IMO... Darren Doerr and Tony Bonacorso are like stage 4 cancer to this company. Ever since Tony became a RM or an AM for that matter, he's thought he's had the secret to success. He spends all of his time investing in the Detroit rep to make her successful then uses her as an example for success saying "she follows my direction!". The guy talks about his years as a TM like he's always had the juice. His methods don't work, neither do Darren's. The best thing we can continue to do is just nod and say yes while doing things our own way. Of course they will always take the credit for the successes and condemn you for the failures. (Holding you accountable for the failures of THEIR action plans!). If you are interviewing for a TM position and you are will be working under Tony, all I can tell you is to end the interviewing process and find another opportunity immediately. Whatever they tell you that you will make in commission is grossly inflated and nowhere near accurate, after 90 days he will threaten to put you on an action plan or fire you... monthly. My marriage counseling alone because of this guy will probably be the end of me financially. This company focuses on top line growth at all costs. Sliding scale monthly commission plan, hire more reps to keep reps in lower commission tier, lower commission pay outs means more money for the company, Darren looks like the man, everyone else in the field struggles. When the company sells or IPO's, Darren and his cronies cash out their stock options and ride off into the sunset and leave a wake of destruction upon the broken backs of all of the reps that whore'd themselves out for years like good little soldiers to upper management. I have no problem working long hours, nights, and weekends, but lets not get this confused with what they want from you... They want you out there panning for gold! They want you hunting for cases all day everyday, not leaving it up to surgeon discretion or suggestion. I've never in my life put myself in such a position of risk like I have with this company. The amount of time I spend in the OR checking the boards looking for cases while sticking my neck out to be banned from these hospitals is absolutely insane. Even if you do manage to dodge that bullet, you're constantly being told to sell more, and guess what?!?... Next month, you start from zero and get to do it all over again! Bottomline, If there is an open wound, paper cut up to the size of a cannonball, put ACell on it and tell them it will heal! Tony's favorite line is "For the patient!"... I'm starting to think he nicknamed himself "The Patient".
ha. yup!