What's up in Cambridge

Associated Press
Quest Diagnostics to pay nearly $689,000 in back wages
Associated Press 04.28.08, 5:31 PM ET


Medical laboratory operator Quest Diagnostics Inc. has agreed to pay nearly $689,000 in back wages for alleged violations of federal labor law.

The U.S. Department of Labor said Monday that Quest failed to fully pay 238 employees nationwide who were misclassified as being exempt from overtime requirements.

The federal agency's Boston office says an investigation at Quest's Cambridge lab revealed that client systems analysts nationwide didn't receive overtime pay they deserved. The agency says Quest agreed to pay a total $688,772.

A statement from Madison, N.J.-based Quest said the company "is committed to treating our employees with fairness, dignity and respect." Quest says the workers receiving back pay under the settlement make up less than 1 percent of the company's work force of 43,500.

The company collects blood, urine and tissue samples from medical centers to diagnose medical conditions.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

i know this quote is from 2 yrs ago.. but all of 2009 Quest had screwed up my paychecks.. even with me noticing something wrong and being told it was fix and to bring it up no more, until a coworker began to notice the same.. finally something was done and i was given back pay amounting up to about 9 months..

Sales Dept. dont feel bad about your score card. Client Service Dept. has all calls recorded and they get monitored by N.D. They start with 100 points then N.D. deducts points for what N.D. thinks is not correct. N.D. can not think outside the box in the life of Quest!
-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5. N.D. must get pleasure out of making hard workers feel like sh!t!

ND would mark you wrong even for sh** you did correctly little beeaaa ach that ND is

Face it, SP had 2 sides. he was very good at motivating people and running the department like clockwork, the fact that he did it through fear and intimidation matters not in the corporate world. Look where it got him in a very short period of time. He is a tough act to follow. He was fortunate to have TLs that would follow directions no questions asked. It makes for great metrics, but maybe not happy employees. His legacy lives on. We'll see how this next batch does with RP in place.

oh THAT RP... oh ineffective, boinking someone in HR, and blonde as hell.. duhhhh let's his minion ND run the dept. who remembers when ND would wear really revealing summer clothing?? I use to be embarrassed for ND because ND wasn't embarrassed for itself

oh THAT RP... oh ineffective, boinking someone in HR, and blonde as hell.. duhhhh let's his minion ND run the dept. who remembers when ND would wear really revealing summer clothing?? I use to be embarrassed for ND because ND wasn't embarrassed for itself

Is DL still "running" the Customer Service department, or was she discovered for the incompetent fraud she really was?

Is DL still "running" the Customer Service department, or was she discovered for the incompetent fraud she really was?

Her position was found to be non-essential and was eliminated. A years severance package and a handshake. Much more than the kick in the ass she deserved for being a bitch to so many people over the years. Going away "party" next week!

The coven is now dismantled.

If I could restructure Cambridge after having experience with Quest nationally. The first person to get axed would be that lazy bossy ignorant pig of a GETTS rep that never works and pushes her job onto others. All the reps hate her. Most of the reps out of cambrigde suck too. Quest reps don't sell- they service.... Wow turnaround, they are doing something wrong. My advice- shut down Cambridge get out of dodge and join teterboro. Oh and my second pick for a lay off would be that leach of a makeshift previous GETTS rep distric manager who has hung around without doing anything for years and managed keeping a job! She can't manage people, and is the laziest as& loser I've ever experienced- shes lost more accounts than you can imagine- just ask the drs in RI' half of them dont even know her! So my two picks to start cleaning house are the current GETTS rep and previous GETTS now turned mgr. What a joke your business unit is.

If I could restructure Cambridge after having experience with Quest nationally. The first person to get axed would be that lazy bossy ignorant pig of a GETTS rep that never works and pushes her job onto others. All the reps hate her. Most of the reps out of cambrigde suck too. Quest reps don't sell- they service.... Wow turnaround, they are doing something wrong. My advice- shut down Cambridge get out of dodge and join teterboro. Oh and my second pick for a lay off would be that leach of a makeshift previous GETTS rep distric manager who has hung around without doing anything for years and managed keeping a job! She can't manage people, and is the laziest as& loser I've ever experienced- shes lost more accounts than you can imagine- just ask the drs in RI' half of them dont even know her! So my two picks to start cleaning house are the current GETTS rep and previous GETTS now turned mgr. What a joke your business unit is.

It's GETS with one "T" you stupid idiot.

You sound like an ignorant and angry girl.

The Massachusettts marketplace is crazy there are way too many labs here. If cambridge could win some hospital labs and their outreach clients things would be o.k.. umass is doing this right under our nose so i think we are behind the 8 ball already.
Trust me umass is failing. They have done so many underhanded shady things, not to mention the outreach idiot director who has never had sales job inher life. Umass will be the sinking ship inthe future. Look at all the trouble they are in with three soon to. Be 4 atty gen.

It's GETS with one "T" you stupid idiot.

You sound like an ignorant and angry girl.

Wow who nailed that one on the head. We talking about lazy demanding bit&chy jayme? Every manufacturer and sales reps passed despise that fat pit bull. She is the ladt person Id put infront of a client!!! L O S E R not a fan.

Did they find a replacment to grind up and scapegoat yet? Some new underling has to be found to "pay' for all of the mismanagment at the top of DGX.

Well he's been here for a while boys. Anyone got a opinion on his performance? I personally like his hands on approach to leadership. Makes it easy to get to know him. He can be hard at times, but if you give him your all and take care of your work duties by performing to the needs asked for the position and he's like a M.M. But I wonder how his staff in Wallingford is handled when he's there? Maybe Quest is grinding him up over the two territory's but it don't show.

Well he's been here for a while boys. Anyone got a opinion on his performance? I personally like his hands on approach to leadership. Makes it easy to get to know him. He can be hard at times, but if you give him your all and take care of your work duties by performing to the needs asked for the position and he's like a M.M. But I wonder how his staff in Wallingford is handled when he's there? Maybe Quest is grinding him up over the two territory's but it don't show.

So everything is fixed again? We are once again the jewel of all the BUs?