Who are the good sales directors at Lilly?

Frankie Jefferson has got to be the dumbest example of a sales director I have seen in my 20 years at Lilly. I heard he even had to do a special stint as a sales supervisor because he couldn't get promoted from his associate job. With idiots like him, no wonder Lilly stock is in the crapper. Will Noesges do anything about the mediocrity that exists as sales directors in the Diabetes Division.

Will Frankie be the next incompetent sales director to get the axe?

I just heard that Considine is now National Sales Director for Baxter. Our loss is their gain. Huge loss for Lilly.
Sr leadership just does not understand what good leaders look like - or maybe they just don't care.
Mr Ricks - you suck!

I just heard that Considine is now National Sales Director for Baxter. Our loss is their gain. Huge loss for Lilly.
Sr leadership just does not understand what good leaders look like - or maybe they just don't care.
Mr Ricks - you suck!

Ironic isn't it? We get stuck with "leaders" like Gorski. Cohen, Urban... No one respects them. How about ALL the reps that just left in the last month in Oncology despite the great pipeline?! Yeah- NO ONE IS HAPPY TO BE HERE! Good for Tom C... Wonder if Baxter is hiring??

I heard that Gene is now DSM reporting to Nicole Droker, AD. WTF!!!!!!!

No wonder this company has turned to shit. She shouldn't be in management period and he is truly one of the best AD ever.

I just heard that Considine is now National Sales Director for Baxter. Our loss is their gain. Huge loss for Lilly.
Sr leadership just does not understand what good leaders look like - or maybe they just don't care.
Mr Ricks - you suck!

Good for TC! He is a true professional and deserves better than what exists within the current Lilly culture.
The sr leaders at Lilly really don't think the sales force is relevant anyway.

In Biomeds we are stuck with a bunch of Canadian idiots who are trying to shove all their socialist ideals down our throats on a daily basis. We actually get VMX's talking about how there are no individuals anymore.....only the group. Really scary stuff. No wonder this company has tanked so fast. There are plenty of great companies out there that still believe in individuals thank goodness! The DM's are pathetic on area wide calls. All of them talking over each other as fast as they can like a bunch of first graders with their hands raised trying to get the teacher's attention. Director's Council calls now have to have at least one manager on each call just to make sure the reps aren't talking about them behind their backs! This place is an embarrassment!!!!! Second interview out of pharma next week.....wish me luck!!! Good luck to all of you that are trying to get out too. It is a lot of work but so worth it when you make it out.

There are no good Directors at Lilly. Only those without the foresight to leave before the place implodes. Those left behind kick themselves privately and are jealous of people who were smart enough to see the writing on the wall.

There are no good Directors at Lilly. Only those without the foresight to leave before the place implodes. Those left behind kick themselves privately and are jealous of people who were smart enough to see the writing on the wall.

Not many. R. Nobile. That's it. The rest don't know how to lead, motivate, inspire people.

It is completely obvious WHY she was promoted. I worked with her and she had little to no impact and spent her time self promoting. What a joke!

That's pretty much the word on HK. Funny how they dismissed many long standing respected great DOS just a few months ago, just to replace with one that has no qualifications? That seems um.... odd.....

There are none. Look who is left: all the good experienced managers who really cared and would stand up to unethical creepy directors (example-Gorski)are gone, retired, fed up or just had enough. Leadership is the antithesis of any area director-all they care about is themselves and now their minion managers they've surrounded themselves with are too dull to notice or care only about themselves. Lilly was once a respected company which had only a shredof credibility left 1-2 yrs ago.

There are none. Look who is left: all the good experienced managers who really cared and would stand up to unethical creepy directors (example-Gorski)are gone, retired, fed up or just had enough. Leadership is the antithesis of any area director-all they care about is themselves and now their minion managers they've surrounded themselves with are too dull to notice or care only about themselves. Lilly was once a respected company which had only a shredof credibility left 1-2 yrs ago.

Best post. The calibration was a joke. The directors put puppets on their teams. I look at my areas management team and I laugh- I'd compare them to Double A ball players and that's a stretch. Maybe Community College would be fair:) Most of the reps on their teams can out lead any of them. I recently interviewed with another company and the word is long out that Lilly's talent is gone and going fast.