Well now there will be 2 dm’s in fl with the new alignment/expansion but both are females and great!
Yep. Anita did the same thing to me. It's just a sign of what's to come........
Charlotte Gabriel is hands down the worst manager in the industry. She ran off 3 very high performing, experienced reps and fired # 4 after only 5 weeks. The customers can’t stand her. She is what is wrong with this industry. If you interview to work for her run away as fast as you can!!!
Why are you such an asshole?Using the term "hubby" immediately reveals that you are an idiot.
Why are you so lonely that you are perusing a message board after midnight and replying to a months-old post?Why are you such an asshole?
MK in the south Aent division is questionable. She provides no value. Needs to go.
Please stop hiring outsiders…perfect example of how bad it can go with MKMK in the south Aent division is questionable. She provides no value. Needs to go.
How about the clown in training!
Is Kurt Shoppe still around?
Shoemaker touts family first my assAs an RBD in Dermatology, J Shoemaker would win the award. Unfortunately, he falls in the category of being highly disingenuous. He never comes across as sincere. So much so that this has been commented by medical providers themselves. Three golden rules that he breaks all the time:
1. Don't call employees "Family" -
Therefore, instead of leaders calling their teams “families” and blurring healthy work–life boundaries. How about simply referring to them as “your team?”
2. Micromanager - Sincerely no trust there - just in-your-face constant "You need to be better."
3. Manipulation - This is fairly obvious. We've seen many leaders do it, but in most cases it is very self-serving. This can be in forms of false compliments and promises. Real managers motivate, not manipulate. The difference between the two tactics is that motivation is rooted in honesty and benefits employees, while manipulation is sneaky and self-serving.
Shoemaker touts family first my ass
Charlotte Gabriel, by far the worst! Just look at how much turnover has been since she started working for Regeneron.