WHC reorganization is here!

Thinking that Bayer would approach reps about taking packages is fantasy. Anybody that has been through the prior lay offs know that they will offer severance packages after they have decided whom they want to keep. They will also encourage you to apply for any other openings within the Bayer job site. Don't hold your breath for that life line. Very few are able to get more than courtesy interviews. There is a stigma that if you have been laid off then you are usually damaged goods.. Also,, HR doesn't care that you have been here 20-25 years. Best advice is to update your resume and brag book now while you have access to your numbers. Also have a plan ready to go and already be looking at other opportunities. You don't have to leave if you don't want to, but it is usually easier to find a job while you already have one. Start exploring now, and if Bayer offers you a territory and you are happy, then stay. If not, you have already began the process of leaving a company that doesn't really value you.

CSS here, I’m leaving for finerenone as soon as positions are posted. I am hearing the same from other reps. Chelsea learned everything she knows from Jon S. Beware

Yes! Chelsea did learn everything from Jon S!! She can't be trusted. I bet it had to have stung when Jon S gave her the "no thanks" in favor of hiring Lisa W.

This is excellent advice. Pay attention and get ready now.

Thinking that Bayer would approach reps about taking packages is fantasy. Anybody that has been through the prior lay offs know that they will offer severance packages after they have decided whom they want to keep. They will also encourage you to apply for any other openings within the Bayer job site. Don't hold your breath for that life line. Very few are able to get more than courtesy interviews. There is a stigma that if you have been laid off then you are usually damaged goods.. Also,, HR doesn't care that you have been here 20-25 years. Best advice is to update your resume and brag book now while you have access to your numbers. Also have a plan ready to go and already be looking at other opportunities. You don't have to leave if you don't want to, but it is usually easier to find a job while you already have one. Start exploring now, and if Bayer offers you a territory and you are happy, then stay. If not, you have already began the process of leaving a company that doesn't really value you.

We have learned one thing during this pandemic, manager field visits/ride along's are utterly useless exercises in an old, worn out, pharma business model that has been dying a slow death for years, and COVID should put it out of its misery once and for all.

Bayer could trim 22 managers down to 11, 4 ABD's to 2, save a boat load of money, reduce fat, and inefficiency. That would be too sensible though.

While I’m waiting on another offer to leave Bayer...I’m going to be letting my RBM know that I don’t feel comfortable with her in my car and I want all feedback to be given virtually or over email if they get back to work contacts. Covid is booming down south.

We have learned one thing during this pandemic, manager field visits/ride along's are utterly useless exercises in an old, worn out, pharma business model that has been dying a slow death for years, and COVID should put it out of its misery once and for all.

Bayer could trim 22 managers down to 11, 4 ABD's to 2, save a boat load of money, reduce fat, and inefficiency. That would be too sensible though.

First of all that’s a lie as no RBMs are In cars with us. They can follow you, but my RBM only meets me at accounts when we’re lucky enough that both of us can be there. My RBM actually cares about me and actually gives me some good advice which has help me win some business back.

Take the offer and run! Bye bye. It’s time for you to go somewhere else.

First of all that’s a lie as no RBMs are In cars with us. They can follow you, but my RBM only meets me at accounts when we’re lucky enough that both of us can be there. My RBM actually cares about me and actually gives me some good advice which has help me win some business back.

Take the offer and run! Bye bye. It’s time for you to go somewhere else.
You need to post a motivation story on Yammer. Tell us we can all make a difference,its up to us. Mind over matter. Blah, blah, blah..... show you and your dog running for her... and maybe you will get to "tell us something good" on the next Zoom call. Lap dog........beg for a treat.

First of all that’s a lie as no RBMs are In cars with us. They can follow you, but my RBM only meets me at accounts when we’re lucky enough that both of us can be there. My RBM actually cares about me and actually gives me some good advice which has help me win some business back.

Take the offer and run! Bye bye. It’s time for you to go somewhere else.

Obviously a manager speaking up here. LMAO Managers may care about you, most are actually good people. Don't think for a second they didn't kiss some serious ass to get where they are. It sure as hell wasn't because they know the business that much more. They let most of those managers go under Jon's rule. There are more reps in the field that have been in this business for more years then the average manager. Jon and Lisa brought in outsiders who don't have a clue, most still don't. They kiss that ass to keep their spot. Some things never change.

SAMs are not the magic bullet. they may be helpful over time, but I have not seen any direct impact to results.

You need local reps to pull everything through.

we are salespeople! Let us Sell, sell, sell. The PDR is Complete BS at this time.

It’s going to be hard to focus on selling when I don’t feel this company has my back.

Chelsea and Nelson are big fat liers! They know!!!

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