Put down the liquor bottle before you start typing. lol[/Take a flying fuck on a galloping goose
Put down the liquor bottle before you start typing. lol[/Take a flying fuck on a galloping goose
My territory lost most people and moved others to different divisions. The ones who kiss ass the most are the ones saved. Lucky for me I get to retire. For those who can’t retire Good luck finding a job at 60. Although, I did hear Lance is hiring.
The only ones left are over 50 old hags, very fitting that they sell old drugs. Look, cc will be completely over in another year so be glad you were cut.
When the ole hags are cut they won't find shat in this job market and they will still need work. Merck cc sales is the bottom rung of dung in pharma.
The only ones left are over 50 old hags, very fitting that they sell old drugs. Look, cc will be completely over in another year so be glad you were cut.
When the ole hags are cut they won't find shat in this job market and they will still need work. Merck cc sales is the bottom rung of dung in pharma.
Here is a heads up
Merck senior management cares about stock price today and self preservation. Im not judging this, its the culture of corporate America. Lay-offs are good for stock price today (see Merck) which results in self preservation. Nobody cares about 10 years from now.
It is your responsibility to determine the best course for your career and future. You should be attempting to understand the direction this company is being led. It is definitely NOT CC, its specialty, primarily oncology. This is true with 90% of pharma today. Primary Care is NOT a place to be. If you are left in CC you have been warned.
That's not true! Out west the majority that were cut were over 50 years of age. It stung to hear the news but it's probably better now than in a year or two when CC won't be around anymore. We'll get a head start looking for jobs.
Remember this quote from the Dalai Lama-
"Sometimes not getting what you want can be a wonderful stroke of luck"
Good quote. I feel sad for all of those over the age of 35 with more than 10 years of experience. I raised my hand during the last round and have not looked back. The first two weeks were stressful, but I got a nice and healthy lump sum of cash and found another job within 60 days. When will you ever get that type of payout in this industry and find a job with a company that does not have a toxic culture. To all those who are still there I wish you the best. You were mainly retained because you make less than those who were displaced before you. Get ready for two day field visits since most managers have relatively smaller teams. If you get a chance to raise your hand again get out of there while you can collect that check. The next restructure is right around the corner.
OMG, people will do anything to hang on to Merck and avoid the real world. Folks fighting over chronic care placements and associate directors that were cut now taking "rep" jobs at Merck. Anything to stay on, it's like an abused wife coming back for more. Soooo sad.
OMG! This is so true...I remember that I was the same way. You get to the point where you can't face the real world or a real job, and the fear of losing the cushy Merck Corporate Welfare causes many to fall into existential crisis.
There is life after Merck people...But you won't be able to work the "4 T's" anymore. (For the uninitiated that means Tuesday-Thursday from 10 until 2.
Funny how many former Merck folks frequent this site... look in the mirror... Move on!
What makes you think just cuz we get entertained by coming to Cafe Pharma - we haven't "moved on?"
It is a total blast to see the misery that pharma sales causes now that I am outside of the whole mess...
The reason so many Merck folks frequent this site is because of schadenfreude.
What makes you think just cuz we get entertained by coming to Cafe Pharma - we haven't "moved on?"
It is a total blast to see the misery that pharma sales causes now that I am outside of the whole mess...
The reason so many Merck folks frequent this site is because of schadenfreude.
What makes you think just cuz we get entertained by coming to Cafe Pharma - we haven't "moved on?"
It is a total blast to see the misery that pharma sales causes now that I am outside of the whole mess...
The reason so many Merck folks frequent this site is because of schadenfreude.
OMG, people will do anything to hang on to Merck and avoid the real world. Folks fighting over chronic care placements and associate directors that were cut now taking "rep" jobs at Merck. Anything to stay on, it's like an abused wife coming back for more. Soooo sad.