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I know that things have to be getting better with UHS now. When things reach the bottom there are only 2 ways to go- straight along the bottom or UP. So let's hope that the good employees at UHS will not tolerate letting things remain "status quo", but will insist that the company makes the changes necessary to correct things.
Also, as a poster, I have not answered my own posts, but replied to those from other folks. Some people have been thoughtful and witty with their replies while others have been naughty with personal attacks (when they have been unable to come up with a pithy response) and unable to stand their own in a battle of wits.
Now let's everyone go out and enjoy this last day of the holiday weekend. I, as a 50 something retired person, am able to enjoy life at the beach where everyday is a holiday.

I know that things have to be getting better with UHS now. When things reach the bottom there are only 2 ways to go- straight along the bottom or UP. So let's hope that the good employees at UHS will not tolerate letting things remain "status quo", but will insist that the company makes the changes necessary to correct things.
Also, as a poster, I have not answered my own posts, but replied to those from other folks. Some people have been thoughtful and witty with their replies while others have been naughty with personal attacks (when they have been unable to come up with a pithy response) and unable to stand their own in a battle of wits.
Now let's everyone go out and enjoy this last day of the holiday weekend. I, as a 50 something retired person, am able to enjoy life at the beach where everyday is a holiday.

You are pithy, I give you that. Unless you inherited a trust fund, you would live in a beach shack, as nobody, not even the finest BS artist, would have enough earnings from UHS to be retired at your alleged age. I hope you win your bet for most posts, as you are pathetic and must be bored catching waves.

You are pithy, I give you that. Unless you inherited a trust fund, you would live in a beach shack, as nobody, not even the finest BS artist, would have enough earnings from UHS to be retired at your alleged age. I hope you win your bet for most posts, as you are pathetic and must be bored catching waves.

Yes thanks to your reply I did win the bet- so thanks for the help. As far as being able to retire when I did, I do come from a family that is "quite comfortable" and has partially been behind my ability to retire. Another reason, as I noted earlier, is that my wife was a partner in a rather large law firm, who also retired and works only as she wants. Also there are no "beach shacks" where we live, but nice places with oceanview decks. Keep working and maybe you will be able to one day retire and spend your days with your feet in the water (probably a river). Thanks so much everyone for the day of deep sea fishing. All I gotta provide now is the beer.

Yes thanks to your reply I did win the bet- so thanks for the help. As far as being able to retire when I did, I do come from a family that is "quite comfortable" and has partially been behind my ability to retire. Another reason, as I noted earlier, is that my wife was a partner in a rather large law firm, who also retired and works only as she wants. Also there are no "beach shacks" where we live, but nice places with oceanview decks. Keep working and maybe you will be able to one day retire and spend your days with your feet in the water (probably a river). Thanks so much everyone for the day of deep sea fishing. All I gotta provide now is the beer.

Dear Pinoccio. Your nose is growing. I am not retired yet but in 5 years I will have my two homes paid for in the East and enjoy year round summers. In the North May thru October, and East Coast Florida the remaining members months. I never married into money, but I did do it on my own. UHS helped me start, but the last 8 years away from UHS have been unbelievable from an earnings point of view.

Yes thanks to your reply I did win the bet- so thanks for the help. As far as being able to retire when I did, I do come from a family that is "quite comfortable" and has partially been behind my ability to retire. Another reason, as I noted earlier, is that my wife was a partner in a rather large law firm, who also retired and works only as she wants. Also there are no "beach shacks" where we live, but nice places with oceanview decks. Keep working and maybe you will be able to one day retire and spend your days with your feet in the water (probably a river). Thanks so much everyone for the day of deep sea fishing. All I gotta provide now is the beer.

You will need 3 times current post to catch the resignations post. Fuzzy math!

Dear Pinoccio. Your nose is growing. I am not retired yet but in 5 years I will have my two homes paid for in the East and enjoy year round summers. In the North May thru October, and East Coast Florida the remaining members months. I never married into money, but I did do it on my own. UHS helped me start, but the last 8 years away from UHS have been unbelievable from an earnings point of view.

Both of you are being big on words, but that is all these lines of bleep are. I hope both sides f you enjoy your pretend worlds. I am going to Disneyworld n

Dear Pinoccio. Your nose is growing. I am not retired yet but in 5 years I will have my two homes paid for in the East and enjoy year round summers. In the North May thru October, and East Coast Florida the remaining members months. I never married into money, but I did do it on my own. UHS helped me start, but the last 8 years away from UHS have been unbelievable from an earnings point of view.

