previous poster needs to review case law. Current Supreme COurt ruling in favor of Exxon, shows limits on corporate liability. As well as Alaskan case has set standard of settlement cost and it will be nowhere near 7.7 billion, not even close to one billion. You are way off. Please take a look at some cases before spewing your wet dreams on this board
You actually think that the Supreme Court is going to save you and Lilly? You're the one having the wet dreams and most obviously have a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry rather than law. What Weinstein is telling Lilly is you better get ready to pay or face a jury trial. Do you honestly think a jury in the us will side on Lilly's side? No there is your wet dream.
Big difference here since Zyprexa killed people and this involves criminal charges rather than civil as in the Exxon case.
Before you start blowing your smoke and mirrors on this one read the 209 page issuance. Also the Exxon Valdez only killed the environment rather than humans-Big Difference. The Exxon deal was an "accident" while the data that Lilly Medical under the direction of Dr Tollefson and Leichleiter
is bogus data that has been shown by several internal documents to be falsified and covered up. Wake up and realize that if Lilly doesn't pay up before November, then the new likely AG to be, John Edwards, would have no problem going after Lilly all the way to the top in a CRIMINAL case and W will be out of power to pardon the likes of Taurel and Leichleiter. Keep drinking that corp Kool-aide so you feel better about your obvious lack of legal knowledge.
Insiders at the DOJ, FDA and HHS put the final tab for Lilly's lies at a minimum of 10 Billion maybe double that and jail time. (Also if you haven't noticed lately LLy doesn't have $10 billion in the bank anymore like it did 5 to 10 years ago while corp insurance companies policies don't cover criminal fines, just civil.
Next time do you homework before you come back at somebody who's on the inside of what is going on- "wet dreamer". Your hope of the SC bailing you out by "the FDA said it was okay" review due this October doesn't excuse "criminal coverup by intent". Wait 10 months and then lets look who is correct and who drinks the corp Kool- Aide.