It is true.

You responded to me. Your points are well reasoned, but this is the line that gets me every time when Republicans try to deflect blame

"Republicans record on spending ain't great, but it sure the hell is better than Democrats."

To me that is like choosing which disease you'd rather have, pancreatic cancer or a brain tumor.

I am a social liberal (in that I don't care about gay marriage/prayer in school/etc...those are just issues to rile up the bible crowd) and fiscal conservative. If the Republicans would get out of my bedroom and the liberals woulds get otu of my wallet, this would be a much better place.

The bottomline is this, the Republicans need a better way to communicate their message. I agree it is a harder argument for the Honey-boo-boo watching crowd to swallow, but I noticed in the last election that the Republicans would say what their policy was and not relate it to people. I used to get very upset at Romney for not "going for it."

Face it, the American population is by and large, full of idiots. You need to dumb the message down to them so they "get it." Liberals are very good at that "Republicans want you to drink dirty water or the richa re evil" (obviously I don't agree with that). Republicans will respond back with your long diatribe above about facts...and I agree they are compelling, but most joe-six packs on the assembly line can't reason like that. If the Republicans learn to break down arguments into emotional talking points with mono-syllabic words, they have a better chance of winning. It is true.

When was school prayer even an issue... the 60's? Apparently you must be part of the Honey-boo-boo watching crowd when talking about Republicans need to "get out of your bedroom". To oppose gay-marriage isn't the equivalent of interfering with your bedroom activities. Face it... Democrats pander to idiots and they have a vested interest in keeping a permanent "stupid-class" of citizens. If you think the solution is that Republicans must improve their ability to speak to idiots than I have to question your intelligence. Pandering to idiots will not save this country. Pandering to idiots is what has gotten us to this point. I am surprised you don't understand that.