I am very glad you have been successful since leaving UHS. Financial independence does tend to make life more enjoyable, but not always happier. I did enjoy working at UHS. Sure, the comp plan was never fully articulated to us AEs, and goals never revealed until deep into the year. But I enjoyed meeting with my customers and working side-by-side with the ops team.

You must work in operations, the bet was on replies....not reads

Thanks much for the defense. You are 100% correct, the bet was on total replies. Also, my responses could only be actual responses to replies posted by others.
I knew that I could "push the buttons" of some people to guarantee their continued replies. I just utilized the skills that helped be a good salesman- knowing human nature.
I will toast everyone who posted a reply while enjoying my free day fishing off the coast.

Both of you are being big on words, but that is all these lines of bleep are. I hope both sides f you enjoy your pretend worlds. I am going to Disneyworld n

Go ahead and tell yourself that if it makes your life easier. However, the truth is all I have posted from my situation to my best wishes to all those at UHS who make it a good company still (those actually working in the field).
Enjoy Disneyworld

Dear Pinoccio. Your nose is growing. I am not retired yet but in 5 years I will have my two homes paid for in the East and enjoy year round summers. In the North May thru October, and East Coast Florida the remaining members months. I never married into money, but I did do it on my own. UHS helped me start, but the last 8 years away from UHS have been unbelievable from an earnings point of view.

I can appreciate having a more northern home in which to escape the sauna-like days of August. An escape is definitely nice. We have a family home that my parents had built in the beautiful mountains of eastern Tennessee where we often go to escape the heat. It is a beautiful location in the Fall of the year as well. From there we can enjoy both fishing and hunting.
Enjoy your homes that success has allowed you to own. I'm sure that your tenure at UHS helped make them possible.
Those who have posted "naughty" replies have the type of outlook that will probably not make this lifestyle possible.

I can appreciate having a more northern home in which to escape the sauna-like days of August. An escape is definitely nice. We have a family home that my parents had builtor in the beautiful mountains of eastern Tennessee where we often go to escape the heat. It is a beautiful location in the Fall of the year as well. From there we can enjoy both fishing and hunting.

Those who have posted "naughty" r have the type of outlook that will probably not make this lifestyle possible.[/QUOT
This guy is hilarious. I can see where his line of BS would be helpful selling. It takes BS to be able to talk about 360 or wound care with a straight face. Never mind having good sales-operations teamwork. Too fantastic

I can appreciate having a more northern home in which to escape the sauna-like days of August. An escape is definitely nice. We have a family home that my parents had builtor in the beautiful mountains of eastern Tennessee where we often go to escape the heat. It is a beautiful location in the Fall of the year as well. From there we can enjoy both fishing and hunting.

Those who have posted "naughty" r have the type of outlook that will probably not make this lifestyle possible.[/QUOT
This guy is hilarious. I can see where his line of BS would be helpful selling. It takes BS to be able to talk about 360 or wound care with a straight face. Never mind having good sales-operations teamwork. Too fantastic

The truth factor for this entire thread is 20 percent which is about right for cafe pharma. This is like Lifetime B movies where either the guy or gal are 20 percent of what they pretend to be thru the first 10 min.

The truth factor for this entire thread is 20 percent which is about right for cafe pharma. This is like Lifetime B movies where either the guy or gal are 20 percent of what they pretend to be thru the first 10 min.

A Lifetime movie comparison!!! Really!! This poster is either a female, a single male who needs help, or a husband who watches what his wife wants. Either is fine, I am not making a judgement here.
Your 20% guess is off the mark. I have been honest, that is the best way to get people to respond, being honest. Maybe you are not honest with others? Maybe if you would try being honest and having more faith in your fellow man, you would not have to spend your evenings alone watching Lifetime movies. Go out and improve your social skills and you can move up to watching network TV

A Lifetime movie comparison!!! Really!! This poster is either a female, a single male who needs help, or a husband who watches what his wife wants. Either is fine, I am not making a judgement here.
Your 20% guess is off the mark. I have been honest, that is the best way to get people to respond, being honest. Maybe you are not honest with others? Maybe if you would try being honest and having more faith in your fellow man, you would not have to spend your evenings alone watching Lifetime movies. Go out and improve your social skills and you can move up to watching network TV

Dude. You got too much time on your hands. What a Douche Canoe.

Dude. You got too much time on your hands. What a Douche Canoe.

What a snarky retort. I imagine you must just be jealous about my being able to spend my time however I wish. I did my share of 3 shift inservices and making my share of rounds promoting NPWT devices. Develop a positive "can do" attitude and keep your "nose to the grindstone" and hopefully you will be able to retire and enjoy life before turning 80. But please refrain from such naughty name calling, it emphasizes your deficit with the English language.