WHC reorganization is here!

Chelsea's friends won't tell big pharma guy what is silly and what isn't. If he leaves, they will simply kiss the ass of the next person put in position. But that's OK, because we will get another useless slogan for the division, and spend a lot of money to buy data that tells us our customers still use birth control pills. Then we will rename our target list something new once more, and go call on the same customers that have always used the most iuds. Meanwhile we will have at least another price increase that we will tell our customer it's actually better for them. We will bring another year of efficacy for Mirena to the market, then ignore that many customers will tell the patient to just keep their iud in for another year, all the while wondering why our Mirena sales are down. Then in an act of brilliance, we will continue to try to sell kyleena at the same price of our 8 year device. Oh, but it's a premium product, so we can charge a premium price.

that’s pretty good!!! All true!!!

What don’t you understand about this organization now. We are a cash cow that will wither over time. WHC is being used to set up all the other divisions. It’s a hang on to what we can to for now and see where all of this goes. Poor forward thinking with leadership. In fact There is no leadership. Everyman and woman for themselves here. They are throwing lipstick on a pig with the RAL positions. Scale down and go back to what works- CSS, BDL, RBM, and 2-3 ABDs

Which position in WHC will be eliminated first for 2023?

If we don't hit numbers John will be gone. We are very top heavy right now which makes ZERO sense. We need more reps and less "Exec's". Territories are too large for the reps to be effective. (I work at home office so don't come at me like I am a lazy rep.) They are not admitting that extending the use of Mirena is effecting numbers (So much for our business analytics guy). If we had engaged leadership they would realize the way we execute has to change. Dropping off brochures is not executing a strong business plan. I am pretty confident the RAL's will be restructured out if numbers are not accelerating at a strong pace. John is a good guy and I enjoy working with him. I hope he can keep his job.

John may be a great guy, but he is being paid a generous amount to manage a franchise, not just launching new products, but managing the cash cow WHC has been for years. He has not been effective; he needs to go. This is not big pharma! If run properly, lots of cash still to milk.

NEWSFLASH: "Restructuring" is coming by end of year. They are playing with bonuses by not taking into consideration the fact they hurt their own sales by adding additional years to Mirena indication. It's ridiculous. They are trying to get as many of us to leave by the end of the year so they don't have to pay severance. Empty territories are not getting filled. TOP NOTCH reps have lost all motivation. I like leadership BUT morale is about as low as it was when Saleskiller was here. Managers kept saying "quotas are going down"! Well mine went up so there is that piece of motivation. This is the first time I have ever commented on this damn page but Jesus, things need to change! The managers are not happy either. They are just playing the game. CG & JB, don't hop on here with one of your "just leave if it's that bad!" You aren't happy either. You just don't have the kahunas to say it.

The good ole boys promote people who don’t really work? Absolutely mind blowing. Guess the qualification for Sam or manager is working as few days as possibly for Bayer, having a second job or career and are masters at key stroking.

More like ass kidding. Our BDL/SAM made up stories about her team mates, threw them under the bus, cried to our stupid manager, kissed Kevin the freaks and Chelsea’s ass, cries, is SOoo stressed, can’t find her pen or keys, blah blah blah and yet here we are 3 years later and they do nothing but confuse customers. Fire all of them.

More like ass kidding. Our BDL/SAM made up stories about her team mates, threw them under the bus, cried to our stupid manager, kissed Kevin the freaks and Chelsea’s ass, cries, is SOoo stressed, can’t find her pen or keys, blah blah blah and yet here we are 3 years later and they do nothing but confuse customers. Fire all of them.

In regards to this quote:
The good ole boys promote people who don’t really work? Absolutely mind blowing. Guess the qualification for Sam or manager is working as few days as possibly for Bayer, having a second job or career and are masters at key stroking.

Key stroking? LOL Chelsea is that you?

Once again it is a shit show. I say bring Chelsea back. MM is a BS ABD. Micro manages her managers and her reps. Don’t get me started on Kenny’s worthless role. Let’s just add more management that can’t make ANY impact and let’s reduce headcount in the field. Bring on the layoffs.

What’s that new term you see floating around on social media???? Quietly quitting. Everyone I talk to right now has that attitude because it is way too quiet which means gloom and doom in the months to come.