What reps think of acell

Acell is a distributor in every way except for benefits. Managers tell reps they are disposable and easily replaced. Just ask the long time top performers if they are taken care of.

But - you must admit - he is a fun Dude, and he fits the ACell Leadership Profile, and the HR written Leadership Competency....he just gets it done and hits his number.

So - If you other complainers would just buckle down, listen to you leadership and at least hit your number - let alone exceed it like the Southeast - you would be enjoying the life D is as well. Then everything just seems to lighten up.... more programs, more approvals or shows.

So get off your ass and do what Patrick, Bill and Ed are demanding.

Get It Done!

i can tell you what competitive reps think of Acell...bottom feeders of the regenerative niche w a shite product ‘most’ surgeons laugh at. I emphasize most because at least your company is smart enough to sign a few KOL’s and buy your way into the market. I’m willing to bet the majority of Acell reps make pharma money at best, but hey, it’s still cool to wear scrubs to work every day!!

I wouldn't put ACell in the bottom feeder category. Company definitely has a lot to iron out but It is a solid and dependable technology. Any moron can read the studies and see that. Personally I think the tip of the iceberg has been uncovered on the directions this can go. "Most surgeons laugh at?" That in statement is something I laugh at. Ten years in the market with continued growth. If it was a "shite product", it wouldn't still be around. So you are obviously a competitor that is surfing this thread for a number of reasons. Slander being a high contender for starts. But I can guess other reasons why. It is obvious to anyone looking in on the sidelines. Let me guess who this is.

I wouldn't put ACell in the bottom feeder category. Company definitely has a lot to iron out but It is a solid and dependable technology. Any moron can read the studies and see that. Personally I think the tip of the iceberg has been uncovered on the directions this can go. "Most surgeons laugh at?" That in statement is something I laugh at. Ten years in the market with continued growth. If it was a "shite product", it wouldn't still be around. So you are obviously a competitor that is surfing this thread for a number of reasons. Slander being a high contender for starts. But I can guess other reasons why. It is obvious to anyone looking in on the sidelines. Let me guess who this is.

Definitely bottom feeder category, and why do I know this? Because bottoms feeders eat shit. Or in this case take the low hanging fruit scraps that are left over for you. Bottom feeder shit scraps you can have because it’s not worth my time.

As for clinical studies? Any moron can read a study, get brainwashed by the company that it was actually a positive outcome, but in all reality was skewed and spinned to appear that way and not see through all the BS. I’ve seen your studies and they wreak of weak. Tell me where you have any head-to-head data VS any half ass competitor and maybe I’ll agree with you. Until you show me something better than Acrap VS SOC, wet to drys, or whatever that may be-your data sucks!

Yes, the surgeons I work with do laugh at you...mainly because the reps calling on them seem desperate for another opportunity to prove the so called great technology you speak of works, but in all reality won’t give them another shot due to getting burned one too many times. They come back to me all the time. Use Acell? Mine as well amputate comes to mind.

Acrap reps and managers get so defensive when they get called out on there ‘shite’. As for being on the sidelines, simply not the case my friend. In all actuality it’s the game I’m dominating and you’re the one begging to get subbed in.

The Florida manager is an embarrassing doofus. He has major anger issues, 4 arrests, has been completely inappropriate with reps and Surgeons, and sells off-label all the time. That’s illegal and DD is liable. They should both be in jail. Can we reuse their previous mug shots?

I couldn’t agree more with this post.

Definitely bottom feeder category, and why do I know this? Because bottoms feeders eat shit. Or in this case take the low hanging fruit scraps that are left over for you. Bottom feeder shit scraps you can have because it’s not worth my time.

As for clinical studies? Any moron can read a study, get brainwashed by the company that it was actually a positive outcome, but in all reality was skewed and spinned to appear that way and not see through all the BS. I’ve seen your studies and they wreak of weak. Tell me where you have any head-to-head data VS any half ass competitor and maybe I’ll agree with you. Until you show me something better than Acrap VS SOC, wet to drys, or whatever that may be-your data sucks!

Yes, the surgeons I work with do laugh at you...mainly because the reps calling on them seem desperate for another opportunity to prove the so called great technology you speak of works, but in all reality won’t give them another shot due to getting burned one too many times. They come back to me all the time. Use Acell? Mine as well amputate comes to mind.

