What's up in Cambridge

management is really that bad.

HR is a mouth piece for the corporation and does not provide a mechanism for improvement.

Associated Press
Quest Diagnostics to pay nearly $689,000 in back wages
Associated Press 04.28.08, 5:31 PM ET


Medical laboratory operator Quest Diagnostics Inc. has agreed to pay nearly $689,000 in back wages for alleged violations of federal labor law.

The U.S. Department of Labor said Monday that Quest failed to fully pay 238 employees nationwide who were misclassified as being exempt from overtime requirements.

The federal agency's Boston office says an investigation at Quest's Cambridge lab revealed that client systems analysts nationwide didn't receive overtime pay they deserved. The agency says Quest agreed to pay a total $688,772.

A statement from Madison, N.J.-based Quest said the company "is committed to treating our employees with fairness, dignity and respect." Quest says the workers receiving back pay under the settlement make up less than 1 percent of the company's work force of 43,500.

The company collects blood, urine and tissue samples from medical centers to diagnose medical conditions.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Heard SP is leaving CS for a corporate position. How'd he manage that?!

The ironic part is that the position he was hired for requires him to know QLS. Hmmm...how can he know QLS when Cambridge doesn't use it? One of the other people that was also hired works for a BU that uses QLS, but he never bothered to learn how to use it. This guy and SP should get along famously. So apparently, the job description of "gap analysis" between the local BU's LIS and QLS does not mean that anybody actually has to know what QLS can and cannot do.

The ironic part is that the position he was hired for requires him to know QLS. Hmmm...how can he know QLS when Cambridge doesn't use it? One of the other people that was also hired works for a BU that uses QLS, but he never bothered to learn how to use it. This guy and SP should get along famously. So apparently, the job description of "gap analysis" between the local BU's LIS and QLS does not mean that anybody actually has to know what QLS can and cannot do.

Gap Analysis by uninformed people is Crap Analysis. Nothing new for Quest. Brown nosing is the only quality you need to succeed...

OK, I will come clean. I am laughing so hard that I can barely type. I am the one who has been posting about making three times the money as Ops Labcorp employees.

Get this.....

I am really an AE with QUEST !!!!!!!!

i have been posting here for a few days and laughing my ass off. No wonder it is so easy to take business from Labcorp with all the jealousy that Ops has for Sales. Its bad over here, but nothing like you guys. And id your Sales people aren't making three time what Ops makes, then there really is problems at Labcorp.

Gosh, this was fun....you've been HAD !!!!!!


OK, I will come clean. I am laughing so hard that I can barely type. I am the one who has been posting about making three times the money as Ops Labcorp employees.

Get this.....

I am really an AE with QUEST !!!!!!!!

i have been posting here for a few days and laughing my ass off. No wonder it is so easy to take business from Labcorp with all the jealousy that Ops has for Sales. Its bad over here, but nothing like you guys. And id your Sales people aren't making three time what Ops makes, then there really is problems at Labcorp.

Gosh, this was fun....you've been HAD !!!!!!


Thanks to crap like this, we are about go to 4 web pages...

Keep it coming.

Anyone know what happened to Ginny Pikora, Donna Polier or Jenny Berube? Are they still there? the place was a mess last year when I worked there. I sensed that Ginny was a tyrant, and in acuality didn;t know what she was doing. Donna and Jenny acted like abused housewives...any news?? I'm curious/....

Quest NE has been so much more productive since merging MA & CT. Proof: The negative blogging on this site since it happened has decreased 10 fold. Look at "dead-weight" that left, got fired, or quit because they had to do a "real job."

Congrats to H-Yueng for being a true standup guy. Any director who puts his cell phone number in his email is a true leader.

I was at the QSuite sales meeting in Wallingford and instead of deception tactics to influence clients, it was mainly "real-life" advantages we can offer. GREAT FUTURE AHEAD FOR QUEST DIAGNOSTICS!

Quest NE has been so much more productive since merging MA & CT. Proof: The negative blogging on this site since it happened has decreased 10 fold. Look at "dead-weight" that left, got fired, or quit because they had to do a "real job."

Congrats to H-Yueng for being a true standup guy. Any director who puts his cell phone number in his email is a true leader.

I was at the QSuite sales meeting in Wallingford and instead of deception tactics to influence clients, it was mainly "real-life" advantages we can offer. GREAT FUTURE AHEAD FOR QUEST DIAGNOSTICS!

Bite me! This hell hole sucks if you are in the lab, on a bench every day. Understaffed, old equipment, with a bitch of a manager who does not know what she is doing.

Customer Service
Group Lead, Customer Service C62525 Assist a supervisor with leading the department's employees. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 8, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62517 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 7, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62861 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Oct 30, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62862 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Oct 30, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62882 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Nov 5, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62910 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Nov 9, 2007
Rep, Customer Service II C62911 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Nov 9, 2007

This place is so great to work for, we repeat our mistakes: Check the dates of the above postings, and these:

Asst, Customer Service C63827 Client Service Assistants resolve routine issues to the satisfaction of the client. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63824 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63825 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63826 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63823 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008

As a place to work, we suck ASS. Are you next to leave?

I am in Client Services and asking to go the bathroom isn't true. This is fun, I wonder who you are or how long you have been with the company?? I have been with Client Services for a long time and I have not seen so many positive actions in our department in a long time. We used to have slouchs work with us. Every day someone didn't show because they were "sick" and people came in late. We all worked harder. Granted we are busy now but that is because the people who do nothing or make our jobs harder are being given fair chances and can't get their heads out of their ass. I like CS and the people who run it. They listen, even if they can't do anything, they listen. Stop knocking our department because I am proud to work for it and if you have an issue, tell SP because he will do what he can to fix it, even if it is out of his control.

WOW! We must have made to the top 100 places to work in the US. Don't hear too much about that one lately!

Customer Service
Asst, Customer Service C63827 Client Service Assistants resolve routine issues to the satisfaction of the client. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63826 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63825 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Aug 6, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63977 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63979 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63982 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63980 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63978 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63981 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63976 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008
Rep, Customer Service II C63975 Client Service Reps handle customer contacts received by telephone, in writing and in person. MA,Cambridge,501 Massachusetts Avenue Sep 16, 2008