WHC reorganization is here!

WHC is a joke. SAMs are another layer of useless mgmt. good thing the CEO is a joke too! Otherwise this division would’ve been sold off years ago. There is NO pipeline. There is NO real growth. We are all collecting paychecks on a commodity.


15% cut through WHC.
Approximately 240 positions in WHC
Approximately 35-36 PEOPLE will be cut

Mostly CSSs will be cut, however there will be normal cuts based on the number of CSSs cut.
30 ish CSS 7-8 per current region alignment
1-2 RBMs
1-2 from marketing
1-2 BDLs

Short term cost saving decision which will have a devastating long term negative impact. By then Nelson will be on his way back to Germany. Chelsea will promote herself to GM. They Should have BDLs do both BDL and SAM job.

My RBM highly recommends to me to take the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving. I’ll take my vacation when I want. What company tells people when to take their vacation?

15% cut through WHC.
Approximately 240 positions in WHC
Approximately 35-36 PEOPLE will be cut

Mostly CSSs will be cut, however there will be normal cuts based on the number of CSSs cut.
30 ish CSS 7-8 per current region alignment
1-2 RBMs
1-2 from marketing
1-2 BDLs

Short term cost saving decision which will have a devastating long term negative impact. By then Nelson will be on his way back to Germany. Chelsea will promote herself to GM. They Should have BDLs do both BDL and SAM job.

how reliable are these numbers? Leadership has been extremely quiet since the call about 6 weeks ago where Chelsea and Nelson fell a little flat trying to be transparent about the acceleration.

My RBM highly recommends to me to take the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving. I’ll take my vacation when I want. What company tells people when to take their vacation?

Sorry to hear about your “problem”

Get over yourself, there are far worse things that people are dealing with in the world right now.

This doesn’t sound good

No, it does not. Seemed like the people that are not worried about losing their jobs were pretty snug and already making their plans for next year. BDLs, great you are also sacred cows. Congratulations. SAMs, same for you. CSS's, look out dinosaurs, the asteroid is coming. But hey there will opportunity in other places, so said Henry Ford to the buggy makers. You have WHC experience and unfortunately that wont carry over to cardiovascular.

They all know what’s about to happen. They found out in October. Don’t trust the top. The call was terrible

Be assured home office knows what things will be. They just don’t have the go ahead to share. If in fact it is a SG directive to have resources moved to our new franchise, the leadership there does not know it. More people have been turned down by CR division than anyone realizes. They do courtesy phone screens to say we are growing talent for those open ABD roles earlier this year down to RSM.

Does anyone feel like we are back in WWII and that we are on the firing line or getting ready to be gassed? Such Deceitful leadership. I loved this place for a long time and now it’s just awful. Gave my heart and soul to this company....worked early morning, evenings, late into the night, they fu Essure, and now this.

I’m not working for the rest of the year. FU SG - don’t ever quote Churchill again! Go to hell midget Nelson and Chelsea is a pig with lipstick on it.

Does anyone feel like we are back in WWII and that we are on the firing line or getting ready to be gassed? Such Deceitful leadership. I loved this place for a long time and now it’s just awful. Gave my heart and soul to this company....worked early morning, evenings, late into the night, they fu Essure, and now this.

I’m not working for the rest of the year. FU SG - don’t ever quote Churchill again! Go to hell midget Nelson and Chelsea is a pig with lipstick on it.

Wow.....you are an ass. How soon you forget the vibe when we had John and Lisa at the helm. Bayer paid us 100% bonus for listening to podcasts for God's sake. To attack Nelson's height is so juvenile. He is a good dude. Do you really expect any leadership to say "Hey Suzie...keep working but we are laying you off soon?" Get real. If they make the mistake of keeping your sorry ass after the restructuring do us a favor and go elsewhere. As far as you working morning, noon and night...that is on you. Never has my manager called me at night or expected me to work more than 8-5. Maybe you should look deep inside because the issue here is within YOU. I have seen many shifts in management over the years and this is one of the best we have had. They are listening to the field for the first time in years! (hear that Ralph???? We don't want a price increase!) You need to make an appointment with your counselor SOON because you have issues.

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