What's up in Cambridge

Nora has surfaced on Linkedin.com. She claims to have been the "Director of Operations" in Cambridge from July 2005 to June 2007. Nice title for a position that never existed. I wonder why that position was never posted?

It seems Nora has surfaced on Linkedin.com. She listed herself as being "Director of Operations" in Cambridge from July 2005 to June 2007. I am not aware that position even existed.


NB is getting really good at getting posts removed. I am surprised she has not gotten this entire Cambridge thread removed, and shut down the Quest section of cafepharma. Legend in her own mind, she is.

Sales Dept. dont feel bad about your score card. Client Service Dept. has all calls recorded and they get monitored by N.D. They start with 100 points then N.D. deducts points for what N.D. thinks is not correct. N.D. can not think outside the box in the life of Quest!
-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5. N.D. must get pleasure out of making hard workers feel like sh!t!

Sales Dept. dont feel bad about your score card. Client Service Dept. has all calls recorded and they get monitored by N.D. They start with 100 points then N.D. deducts points for what N.D. thinks is not correct. N.D. can not think outside the box in the life of Quest!
-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5. N.D. must get pleasure out of making hard workers feel like sh!t!

Is the do-nothing director of cs still pointing out other departments problems too? its called deflection, and she used it every chance to avoid doing something about our departments horrible stats. "GET ON THE PHONES, PEOPLE!!!"

Face it, SP had 2 sides. he was very good at motivating people and running the department like clockwork, the fact that he did it through fear and intimidation matters not in the corporate world. Look where it got him in a very short period of time. He is a tough act to follow. He was fortunate to have TLs that would follow directions no questions asked. It makes for great metrics, but maybe not happy employees. His legacy lives on. We'll see how this next batch does with RP in place.

Please he did not get laid off....why not ask him about the private emails to reps for drinks...inappropriate...

i am overwhelmed with service issues since this BU merger and systems changeover. someone please help!

I can help! Get your resume ready and look for another job this company is going nowhere but down fast. If you work in a department that can be outsourced chances are it will be in the future. Good luck.

Any word in Cambridge on the layoffs in Wallingford? Is Clinical Lab Partners eating their drum sticks for lunch? Continue to be fat, dumb and happy, like the Thanksgiving turkey, Quest. You are slowly getting carved up, because you forgot how to stand up, let alone waddle along. I want to thank you for a very good education in what not to do. Time spent suffering with you is paying off.

What is up in Cambridge? I noticed an opening for an Account Sales rep. Good opportunity or is this open because previous rep just got a better job. From reading these threads, I'm probably crazy to consider the position.

Wallyworld layoffs, 6% of staff, not supposed to affect Cam
'cause Cam is making money and gaining contracts, not
vice versa

cambridge is not fully converted yet. They will hold on to resources until that is done. But wishful thinking...or then again they can go ahead make everyone a mess lay them off and call them back a week later like they did in Wallingford's CS department...Now THAT is the very best example on how useful senior leadership is in that BU.

converted to what? Does their customer service dept have the IVR??? is that causing layoffs as well?

That is what happens when the CS leadership is spending to much time doing "other" things. In Wallingford, the married CS trainer is blowing a sales rep, the CS manager pops Vicodins at noon, and the director spends more time out to lunch with HY then focusing on us reps.