Who are the good sales directors at Lilly?

What did Bridgett do to you? Just curious b.c. you obviously have some pent up anger for her. What is the deal? Did she can you or something? Those are some pretty awful things to say about someone...just wondered if you have anything to back it up.

Have you noticed how many of these crappy sales directors were promoted by Enrique Conterno? Yet he stated in his 'leadership' article that he has a great eye for talent - NOT!!!
Ann Cunningham anyone?

The fact is that there are none and if you read Bloomberg's July 3rd late afternoon comments on Lilly regarding Judge Weinstein of Brooklyn there will shortly be many,many fewer directors at Lilly. Weinstein is telling Lilly to get ready to face a jury trial for fraud and a payment to the tune of 7.7 Billion more for the Zyprexa lies and damages they have done to the public.
What is worse that there is even more fines and payments are to come above and beyond these. I would be worrying more about if there is a Lilly than who are the good directors. This is very serious stuff coming down and the bulk of it is yet to hit the fan. The sky is falling like we have told you for several years now. Get ready for a possible disaster for Lilly that has never before been seen in the 132 yr history of a once outstanding company that thought they were above the law in rescent years. The payback is just startiing to come home to roost and it is going to be a bitch.

previous poster needs to review case law. Current Supreme COurt ruling in favor of Exxon, shows limits on corporate liability. As well as Alaskan case has set standard of settlement cost and it will be nowhere near 7.7 billion, not even close to one billion. You are way off. Please take a look at some cases before spewing your wet dreams on this board

Please tell me about Ann c. she is a new Director for me. Please tell me it won't be that bad. I mean how can she really affect your bus. in her position?

Ann is a strong leader who is about accountability rather than the typical "talk". Did an awesome job on the Cym brand team (claim to fame) My experience has always been positive in my interactions with her. Just my opinion...but there are far too many lazy people in this company(not to say that we need to create busy work). I can't imagine a hard working, successful person that will create and execute a plan to succeed (even if it's a plan to turn poor performance positive) having a hard time with her (or most supervisors).

She can affect your business through your manager. If you happen to have one of the key territories or customers in an area...your director will notice. If the director notices (hopefully manager/rep already notice), the spotlight is on...and that can be positive or negative.

Bottom line...as you can tell on this board we have far too many complainers however I think they only make up a minority of the company. As with any company/industry/profession...you do your job well and for the most part, you don't have problems. If you're consistently good, you get the benefit of the doubt for a poor year every now and then.

Hope this is helpful

previous poster needs to review case law. Current Supreme COurt ruling in favor of Exxon, shows limits on corporate liability. As well as Alaskan case has set standard of settlement cost and it will be nowhere near 7.7 billion, not even close to one billion. You are way off. Please take a look at some cases before spewing your wet dreams on this board

You actually think that the Supreme Court is going to save you and Lilly? You're the one having the wet dreams and most obviously have a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry rather than law. What Weinstein is telling Lilly is you better get ready to pay or face a jury trial. Do you honestly think a jury in the us will side on Lilly's side? No there is your wet dream.
Big difference here since Zyprexa killed people and this involves criminal charges rather than civil as in the Exxon case.
Before you start blowing your smoke and mirrors on this one read the 209 page issuance. Also the Exxon Valdez only killed the environment rather than humans-Big Difference. The Exxon deal was an "accident" while the data that Lilly Medical under the direction of Dr Tollefson and Leichleiter
is bogus data that has been shown by several internal documents to be falsified and covered up. Wake up and realize that if Lilly doesn't pay up before November, then the new likely AG to be, John Edwards, would have no problem going after Lilly all the way to the top in a CRIMINAL case and W will be out of power to pardon the likes of Taurel and Leichleiter. Keep drinking that corp Kool-aide so you feel better about your obvious lack of legal knowledge.
Insiders at the DOJ, FDA and HHS put the final tab for Lilly's lies at a minimum of 10 Billion maybe double that and jail time. (Also if you haven't noticed lately LLy doesn't have $10 billion in the bank anymore like it did 5 to 10 years ago while corp insurance companies policies don't cover criminal fines, just civil.
Next time do you homework before you come back at somebody who's on the inside of what is going on- "wet dreamer". Your hope of the SC bailing you out by "the FDA said it was okay" review due this October doesn't excuse "criminal coverup by intent". Wait 10 months and then lets look who is correct and who drinks the corp Kool- Aide.

10 billion or 20 billion will never happen. Banking on john Edwards as the next AG is much longer odds than Lilly getting a full pardon by Bush. Do you really think there will be an ambulance chaser as the next AG?
Interesting fact on this goof, the guy has sued the American Red Cross multiple times. The big bad Red Cross. nice

10 billion or 20 billion will never happen. Banking on john Edwards as the next AG is much longer odds than Lilly getting a full pardon by Bush. Do you really think there will be an ambulance chaser as the next AG?
Interesting fact on this goof, the guy has sued the American Red Cross multiple times. The big bad Red Cross. nice

Maybe he likes red. Hope so. since there is that "big bad red Lilly logo".
Nice try at a comeback, but this company is sitting dead in the water with the cross-hair's of all kind of "abmbulance chasers from the DOJ looking at it. Get ready for the hit.

The fact the trial was filed in Brooklyn is worrying. Brooklyn is one of the most plaintiff-friendly places with an anti-corporate bias in America. The court there also has a history of being quite corrupt, although I know nothing about Judge Weinstein....