Acrap reps and managers get so defensive when they get called out on there ‘shite’. As for being on the sidelines, simply not the case my friend. In all actuality it’s the game I’m dominating and you’re the one begging to get subbed in.

My point exactly. Begs the question of why you are still here posting. Keep grinding that axe.

i can tell you what competitive reps think of Acell...bottom feeders of the regenerative niche w a shite product ‘most’ surgeons laugh at. I emphasize most because at least your company is smart enough to sign a few KOL’s and buy your way into the market. I’m willing to bet the majority of Acell reps make pharma money at best, but hey, it’s still cool to wear scrubs to work every day!!

Oh I’m sure this is from a sorry butt hurt Integra rep. Probably upset I went into their territory and knocked out 50% of their business. Sorry tool, your cow and shark combo is old news. People are tired of the incompetence and lack of knowledge your bottom feeder reps spew out of their mouths

Oh I’m sure this is from a sorry butt hurt Integra rep. Probably upset I went into their territory and knocked out 50% of their business. Sorry tool, your cow and shark combo is old news. People are tired of the incompetence and lack of knowledge your bottom feeder reps spew out of their mouths

Please indulge me as to how you stole 50% of Integra’s business. I do my best to avoid the cases that Acell can’t provide value on and stick with the particulate where applicable and other things like pelvic floor and more superficial stuff. Even got some things going in the NICU and other crazy cases. But Integra I’ve never really gone after Integra...those docs seem wrapped up. Do tell!

Welcome to the clown show. Guess how many combined years of medical device experience the director of sales and regional managers have prior to acell??? Let’s just say that I have more experience in the industry that the 6 of them combined. DD was a drunk golf caddy before acell. No joke. Oh, and he didn’t graduate college (too much partying. Anyone surprised by this?). Not my opinion people. These are facts.

So true. I haven’t been at acell very long but it’s clearly a mess. Already looking for a new job. My mistake. Moving on as fast as possible

Oh I’m sure this is from a sorry butt hurt Integra rep. Probably upset I went into their territory and knocked out 50% of their business. Sorry tool, your cow and shark combo is old news. People are tired of the incompetence and lack of knowledge your bottom feeder reps spew out of their mouths

Woh woh woh hold up up just a hot minute here. Did you just say what I think you said? There’s no way in gods name you stole any of Integra’s business. Your POS technology couldn’t hold a candle to Integra. Name the territory for confirmation or your full of shit. Until then take your worthless pig graft and eat the corn out of my shit.

Oh I’m sure this is from a sorry butt hurt Integra rep. Probably upset I went into their territory and knocked out 50% of their business. Sorry tool, your cow and shark combo is old news. People are tired of the incompetence and lack of knowledge your bottom feeder reps spew out of their mouths

Woh woh woh, hold up just a hot minute here. You didn’t just say what I think you said (did he)? There’s no way in gods green earth you remotely stole any business from Integra. Name the territory for confirmation or your full of shite. Your POS Acrap pig graft couldn’t hold a candle to Integra. I’ll be waiting for your response. In the meantime you can eat the corn out of my shit.

When you’re elite, you’re a target. The critics pounce on every flaw and the caricatures are always exaggerated.

sounds like someone googled “critics”. A very profound copy and paste but far from accurate in this situation. The director is sales is the furthest thing from elite....... and most his cronies are rump kissing half-wits that will struggle to find other jobs when the ACeLL party ends, especially those with arrest records or who have been accused of inappropriate behavior like racism and unwanted advances toward a fellow male employee that reports directly to him. (Yep! That happened and it’s going to get out soon. And this time it wasn’t Kevin Spacey)

sounds like someone googled “critics”. A very profound copy and paste but far from accurate in this situation. The director is sales is the furthest thing from elite....... and most his cronies are rump kissing half-wits that will struggle to find other jobs when the ACeLL party ends, especially those with arrest records or who have been accused of inappropriate behavior like racism and unwanted advances toward a fellow male employee that reports directly to him. (Yep! That happened and it’s going to get out soon. And this time it wasn’t Kevin Spacey)

^^^Spill the tea.