What reps think of acell

What reps think of ACell. We are told we have the hardest job in the business. We don’t make enough money. We are told to work on nights and weekends. If we do well our territory will be slashed to make room for new hires. We can’t ever grow so that we will make enough money. Anyone see a problem with this plan?

I’ll hit my quota this year and make $120k.... which is the lowest I’ve made in 10 years but much better than the average rep here. Pay is garbage for 95% of the reps. Good people leave before they get a real chance and more are leaving shortly. most of my training class already left for higher paying jobs.

And the company can’t seem to figure out why the turnover at acell is 3X higher than other med device companies? Who’s the person designing the compensation structure? Do they have any clue what other companies pay? Why is the pay so low for year 1 and year 2? This place is a train wreck with zero strategy but that’s what you get when the decision makers have ZERO experience before joining the dysfunctional world of acell

Dubble D told his boy not to take an associate because it will result in his territory getting slashed. Word is out. Do not push too hard for growth or you will get slashed. Just put it on cruise control. It’s over for this company just wait and see.

When the person in charge has no business experience dont be surprised when bad decisions are made. Being friendly and funny doesn’t make someone qualified or competent.... but that’s what we have here..... A goofy clown pretending to be a strategic business leader. It’s not going to end well.

We all see a problem with the person that appointed director of sales. We’re all pissed (except his buddies) that someone so simple minded and with absolutely no experience is winging it when our livelihoods are at stake. What the heck are we doing y’all? If we hit our sales goals this year it has NOTHING to do with the simple minded guy over seeing us. We’re all disgusted that he gets an ounce of credit.

Ding! Ding! Ding! You are correct on this one. Everyone is pissed that this bonehead is in charge of anything. Can we give everyone an IQ test? Bet this guy lands in the bottom 10%. Noooo doubt.

Leadership is such a joke. I can’t wait for the sales meeting they are going to act like this year was a great accomplishment and credit the doofus with the mustachio. Probably he will be the first repeat winner of passion. But the reps are starving. Just wait til the hiring spree hits. No good rep is going to want to work here. Also next year won’t be such a party.

My new manager in the panhandle says he is the top manager in the whole country because he talks to the CEO like all the time. The CEO called to congratulate him already on being the top manager. I’m just like WOW you know it’s all pretty incredible.

I have an offer in hand, but this company sounds like a disaster. Manager is telling me $180-220 gig. Is that realistic, or is that place just a dumpster fire?
Appreciate the truthful comments as I realize this a platform to bitch.

I suggest you ask the hiring manager for the commission rates, ask your base salary, ask what the total revenue for the company is, and ask how many sales territories there are. You will want all of that in writing. Then grab a calculator and pour yourself a bourbon.

I have an offer in hand, but this company sounds like a disaster. Manager is telling me $180-220 gig. Is that realistic, or is that place just a dumpster fire?
Appreciate the truthful comments as I realize this a platform to bitch.

It’s only real if the territory is already doing over $1.1M a year in existing business and you grow it to $1.4M in 2020. Oh, and ask for evidence that it’s tracking to do $1.1M in 2019.

It’s only real if the territory is already doing over $1.1M a year in existing business and you grow it to $1.4M in 2020. Oh, and ask for evidence that it’s tracking to do $1.1M in 2019.

Appreciate the insight and advice. I’ll see if I can get a pulse on that. Manager said there was some things in the pipeline but couldn’t speak to specifics due to Med Affairs. Any truth to that or all lip service?

Appreciate the insight and advice. I’ll see if I can get a pulse on that. Manager said there was some things in the pipeline but couldn’t speak to specifics due to Med Affairs. Any truth to that or all lip service?
Managers sometimes read this board. Good luck moving on in the process. Likely not moving forward once they figure it out. Good luck somewhere else

Managers sometimes read this board. Good luck moving on in the process. Likely not moving forward once they figure it out. Good luck somewhere else

Got the offer, manager said the territory is pacing at $50k/month in sales. Based on the company plan that’s well below the first stated upside. I’m gonna pass on it unless I can get at least a first year guarantee.

I was told I’d make $200k my first year. I’m going to hit my quota and make $140k. What a bunch of BS. They lie to everyone and say $180k or $200k. Like most of my colleagues, I’m already interviewing. This place is a mess and we can’t wait to leave.

btw, the turnover rate here is 5 times higher than a typical med device company because they lie about pay, constantly cut geographies, and don’t give you the tools you need to sell. We have far less studies and cases to share today than when I started. Things are constantly getting pulled.

I was told I’d make $200k my first year. I’m going to hit my quota and make $140k. What a bunch of BS. They lie to everyone and say $180k or $200k. Like most of my colleagues, I’m already interviewing. This place is a mess and we can’t wait to leave.

btw, the turnover rate here is 5 times higher than a typical med device company because they lie about pay, constantly cut geographies, and don’t give you the tools you need to sell. We have far less studies and cases to share today than when I started. Things are constantly getting pulled.

Now, add the utter lack of innovation and the impending patent expiration of the solitary piece of "technology" sustaining this company to the stew.