Who has /had the worst manager

Sarasota position open, I met her (manger) and a bunch of the (now long gone reps) at an NSM and could see through her charade. She mentioned on numerous occasions she was on a TV reality contest, I forget which but I watched it on YouTube and just remembered feeling really bad for her husband, the reps for the most part were great people. How many job postings in a territory before the upper management realize.

That district is how I measure this companies competency. They really do stick with their DMs, that district must had over 70% turnover in 2 years and any organization that has basic common sense needs to be reevaluate that area. But no, the biotel train keeps choo chooing along

Time for you to eat your words smartazz. Sarasota is open due to promotion so get your facts straight next time

Sounds like the Sarasota rep was about to leave the shit show so she was given the Geneva position. That seems to be the MO. Pretty sure that’s what happened in the Carolinas too. Every BioTel rep I’ve ever met hates their jobs.

Ignorance is truly bliss I guess. I'm sure you've checked with all our competitors and validated none of them are taking the same action. You're comment serves no real purpose other than to validate you're lack of understanding
We should start off with so many worthless managers. 2 AVP's- joke, training dept- worthless, and lets not forget some of these RSDs.

Ignorance is truly bliss I guess. I'm sure you've checked with all our competitors and validated none of them are taking the same action. You're comment serves no real purpose other than to validate you're lack of understanding
So no comment to previous post?? Let me guess, Managers are just too good at this company to let go??

So no comment to previous post?? Let me guess, Managers are just too good at this company to let go??

BioTel has become a very poor service company especially from the inside. The culture is completely sideways. There is no cohesiveness. You cannot get a correct answer to any issue. Everybody says, "I don't know it's not my job". Nothing goes smoothly.

Extremely frustrating and they bury the salespeople in computer work and projections to serve their Wall Street Money Changers.

Nope, we furlough customer service reps since they are not needed and keep the highly needed middle management team since no one could get by without them.

Are you truly that uninformed to think leadership is not that important at a time like this? Most in customer service management have done the job before and can pick up the slack if it gets to that point. Who would you propose is going to lead the customer service reps if middle management is squeezed out? Stay in your lane please

Are you truly that uninformed to think leadership is not that important at a time like this? Most in customer service management have done the job before and can pick up the slack if it gets to that point. Who would you propose is going to lead the customer service reps if middle management is squeezed out? Stay in your lane please
Are you trying to say they have actually "picked up the slack"? Who are the ones that put us there in the first place? Think highly of yourself don't you?
"lead"?!? by what, example? More clueless than you sound.

Are you truly that uninformed to think leadership is not that important at a time like this? Most in customer service management have done the job before and can pick up the slack if it gets to that point. Who would you propose is going to lead the customer service reps if middle management is squeezed out? Stay in your lane please
Leadership, what a joke. Its managers, not leaders at this place.